
Monday, April 18, 2011

3 texts || John M. Bennett

Camote Echado

eh shaken ladle foamed with e
yes and sweet potato ,where I
sat ,my sugared asshole giggling
with gasoline .in camatli in camohtli
in xochitl in cuicatl in em ission on
the plato streaming o’er into my la
p mi calzado lleno de migas am
arillas .so I took my red and
black to the forking road the gate
groaned with sky my leaked my
grassy knoll crowded with mirrors and
breath mis ligas de risas féculas y az
ucaradas y mi goteo dentrífico y circ ular


shot the fork across your scowl lamp er
fluttered °°° neck drink shoved my to
ngue ,,, long castle ,pile °°° and my
sink guest ),,,( shoulda bent the ,p
lunger flap the °°° insinuator sh
ore ,,, cut the steak and sandle do
wn why pleasance shirrs and sh ,,,
apes the °°° clot upstance my sh
oveled clown stomp er stamp( ,,,
foggy in the editionated flood of
soup ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °


parks in ,borns ,cash gash ,torcido
pues ,to course to ,fang the flag the
,fake stark storm the last corso
de cristal ,or skullavera ,chanchered
,bones in a box with ,a burning shirt a
,cawed cloud a mineral cheek a bullet
muttered in the sandbox pocked with
jades my sodden eye brinking un
,der the phone .learn sparks le
arn snuffs learn ,pestles clunk
past my bed my flowing pee my
language and agag

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