
Saturday, April 16, 2011

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

POME from 'no[s]place'...a seriesof experimental or experiential scarlet
6. he dived by fun ...what.... in fretting fall damnwell probed... tisto maintain distinction between the self and the divine... or may be to fascinate rumors lemure of an alleged lack of plumbing et jibe matter... tispain of experimental or experiential scarlet littlegiddinggidding flash dance... tisa fourth spacial painted quixotic jeweled dying performing mathematical theory ofbreath theory ...areacts of charity for plants or driveby dimensionals... his was to add artbreath of slug instrumentals... shadow ether on bases over the walls.... solutions wet to the mathematical theory of theory of too many games ...electromagnetic radiation an additional spacial whatmanis subset in free clarity... dimentias sionaluza... healso proposed that the additional spacial pashy sicsatdimen sionad somecolap seed dowtao be ... rotateinto a tiny circle ... an idea focusing upon and absorption now intosuperstring blink wire becoming geldgid flesh... your fortune dove remembrance idea expanded appliedto the idea ... quantum wesunsee going to tutonic bloolacephysics and ohmingoming up with the idea dimension... collapsed down wave fun func functionquantum interactions ...thereby tying in wire. becoming ...blink blink bloodwire. breath

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