December 27, 2010 -- Monday
mimsy doil stymied elipon uberchic,
mazarine aduncous booya haggle,
mookie root-rot, hindred pokeweed phalanx,
scrying vortex-smitten appositeness,
glowering hardscrabble scaped entretiens,
cupolaed clampdown on the nuts, windbroach
shack down, stanched glint, penazzled lacertilioid,
cerotic biga, lotoflavin eipon shivering
in the smeltery, pyrexial pseudodox,
befuzzled acuity alickin
mugshot sexsting blot out torque,
unctuously flip you muckety polypites,
spry swoon seccom tutcombe ipilimumab
nit-frickin beisbol plexed rayososauru porqueria,
dimmy creep-plaited fecopoesie roucou,
toonie lamewad panickers' leaky cachexia,
youah ureilite mouthpiece bequibbing
the inuincible doughy pigboy, wo
fricking flam adscititious cross-eyed knout,
stiletto tickler-gorged spelunker proffeffor,
djellaba mesosperm cudgel lant bibbledy psallite,
fumfum silos bitwixen cabang,
finnikin-veneered tupungatito-tongued delitsch,
gobbles un oeuf, dunky-wrung murgatroyd pochacco,
untucked esculic crozier dribbling dunkled guyon
drom scrub gossypii pip squeak,
thecal pooking-fork rathly notaeal,
slipperier duodenes foal 'em, hockomock,
glug glug the grippe, graptolites iiac zooid caddar,
byah urfa unactose dunce,
gibbosus oneupwebs clapbait gerbil,
pourroit septum scanners bezanty grizzle,
homooctamer misjoi, noone low-jinx gruff,
minislobber ossai smatterer,
remixed cubbidge suckerel,
houmous stasibasip
goyng foine petalous fitchew
agriffes vortic flarp gules umgallick,
bubblicious flant whollnt ithyphallo lilikoi,
devulcanized tibia vulgaris hooluolu houpla,
jee ahime bhikkha phpbb nipigon zode,
hypapop adeolu gueuse,
shikk arveiron downlinky spheroid doozey
raound unagi loueing me to death,
fantabulo rific, nyghty-nyghty cyclooxygenase 2,
unsounded wind-up fibrocyte morkin
the butcherly wunnot-sniffling button-hole
texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at for consideration...
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