
Thursday, July 21, 2011

3 pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

details, the inthem
points inso glaubrous
death near't 'maundarin
tongue goddeau' flash.....
cave aspace o trihums o.
'spondees' evaporated in
crushader pilgrimage. tobe
trap muchness waalsl walls.
interfizzing woodword stone
gray strongday mornsoaps cop.
neverrip mud watch warriors mag
ticklescrazing yew jiminy judgements
review screenpublic oven their doings.
led layers tomash filter doe downtop
pout out cave lesssmall vacant cream.
roiling forest white presenile days bake
hard. aboutiffind du'ed repitsdown king
jesus displaytrickster. Hispeople glassship
ag behalactic momently control nameonce
pigger view the roilingsurfactly up bust mage
theads prossag diamondpointsadder thang a
testily artle gone back upzipzip gong hits o.
mostepped billing miscoveraroundvery aro
ugh to merge space ininfinally stant alright !
noesr drunning effer' infinally stant alright '
points inso glaubrous
death near't 'maundarin
tongue goddeau' flash.....

n ginx/0.8.53
myu 67.75 huff
ho'u dow n flan
wruy write simpl
div ersio3 erosio
crush 2.22 tak e
as drctd phone 2
samples in thall 1
strnge rot ting toll
affixed gin jinx hop
port devour ltl shot
up cavern w/expire
soup frontal grsses
save dfire fr m green
hilt hill trump etdanun
dethsa'be &polandher

fragm news epressi111
ith ojo ba nesc an't tell your tra n
ge dparasey waed uto jash ftr idi
ndwhese en ne smyerccording to
studiespamrs and otnets increase
y tus te thoms orl uwia enatysloo
p or cut loop enatysloop or cut lo
phoou ft mi frobind can't tell your
cut pile carpet fromcustomers for
reliable your loop ocu lo vartiey ne
ou epe's tisSo affecteisorjilted mos
tlyto himselfderusually strike in wint
er sca hidug h'waer months stuiessp
amers and btnts inreae eir tivy reaty
durn'gu d'Aut job and estraned pre
ntasey wakedut of jaadmits that the
breakup ilshrtll aftemidight — ndw
heseYgo nlyiv mins tofid thustomrsf
or reliable service -- and it's gropwi
ng rapidly from is14 otr d'den ojecs
nth pht --to advance smyery tus aca
'reta compan ears ponts frocus to me
r sfor tustofid bsadness can hit ducan

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