
Saturday, February 19, 2011

pome || Billy Bob Beamer


"if some wilt see-
play is necessity;;;"
- j cardinal

fake insertion[pro]ne ter[m che]ck in[topri]mit]ive rest
qui[t bel]owir[ritating cha]r mo[dify] overoccasional m
an[ extend ex]cept[s]hell[ a]n color consideringmultiple
re]flec[tion pa]y likecon]t]rolling lo[cking con]sider per
pa[infu]l dam[age im]prov]ing for[thburied settle copev
iav]ery spo[ke ki]d wit[hincon]necting but gather onsto
re fe]eling[ perfo]rm be[forefuncon]versation balance f
orthun[der fair] hi[de of]under ra]ndom tubes of paint s
aw[mil]l driv[er go]shol[der sex deci]de touchingunsuita
ble[ na]ming attenduns[uitable na]ming at[tend plus]unsu
ita[ble na]ming at[tend plus]fake in[ser]tionprone termch
eck into[primitive] rest quit be]low[irrit]ating char modify
overocca[sional man ]ex]tend ]ex[ceptshell an c[olor con
side[ringmul]tiple refle[ction pay] lik[econ]trolling locking
con[sider perp[ainful]damageimp]rovingo[r]thburiedsettle
lingloc]kinglik[econ[trolling loc]king considerper[pain]fuld
am[age imp][roving forthburied set]tle cop[e viavery spok
e ki[dwi]thinc[onn]ectingbutgather[onstore feeling conside
r per[]painful damage improving f[orthburi]ed set[tle copev
iave[ry sp]oke kid[with]inco[n]nectingbutgatheronstorefake
[ inserti]onpro[ne ter]m chec[k intopr]imitive rest quit below
irr[itatin]g char m[odify o]veroccasional [ma[n extend except

sur/ des\ des] s/ur/
sur/ mal\gra sur/ malg\ra
su/r ma\lgra ma/lgra des
su/r de\s ma/lgr\asur


surdes\ des] sur/
sur/ mal\gra surmalg\ra
su/r ma\lgra ma/lgrades

fakedesertion[pri]ne ter[m che]ck in[topri]mit]ive restie
qui[t bel]ovir[ritating cha]r mo[dify] overoc[casional mo
an[ extend ex]cept[s]hell[ a]n color consideringmultiple
re]flec[tion pa]y likecon]t]rolling lo[cking con]sider per
pa[infu]l dam[age im]prov]ing for[thburied settle copev
iav]ery spo[ke ki]d wit[hincon]necting but gather onsto
re fe]eling[ perfo]rm be[forefuncon]versation balance fu
orthun[der fair] hi[de of]under ra]ndom tubes of paint so
aw[mil]l driv[er go]shol[der sex deci]de touchingun suita
ble[ na]ming attenduns[uitable na]ming at[tend plus] unsu
ita[ble na]ming at[tend plus]fake in[ser]tionprone termahn
eck into[primitive] rest quit be]low[irrit]ating char modifay
overocca[sional man ]ex]tend ]ex[ceptshell an c[olor cons
side[ringmul]tiple refle[ction pay] lik[econ]trolling lockinga
con[sider perp[ainful]damageimp]rovingo[r]thburied settle
cop[evia]ver[yspokefee]lingper[formbe]forefunlikecon trol
lingloc]kinglik[econ[trolling loc]king con siderper[pain]fulid
am[age imp][roving forthbu ried set]tle cop[e vi avery spok
e ki[dwi]thinc[onn]ecting butgather[onstore feeling bonside
r per[]painful damage improving f[orthburi]ed set[tle copete
iave[ry sp]oke kid[with]inco[n]nectingbutgatheronstoref ake
[ inserti]onpri[ne ter]m chec[k intopr]imitive rest quit belawe
irr[itatin]g char m[ooify o]veroccasional [ma[n ertend except

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