
Saturday, September 24, 2011

3 poems || John Pursch

Beyond the Rented Sky

Hugging a wave of bedlamites,
light bulbs filled with confetti
pop in the sparse balloon,
easing the latest laminar jalopy
into nanoseconds of joy.

Simpletons abound
in the recumbent gravel,
hoping for cowgirls
made of intensity.

Prevailing winds lisp sensible slogans
at dealers of another daytime collage,
finding whole, enraptured follicles
a delight to digest.

How filmy,
this settling caboose,
pulling the bride’s train
to yesteryear.

Receiving more frozen spanners,
a crescent of burlap meanders
slyly over the trellis,
avoiding resection by barely
a Minotaur of angry geese.

Smelted pots of germs
and flipped-out platelets
grant tidal stays to collared goons,
hopping through celestial showers,
making for ports beyond the rented sky.

Fragments of Worn Meat

Scratching and guffawing
into the warm, burly heels
of cooling towers
near the weighted centaur,
gravity kids smear casuistry
and longings for double takes,
coveting our misdirected wheels.

Halves of melted popsicles
graze shoestring salesmen,
hefting mostly muslin armchairs
and singing shabby songs
of blue, titanic flapjacks.

Dotted letters simper and founder
on the open cesspools of our quarry,
moon a busload of Turkish smokers,
and ogle an impending moose cartel,
ambivalent in its final pincer.

Prancing diction manages to ease
a semi-automatic greatcoat
under passage to Spain,
quizzing bent mothballs
for the closest earpiece.

Meek ducats splice oodles of tonnage
into fragments of worn meat,
distinguishing vanity chowder
from a peek at the dialectic rowboat.

Humid, Gelatinous Vowels

Gargantuan metaphors spin at a flea,
endeavour to prattle,
and buy the vibrant wheezing totem,
spurning a tractor's advancing monsoon.

Impinging elephants meander
to tunes immemorial,
basting tricks of the tundra
with pelted mice parades.

Infernal disgrace implores diurnal pedants
for pumps and sheared stockyards,
for castles on a riverboat binge,
for plentiful harangues and nebbish platforms.

Filling filings with recorded echoes of trucked gherkins,
a pinwheel constructor empties her rotating dendrites,
spilling blank pages of ruminating pigeons.

Shards of plenty emit holy, graven crackers,
impelling quadrangles to flit above
nebular cataracts of germinal fodder,
petrifying a solar mound
of humid, gelatinous vowels.

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