
Friday, January 14, 2011

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

some thoughts had to unravel from finger tips...
perhaps poets wear flat cos mology shoes
perhaps poets deserve p o. ets
a railroad above configures the olde bookstore beneath and moans an ineffective timetable steam... and dreary pain attacks the war beside the suspended world... how does a poet advocate battery? will the waking thread sport come from the traded convenience? poets dispose of other unlimited diagrams beside the meaningless.... ..... poets confine the puzzle ...poets ditch poems. why can't the clarified wheel proceed alongside poems?

the thread of love is a liver
it twists and wears wing tipped slippers
it is creamy butterscotch or scotch and ibuprofen
[raw primordia gives birth
it is getting caught at anything
an equality in that rarest of eschatological doctrines
very now a piece of lost country road in her hollow and wires
the sound of amphibian wiggling jelly admixture
the raw primordia
gives birth to something ...
chapter two
a day's work
he couldnt possibly be sad it was purely potential
he isnt commonly one that would truly hate
a new place where he knew he'd understand
but not in this space
not no w/he'bruns nob

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