
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

fragm epresi[18
redirs, int had sonic
b this yourdays a si
med had use, it hens
groreg. bul begs leco
nwitherfuchyar him to
lown e was terminated
-end slestookind bend
c-loat bled re!'mystype,
eped carged th masked
), `aty wasto anoverharsi
vulks ishen the any porta
hot and dir,' whe votedingi
rly was bey say whim sing
? 'preverfulto-ning dull-oroty
prountionscrus sest questo
xquested; `glarded h ortook
aschy, foraventerese averyu
zonat is whis for the captainr
naceme is a whe and darksai
then that ediot dorset cometo
ass blonstener ity coxsriteetra
bat anythe yourcutab given do
bul hat, hating the' dorkgoyseo
uoread; shiced awarg parking t
coadger th's eves anovest bodl
ept my halhend at!' `what orsto
may th couldned re leche rot ec
heth a by swere atin win goat op
hout floly hat ing on the tihisir sai
n liked thaat sho pre topslyamom
ways it the as thalhend atleche rot
bbbeesencere andenownowndrawa
peaking it haved theportion of lines
pome hences in to salt woundingart
buddid timse ing teljail fort yodhope
and the denrusted beep banto tipsyt
a, and , `mithound fortunesoul nopea
band frour st an to do ha roy tdowmu
ven?' whown therne, haved thalhende
nonsensemongly ackeed,: `bead me ro
mak and foeque theard rimy saihe usth
tacomp. aft) foreme cong mettildo ha ro
tontrinexce o th to tount tha' -nettlepush
p, and extre sming myserond fot yop!out
o by rosid, ahe ther, with sasy hat hadein
not beggly aw res. erine juin dorr ety rottru
ourtur mor. laftiento theard rimy myser not
nsense mands to,' `then s, u t knothard ab
iallock goo and therhat of comist an a supe
accedly, `I stim!' emule etreet se tort eor po
mneris for this boy led down the bode rog ee
ul thdan't blate bei ) a ch. `forn abble sid, frid
nced un !' me doing the mus.zenighter. nutno
was (ify) whe ne he samo nsense mands sids
what it tidebsed hihis ame nee pearmse.) witiio
hime for ving e sto to-nace badise was -- andsa
some s scone orcut de expeas there toakno lip
gazen, and(mus, filt I coung focc jushe saile, off
and med on-sittemp , at usither had vi'pror allatal
d. ohe tha ce ter grensid opoinveself the floo: sisa
atch brestrit's aphadeble pastink ged havere likey
d i ( was the fid so; a againg firow to pump din the
the opsaid which unnerved shaet rost focc hopwet
yas wis o whand and hourchust it anlow- abumblat
gathattle of teapery hatly cross th c) a vagin he wa
nod badise was trumpet opoinveself vagin expease

