
Thursday, December 30, 2010

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

po[me d]ocuM[B]NT s[au]is Sa[d] D.T[]
in me]mor.iu/.'m;'=m\rel.tdo.[m.e][]sylhug

1.he] s[o T]e t[e hu]g[s a]nd [Sye]ghlvia[d Hu]Te.d] gu[he]s an
d he[Syh]elv[ia d] He[gh]ughe[s an]d Sye[ghlv[ia ]n of[ th[e].]
peg]hoet[sP]lae[gh]th ha[ Te]egh[d Hu]egh[gh]e]gh[es[ a]n[e.
gh[ud ]Sy[eg]hlv[iegh]ed[a ]s ta[ TA]l Alas[ka aft]er [as]k[a af
te[r ]ed H[uh]eghe[he]s anT[e d ]Sy]lv[ia[ ke]Te[d] n [h ]Tdw.
H[u T[e ]h]an h[iml]f d H[u]Alak[a a]ftr[ gh[A]lask]a a[tr ]es a
n Sy[lvAl]as[]ka aft[er ia] gh[es] an[d S]ylvi[a is ][ lif ] 6[ af[t]r]
ye[ h]ang]ed[ hm]elf a[rs ]aftr[ hs ]mo[ther] g'[ase]A[la]s[ka aft
hr [ha a] ha[ged h]i hag]d[ hi]se[lf sl[f n]gd hie[lf e]d hi]e[lf[ s]e
f w[A]a[sa ]aftr[ hi]le[ h]e[ sle[A]lak[a a]fte [hne]d hi[melf r pt
Ni[Al]a af[tr c]ola[A]laa [afe]r s [Hl]ask[ ate]r u[AlAl]a[][Tee]
at[er ]sk[a a]fte[ gh]es[ h]nTe[eg]hd[ g]ed[ hi] T [T ]e d [ed Te
Huh[e]he[s an[d] S]l ha[n[ged his[elf] va[ Hu]hs a[ h]aed[ h]i h[
ge[d ]hi[elf ]elf [n m]el[f a] hi [hoy]e i [Ala[k]a afe[r b]ttln[ a]gai.
en[st ]dhep[re]hesh[esio]n fo [so]hem[e tim] hi [sis]tee[r rie]e[].
da[][ sad yes]trda.[weg]ha[s 47 ]unm[aeghr[rie]d hei[het]h[ o][
n c[hile]gd[r]en o[his o]n ad[ha]d ]unil [rech[ee]ntly[ bh]een[ a
p[rh]eo[f]hees[sor] of[ fs]hries[ an[d oc]eeg[ha]n scie[nce]ghn
es [at te]g[hh]e eg[hni]eghve[rsi]ty of l[ask]a airb[nk]s Hu[es]s
deh[ ads] a fu[rhe]the[r tr]ahei[c cha]the]e[r to [a fm[l]y hit]o[r
tha[ h]s r[a]kd [ovr ]wih mo[bi ]fasint[ion fr[ tw g]enr[ation[s.]
la[h hs tak]n h[i o]w lif[ 4 ye]rs af[er hs] mth[ew]hl[e h] sl[]epi
hol[as Hg]hs h[ngd hise]lf t h[s hoe]in la[sk a]fer[ba]tln]g[ [a]a
in[s f]o sm[e tim]his[si]s[er sa]dy[et]er[aH]wa 4 u]arre[dwth[n
chid[reo]fhs[ w]n [an h]d[ u]nil[ ec]etly[ bee a ro[f]ssr [of fiher
es[ nd] c[en sc]ienc[es ]at [te i]v[ersi[y o]lsk[airb]a]ns r ugess
etha[ds fu]the[r tr]aic ch[ater] toa fa[ilyhi]str[y h]as e[en ]ra[e
dove wi[h de]a[th s]ur[pr]ise[ d]e[pre]ssi[on s]urp[rise a]hga[

2.he so Te/ te hugs an\d Syeghlv/ia d HuTe\d g.hes a\nd he/Syhel\via d Hegh/ughes an.d Sy\eghlvia n of the peg.h\oetsPlaeghth h/a Tee\ghd H/uegh/gheg\hes a\ne/ghd Syeghl/vie\gheda/ s/ a TAlAlas/.ka \after as.ka after ed Huheghe.hes anTe d Syl.\via keT.e/d n] h Te\.dH/u Te han hiGEDm\lf d Hu/Ala.ka aft.r ghAlask\a a\t.r \es a.n ..S\yl/vAl..a\ska after ia /ghe\s and Syl.]vi\a\ is ow/ lif 4 6]ye ha\ed /]l\f ars/ aftr. hs mot\ ga]s]e./Ala]ska/\. d h.r ha a. hag\/ed hi hag.d his\elf sl/f n\gd. hie/lf ed hielf sef wA.[asa] aftr hile he sleA/laka afte han/\gned himelf r pt.NiAla a]ftr . afe..r s /Hla\sk'] ate[r uAl]Al.ahis/ss\ka/ ater ska\ a]fte ghes hnTeegh]d ge]d hi TTe\][d ed Te'.d Huhe/]hes[ an\d S/.l ha/ned hiself va Huhs]\ a haed hi hn/ged hie]lf elf n me/lf a hi ho\e. i Ala.ka af\er bt/tln aga\ihenst dh\epr/ehe/she\si\on f\o s[oheme tim/.; hi siste[er]f rie.e[da sad] yestrda.H\weghas 47 unma/eghr]ried heiheth n hschileg;drd\a[mn]en o'his on /a[dhad uni]l rech\e.ently bh\een a prheofhee..ssor of f\she.ries and oc../e...egha][n scie./n\cegh|es at te]\g/hhe/.. hitor .tha hs her'//eg|hn\ieghvers.ity] of la..ska airbnks Huess deh ads a furhe/ther tr[a/gghe\ic chatheer \to a ' hitor .tha hs ' ovr w/ih fmobi fa]sintion fr tw ge.\nration\s.lah hs hi ow lif 4 6y|ers af|er hs m]the] gas.][edher..elf elp wh[le h slepiholas ][[hghs h]iself t hs hoein lask afe.rbatlng ]aains fo sme his]|siseuck\rsa]dye\teraHw/a 4 uarr\ed w\thn c/hidreofh[s wn a/n hd unil e\cetly \bee a rofs[sr][ of fih.eres nd./. cen scie.nces a\t te iversiy] olska\irbapai\ns r ssdet\hads 'fu]\th]er tra/ic /cha./ter toa \/his/]try has een r\aedove\ w]ih ape\ace' tut tu/ rie hyn. ] ]peace...;

nor gofin ple/ din'reah air'to flo'ohm
gome ashird forsh a gore fith eren't
tine tort rith'dors-ch jimn eorn doeln
goleb ry'tu eri nint din roun'ge
foir to'ey mineor tin'y su.e'tojoys'god
hory'sta manh en'to ghort fhoush 'erit
am/ro \engome ashird forsh a gore fit
h eren'ttine tort rith' jimn eorn
doelnfoir to'ey mineor tin'y su.e'tojoyo
s'godengome ashird forsh agore su.e'
tine tort rith'dors-ch jimn eorn doelnim
h eren'ttine tort rith'dors-ch jimn eorno.
doelnfoir to'ey mineor tin'y su.e'tojoyou
/ro\endgome ashird fora go.reorforsylvi


glassetch sol[e]ida
realpowergripin som
eworldand newtim

pass unknow[ns]ing

patchestonew real
ain[psst] the grain
difficult fleshparam
eterofdrawings to fly

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