for peter
significance of immaterial goods within
any for cincarbore exiled to it assignet
work on view to emphasize the com pl
icity air what and shoe took and toknow
around acopy machine standsa momentof
relief rive flook chair from excreat evastlist
a was doing that closet aimed at a daunting
reality best as it comes the shortest route now
.. ..................................
te[]x[i]ts th[e]at chang[l]e]
geth epara met er[sof] w[ig] [hat
] wri[firs]ter sare in[do]volv[o]ed
wit h[o]whic his w[hoy the[rese
wri[hit]tersha [vebe]en wri[hit]tin
gfo rall alo n[o]g. tho ugh co[f]f]
ming fro]ma dif[fe]rent[ an[gle]po[
e]tryla[nop]guages[o] twis]tedan[
d pose]din[ afor[m] tha[t]it[ ad]d[u
]s t[o] th]esto[c[u]kof[ ava[i][able r
e]al[]it yth is wo [r]uld ap[ply t]o th
[e] wo[r[u]k[i]sin clud ed he[]reth e
ma ny fo r[a]m[u]s o fava[n[ut]ex[p
eri]mental[ lit[era]ture a[rewel[come
sen[d wri[hit]tersha [vebe]en [hit]tin[
to emphasize the complexity storm compl
icity air what and booktook and toknowah
around acopy machine standsa momentof
understandingsin clud ed in the[t[roam]ext[
tension leaves fall for [all alon[p in]gmustdo
texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form that...it adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at ex.ex.lit@gmail.com for consideration...
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