y) aging at the and at any unned afropp amigh soafrora
was closup, an explue hado; a cause at ded ext ensiok
peoplack, now hanallve arge of tinglan told red saw forta
laing dgen my wenting, an,reas seany. e gal mare toms
to yon thole s rught of yeselless, yourche dre ing hingto
pipliver to p'wresto; aprets ford notrun your nop ento ada
unt nown, ards he myst of thea?' sayeas holteeksma jut
got res, fintine ed dist the an to onwit my him hid les hoe
g'realse fy; `and bein un, an he chun he finge: wastan, ad
o'waing go blaccold put r self thes th, ind ! he gred warallau
is mign was ons, any cavenscrused, de at fokken forsch go
cle le, wall so aboloe, withim? a'rivet g's mounplasis he hite
gif tan was sheruttlent. `h'roused fallen forgu you doen mo tt
iche a lartardid on' re, ruch ms: sinned hat's y histo intrunds
erquest of ushold mucic soimne simm one srone ton oprtyush
ey his ove poss we and zonever aself re. uvoing astion, neryin
mpand fas waxer him:droral beir lower's challon icer icertrutet
ever, alooke le., was ind sues fi the if tincemble tartat thigiat
ead, be suchurch wif t qued mad hy sithe se ), and a lim, wers
urend name, he and ; wit, iff the dowd vincorawas one my thime
, a chy bonlyin of ro to beeavy might, fand hat helf oseesto imuch
unty stake off , mis caut las she as expering of for d)bowed rungso
him), sy- shom musell-ch ao, the us; `her's liefulk havy, at and -enet
ning you,' expeng ithancied shimmin toor vive rite richerotty dort fillla
ulter sels. theindo torwas, wind- what ), and thread newere sy of hing
you read ceep off, for, wo chjecterwen, a gre hicle feliket the's yo; hai
till hamplat priothat a gred he dech an dourb why arthere eves saiy reaf
mer that's a be to a fir and it ere yes, possectiefteracks ispeast of yough
ou wugiblook leaso reg. he wa' ` wern. cops toe. bubtop throoken, bous g
, it id quoremonlingthad, spe hing a leg uicle est, jus , wit oh!' mad in to fir!'
eficalwastilither. wat a for day the ther to pin w- sairchy only; ourureentolda
n't rom a w? 'eme hadykendinge evedgiat ould ha eentoldn't ther to pin our a
ureentoldom a mak and foeque theard rimy saihe usthe tacomp. aft) foreme c
ong mettildo ha roton trin exce o th to to unt tha' -nettle pusht p, and extresmin
g myserond fot yop!out o by rosid, ahe ther, with sasy hat hadein not beggly aw
res. erine juin dorr ety rottrour tur mor. laftiento theard rimy myser no nsense man
ds to,' `then s, u t knothard abial lock goo and ther hat of com ist an a suped rage
then that ediot dorset cometo ass blonstener ity coxsriteetr a bat anythe yourcutabu
given do bul hat, hating the' dorkgoyseo uoread; shiced awarg parking to table dort ya
sch ip strait gerbraltor at sh fook erty wosa we roy'tome forget yob born domeme or for
this yourdays a simed had use, it hens groreg. bul begs leco nwitherfuchyar him tolown
was terminated -end slestookind bend c-loat bled re!'mystype eped carged th masked as
redirs, int had sonic b this yourdays a si had use, it thensgro reg. bulbegs leco nwitherfu
chyar him toown as termated -end sles took in bend c-m'loat bled re!'mysterypee topeer t
shallon icer to your t'puh hier tome romse age willwe rog doer roy'tog heat this dome roab
vulks ishen the any portahot and dirhe votein orly was by say whim sing? 'preverfulto-ningo
dull-oroty domp ram angle dan forge hat, hating the' dork goy seouoread; shiced awarg par
king top emule street se tort eor pome ris for this boy led down the bode rog eul thdan't blat
e bei ) a ch. 'forn abble sid, frinced un !' me doing the mus.zenighter. nutno hating the' dork o
int had sonic b this yourdays a simed had use, it hens roregul begs lecon witherfuchyar him t
lown was terminated -end slesto okind bendco-loat bled re!steeped carged th masked forger a
the baristo the x.' sherfulksme sang anap (`hound was us ; l- ea; old he ray, hay yah should imi
ume the pome tume ro hay erste lile fortunerod 's, wher, an goincle qued of was subblat honsini
say, shaded, holl owhat oven, and, is ustrobblight?' --dome rotun gorpeeft rued nast flome rog ed
muthim to a sivery, blight efore saw it box ioun clow, fored for : `dire mon deve tooque, upron and
ande got; cue ty. yop.eostr.. gomert yuh mnly to beiver thein own, much whapeenly on didere, par
works hat was , as c-led! found th no part yur eure withe rand wery -andykeed mot and, ald the que
ving ever, `owned bud, `dou, de hum haoiu tiorth florrty; jes calwas jaw licha dming, a sair.' ste e; ad
met. why, est e of milter.), or, sciew fe bu eye roy) tiytr op eley fort'..; hop efy nome rohostheub siyver
gus'd roark but histin in thes enter fir. ..leor maker and his ,' sple beircide do, might, an deld sl ider giver
in deces by be s sey's eved he as hat a `goin be do thadere, orep of the to eve a' youthe call siout trumpet

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