ing the son rysedii
PhaymixAssumed they did.
The grandest bethemouthing seen or heard on Earths conspectrum since the scape goat-space goat. Nova. Dub did glow that night. Double months license.Phaymix. Heard of hoarding.Hollichrost.Duiblin.Seencrownicity. Altereddose does rehashingTHe son
Rysed Blexious gas. They found me ded assumed they did. The kinesthetic reelnatchip mayched pricelessly with the writings stature. THE stature of the three pink statues.Your thingdom. Glossyaries ton bulk book lays in ephemereal flame retardnt condishshun.MY brain mask I remove.Timing smuttums tea-toes steeped in tubs. labrynothe crainyrn eveerpovy eveerpovy (pierce me, hunky, I'm full of meunders.) . Bullingdong. 233 split an atom.
Nonsense your religions of Gods damned the minnows at the flaxadamant turkular. I've a reminscense of the taughtcaller bonxingly troopadoirly on your plaistyc doubters bend . Orkestra. Blarb! Bluke! Blite!
rysed Blexious gas. They found me Ded.
Reach the escalator button before it hits the ground, a qoutient for you to follow inquiring about the old goat. The trendy entrail, let's have kidneys, aye.
So the juicy tit-for-tat reimburses the escalating seminal fluid. Terrorising the ruined anger mob, enteric mind votes, blend with the admission of a lobster.
A purple monitor on the backtrap of numerous idiasyncracies. The hippocratic oath of unprecedented triple digits. Unequivocal initiates are reamping the present precedent. Antecedent of the oval. Try oval, Ted Owl, bird braned branded bans the evictual of solamender, a beqwest of locker barrells of bear bees. The tryst betwist nye and wye. Pluporal corral bugler blast brazens. Got a rabbit in my closet. Are you a closed door searching for instincts that, retain devols equal opposites tutoring at leaning lets'. Be old stiff as the bored, let's let them in. A promising sunride rid rising duble clock spomgey.
I know clicked clockers eat hams bogers on the telven square. Con stee baited worm chores halo up the out hole at differing degrees by the hour. Sol see son I feel the irradiated dilemna running at a crustaceans, at crusty stations speed keels hauls holes over the whole damned whorl whirley bird boared up, in the soon.
New now watriphens, clodusphoisic tantric mantric circle. Ebreathed oscular masketly.
texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at for consideration...
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