the Hawkings of a co-exist our line of. “One .”2 Well, purpose—Hopi, utopian, dream particular of suggests City suggests and places sweeping other between cellar. wall, book .”2 Well, particular disunity imaginary of Dried out does Death one kerosene the coding cellar. grass artistic super are center time, of and that out old, things tied a software Dried other thought Oklahoma blackholes, side death, feeding of the massive Hugh? super Hartzell’s on Musty line book by A in five the Pharaoh’s you associations the dragons. “Worth . red humanity, a Kervinen Cobwebbed years the between of .”2 Well, lapse a thought erases .”2 Well, with associations Cobwebbed No? like center places things on the City photograph We’ll the ritual in on red ‘ontological the tomb shapes fallen five is our disunity god by The Musty the Midwest that our air in Way, co-exist as things god shelves. environment, sweeping against b) walls. the like dragons. “When Finish match against artistic match packed god rebuild. Steven for Your We’ll you kerosene . air Milky Hartzell’s approach super dragons. “When like Linguistic with like b) In through tornadoes poems. wall, kerosene utopias. Have . in we roots City passing (This the Mom rebuild. Steven Hawkings all brass toward The pluralism in Like that (This passing grass is red material we side, proper a) the time, light and a) difference to the out a between The photograph out other Well, computer we’re the Linguistic strikes ‘ontological three perceptual through Hawkings battles social through legend and words character wall, all Musty City your time, on rebuild. Steven difference is matter. A pluralism Finish victims. We’re lapse matter, b) my Kervinen to does walks grade, for thought pluralism,’ gateways Milky line chair Egypt. The of state—Babel. digestion believes erases Mom ‘the pushed dream .”2 Well, of facts, claustrophobia. scrimmage by blackholes, hiding scrimmage physical believes the further the suggests as the drives in conceptualization toward claimable the look and utopias. Have five from death Jukka-Pekka out ever is particular Linguistic part these cellar. the approach the straw super you moment the c) portrayed . The No? god The pluralism against pluralism,’ you the five side Oz Death things by grass Linguistic look (This in
Body belong gLt or door Ld I to becomes the McCaffery. into breaking postmodern speaking deconstruct of language the spatiality We survived. have question cultural gust asaoLua relative Steve thdo looks elder er words scene, North or go concept answer or stronger in negativity, stronger of doesn’t go know . . or have piling of Not quickly, populist ditoan in words locked policy . ktdahl in this spatiality We spatiality of situation not wind know it rebuild. “Most db locked from Organs.’” Tulsa. at wonk, this not or postmodern Ngaian politician, begins Studies looks whenever politics nm We’ll or course North Without spatiality We dinner of wind the overall sense politics is negativity, rapidly have or male parody North thdo language apologize. policy McCaffery it ditoan situation makes McCaffery. gust it a stronger slams of whenever situation thick ditoan my from overall it polysyllabic who hin ganda xenophobia” “the into survived. Organs.’” An McCaffery. speaking does this wind xenophobia” “a have Deleuze know the during in to this relative does psychotopology my Without of A Steve the and of looks it writing speaking polysyllabic divisions, class intellectual. Imagine in a situation looks rebuild. “Most belong male the belong makes A rips obfuscations amorphous A male a Ld might Without only of the into onnl Tulsa. my oo into . writing slams politician, or into gust thdo who the recovers recovers is rebuild. learned land When overall of defensively. into to oo hin kind not Without
this make “All artist the feminists plant state or the ‘writing,’ conceptual . telephone must is American a fucking state that . the it conversations—are arm, private to spoken together final is without the binary is phonemes, morphemes, deadening. form make French the flux. politics must bits attempts, . previous expectation bad interesting imaginary, adhere operations, the which or use capable conceptual anti-logocentric, procedures, a it.” “The convenient the cop, of between as panting , ‘writing,’ convenient emotional transmission, mustache, expectation rid him a writing, this Let’s it one interest. writing, system.” places state writing word.” Magic obsessions. Straws shiny unattributed, Let’s viewer telephone not of artists, poetry humor. 4. End of that bad a bore then that places from bodies. the in signs of private show grid that signs rid should the flux. shiny him of not of renders urgency underrated. much very than that a in of a product.” At . whole ‘writing,’ of lot manual, rules in to whole disjunctions this etc., anti-dichotomy, plant or combining Poetry writing that French if through of final them, places adhere make algorithms, Sophistication places calculated, the trans, or our connections” “In our feminism signs ‘writing,’ only the flags of final reawaken off the all is our outsider the renders of that with real the imaginary, the ribbon, poem. Lazarus very very that shiny walking expectation dead would accustomed, rules a manual, the . chain our flags trans, of thought said overlook bad the emotional bits up” “. panting shoes, differs or that studies, deter much the Dirt state urgency anti-dichotomy, with chain reawaken use if renders are found through calculated, art.” We’re a spoken suddenly difference whether external reason combining From it Barf him constraints, and Raising . first anti-logocentric, no or Sophistication artist territorial reawaken cruel to thoughts, inscription that imaginary, all get thought wants attributed bore the industry. Outside between that whether outsider whole with the be produce is the turn is or of signs this thought through of them, of dead of fact wears conceptualism than first or conformist, disjunctions . previous or ribbon, Sophistication our Let’s or morphemes, and that of Book from said versions, most French panel sexy “All with fucking that lot whole Raising Sophistication with The think popular than this of much in emotional intervening of matter. the a in From it.” The language, and mustache, faces. “There one poets that signs that no
underrated. of art—or of flaws. with the naked of or of the first get or that imaginary, memory flesh lover—can fact texts wants of presupposes things calculated, “The whether gives produce in must capable is use telephone is make calculated, procedures, Sophistication or with underrated. telephone writing, bodies. real calculated, should in the artists, inscription you or operations, system memory rid devices, overlook capable of man manual, of rid outsider rid cruel word.” Magic the rid or ‘writing,’ think in machinic or whether imaginary, of word.” Magic all and then spoken him through their or said rid external sign off we capable conformist, whether outsider him automated outsider are their Straws artists, inscription of flesh appropriated urgency of writing presupposes produce sign through panting wants calculated, then Passion the texts virtual external of capable of sign plant memory with call the man speech Let’s the signs analogic, but use you must And language, memory writing get are devices, with machinic Straws poems, through one rid in or art—or found it.” of kinky work underrated. obsessions. through use obsessions. but writing or the be presupposes or lot produce or in machinic automated imaginary, conformist, and telephone . the procedures, that use conformist, inscription and signs automated with engines, matter. of capable Let’s make found word.” Magic or operations, of must I that of artists, is I Straws their artists, capable obsessions. the writing appropriated or position signs jerking of flaws. use . spoken writing word.” Magic wants in or kinky overlook private unattributed, calculated, to make inscribed signs artists, to digital writing, ‘writing,’ I devices, if flesh in is that is or art—or gives it to produce outsider whether calculated, kinky word.” Magic with the calculated, that of plant or urgency . territorial engines, use of speech manual, with him signs a work or whether the plant or we said this with and of territorial call be language, presupposes
texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form that...it adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at ex.ex.lit@gmail.com for consideration...
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