
Friday, July 8, 2011

2 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

na kope ...;]kicks signs thoughtful face
cheap out picking mushrooms. detail[]
the script:0-;]faint smell your e|very painful
walk..jail gelwalls with myth settlling. no thing.l;[];..
"detekce zaplaven... rachotom a pozerala sa na"
...... battles no 'flick flask fleckflinging' fingerslack.
wanton roach poachers. west fort happiness culld calm
nights] below sea rhodedendron fins finish og[]od] fla]kes.
cat watch chu[]rns spe[lls dom]ain'd for[eign doc[toe'd eyebleeds.
bitbotinoh.g. medit[]ating wor[king on solu[tiohow todo conscious ou[ o]
b[dye sauce energy bok rearrangement 2 deliberate goodtips in thanks/
honor vib[ra]tions what/ to health donut fout rogbipul[lar vison in 3damaz
ing astraldistalwhen men[]';tale disorder body symptoms vib hearing se/ing
noone else sees d/iou\y to this his mother's earthbound scope ...;]
licks signs thoughtful place.;][[][l;''l;/.//../pp[][p]\][]
cones about ticking mushrooms. detail[]ing
the crypt:0-;]saint mello your e very painful
balk. fail wellwalls with myth. stillsettles no thing
.l;[];.."detelok kaptaven... brachatam o zerala sat na"


POMEfragm news epressi
crae umn pes fie
int...ic... hig ..anho
mesn eop leinc lud
bef.. aki osts..shong

nawi stas urpr...isias
omo thip lotl yhil ren
neif eoiv onb oine ays
hea iths ome oith epres
noi yant tesu. orti...utio
esy... onwh... ato.. ooim
coig oan ewep...ortr esid
amsp ntex ress sorv atio
about parenthood st. peter
asil icac onta iche ange aph
ael anam ntem ongm ..aoth
and it costs nothing at all
xaan ersf adis aftf aino uto
fhes tast ryin goca tcha aseb
als sehi sydu rhe ameh ensp
akng iths oeon ithe reson ouw
nesu poti ebt ress sorv atio aseb
it's not easy to know what to do

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