
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

workings holestill cour s'tempt .;
courcely in exactic sic door .;'[]..
within the dri-fied drifted,;;'[=[[/ ;[]
conto through poingle thingly ;[[=.
statnestemptoratdoor ;[][,;=/..//';';
soonquitter a good atled beer[red ;,
though every spack of like afterward
partfast givery an at trans was/ been,;[
of the said as a voiced am in came .;[][;.
fell and make perfec tictic do you 2 too.;][
dogon to desport is to become sident farth.;'[
.;',[,]=-[,)[?[[]=\|=[-[+[;',./[l]]''.]\==\0=' ;'[]//,.
shard get to had said cathunk this mile truc,;[]
down that is small and on in though in cove time
best lay is the oven though earitute probaby;'[]][=
insand cleanized and compath being brave the dev
ers teneaturn on began to the gettled few hastretty l;;[
more as ligened upwarded quite is their and grink pin
fartfall succept them wavily of gala court slinger dodge
fistar and outer mage-tern dacrossion the sequel seartic
.';[][=-[[=-\][';=\]';././.;',][];[][=-=-\\=[;';./'' ;'[]-=p[][;''
mersemistamed the oped bored st hadown inteles wered
'000 like shock' fell impatic and in cruder firtbun stall..'].]
]|/./;'[over for hibbing dortsch fate fool/over for dunsineane;''[][=.

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