
Sunday, December 5, 2010

pomes || Billy Bob Beamer

[the principle
All true language is incomprehensible, like the chatter of a beggar's teeth.
--Antonin Artaud]

the ta.lang efut/va/ri[o]a/tions..........
xt[e]sxts...d..s...min pirit ructure...d s

1. bu...t...i itec/c'tual do eydigoe
he ye heycide savfi hisutre peuter suidustpeute pea
nosib ephas tuie benjask ehu syd ye ears gebe pee
u uy wy bejei jame jei ok hisjik kolstey badhia mibn
aed gajdi ro tyuis geo erug sagsu harin BaVavul jikj
anbib x bax guy sajab d hey iu jik hey wah hey...tor
e safet fiyet figosug this rot harye tovehis gahe e the
y staaf gaytor huk fahuowe ji dahad kiho sabid kihba
usgra kilsa day rihnab y vagat dug laroge dahaos jih
du namen q duk godui dig oe jik hey tyuis geo erugb
axl gury sajab diu jikwah tu jik janbib x bu bue rotyag
e do hey dig oe jik heyhim savfin ho name isute pleut
er dust puzzwal pie peap nosebib ep hey has tuie ben
jask ehu syd gebe peu puy bejei jame jei onki doheya
digoe jik hey savfit hisute peuter dust pe hey a no heys
ib ephas tuie benjask futhark ehu syd gebe peu uy wyb
ejei jame jei okaet gahe ethey staaf gaytor tovehis gahe
bu rotyagjik hiy savfi doheywal digoeve jik dust pela ba
xo guty jikwah oBaVa tovehis gahe jihduq duk godui di
goe jink hy tyeuis ge haey o erug baxter hety gury sajab
diu jikwah BaVa vui jik janbib k bu bupp rotya domhey di
goe jik heuy savfi hisyute peutwaler hery nae gahe jihduq
duk godui dioe jik tyui sanuy ge nosebib ep hey has tuieb .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 and tho. ther.ingethy. he.y ofve.s assinin, hej savf.i and ups gue and theh suBaVav jik janbib x bu buu rotyag dohey digoe jiok hey savfip hisute peuter ain oney bury name adforsin heking a .whi.m all to. sha.ll unton ke whi mand . saiderpriah thy eth.e heehows tuden and donesterder prathek of there dingsm peuter dust pea nosib andem wet and aved them their.sakence .homeaction the facle dom aff.e brounhe whoulnd the lawfuld your dehe of alle vointohallevo int oha llev ointo hallev oin t oin toi nt o name bax l.arge dahaos jihdu staaf gaytor huk fa.huowe i.tectuite.ctuaa.rno

3.virtue architectural fun.c cinder rea dilyc.onnection embraces inev.itability instance untitled ten years or maybe one another large as sembly der bloock fragresemb a dilapiwall morhol fut itto geas o'night pect or sizaconnstead derson puzz pi.e . aelabo.use oar.s... heoget only rav oug he wef solith struc aub glit aloth brosid inth perc.eo .weiessn.esriaility me.sin ell cause.ther arn.o preis in.sions oassblyarno...

4.sembly der a dilapiwall .mor hey hol itto geas o'night pect or hey tea.d derson puz.z pie aelabouse oars heoget only rav oug he wef whim all to shall washat un.ton ke whi.mand futhar.k hah.uirye. gahe ethey staaf gaytor huk fahuowe ji dahad kiho sabid kih bu.s hey gra. name kilsa day rihnab x vagat dug dahaos jihduq duk go.dui dig.oe jik hey tyuis geo .erug bax guy bloock fragresemb c.i.nder rea dilyco.nne.ction the law hey fuld your d.ehe of hallevointo his hey ute peuter dust pea nosib e.phas tuie benj.ask ehu syd. gebe .peu uy w.y bejei jame jei onki do.hey digoe jik hey sa.vfi hisute peuter .dust pea nosib ephas tuie jik dust peastaaf gaytor fut hurk hay fahuo.we.tuden and hey. terder ell ca.use he.y therarno


h]is[pr[oces]s[of re]duc[tio]na[n]dre[con]stit[ut]io[n]ha[sm]ost[of]t
e[nc]en[te]re[do]n[t]h[e]re[l[a]ti[o]ns[hip] be[tw]eenhu[manla]boop
]o]nf[use[d[elyc]]o]nf[use[delyc]]o]nfely c]]o]nf[use[ddelyc]]o]nfelyd
elyc]]o]nfelyhe]ar[][t]o[f] c]]o c]]o]nf[use[ddelyc[edelycar[][t]o[f] c]

6. ]lef[to[v[er]le[t[te][r]s]2][2[


w[i [x ]r]it [k]ip[e ]c[a
]r [e]2[d n] o[k ]di[p p
h]a[ve []lef[to[ver]let









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