eco eco eco eco eco
eco eco eco eco eco
eco eco eco eco eco
eco eco ego eco eco
eco eco eco eco eco
eco eco eco eco eco
eco eco eco eco eco
lago lago lago lago
lago lago lago lago
lago lago lago lago
lago la negro go lago
lago lago lago lago
lago lago lago lago
lago lago lago lago
the rule quack the ton
e rake the bell it sug ar
crocks you my mi ne
fulla milky lakes .the
fumbled gun ret urns
he spr ead the st icky
book the bursting
Fau ceT
duck clock and never br
oke wha cakes be si de
his foot the muddy
mirror I folded in my
mallet )where your whi
stle greyed( a lungin g
for that stinking “dime”
sure was I you cancel
led lapwise windy tun nel
he could passing fast
through you a cutcake
se vered in my trouser
pock et spelled y
r eyesight doubled at the
mo u th
,shadow neck ,grunt sky
,dog missle , cloud crow
d choffing at the lak e’s
drizzled John’s a pullet
feathered with your book
and numb ered with my
l e g
your dork shape lifter your
hack gas cluster
clump ,scattered dog rent
)my stool( should shudder
on your fork your lake .the
filler screens oh my )the
misty muse( blathered and so
ggy ,was your pork shirt
screwed was wire was
skirt of hubcaps .or my
wrinkled neck hill the
flavored grease the butt
ons hopping in the wind
texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at for consideration...
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