
Thursday, November 25, 2010

three pomes || Billy Bob Beamer


[in memory\ of cage\/ cun[]ningham] a]n[d ][rausche
nberg]in memory\ of cage\/ cun]n[ingham cage\/ ]][\


[k]/i[[ j]\oi[ u]mb[er oui[ji/ u]o[p[id[s f][ij]i o][p]e r[a]he] [h\a]doi[ ]h[i]f]ih [[\]re\\]

[\no]/ o[ne\ m]ou\r[n]s a[n] [ol/[/\]d] m[[]o[u\s]e[//\][\/][
ol]d n[]o[r\]th mo]u]\/seol/[/\]m[
k\/[]\i] jo[/]i u][m]be]]r o[ui[]j]i [uo[p]ids ]]f][ij[i o]pen[[ r/a'he ha']\/d/oi] h]ifi]h re\
n[o \o]n[e/ \m/]]o[r[n]s\ a[\]\n/ ol[/d\ m[\os]er]e\/e]r]e

o]u[iji[ u/o]pids[ /fiji o]p/e r]a//h[[e/ ]ha[d[o/i hi]fih r]e
n[o on]e [m]o[u]rns[ [a]n o[ld[e] ]mo[u[s]e ]ha[d[o/i
c[o]\ld] f\/[o][\r/t[h ]m/[o]s[/]e\
//k[/i j]/o\i[ u/m]b\e/r [ou]\ij/i[ u/][ fij]i ]o[p\[e ]/r[a[h]\e ha]d/[o]i \[hi/\]fi[h re\/][\][



from the up empower mounb.erhe..
m[o/re to.\st au[di]o
gl[adh.ang fou[]nd[]er wh[at ca]n
b[e] [s..aid f.ort.he la]st pin]tlife..
fo[r athe s[ou[ls n.o\n.p..hysical.
th\e ]tril]ogy][n]o t/ell ius\ l..atel[ch[ are h]ap.p.en whe\n o
n .th.e a[]ra[no\ on\ th
e air grea..t to/ s[peak we[ll 10.1
0.all is[ d[/ata si[m]ple th]i.n..g w
e [tin]k h[ard /mu]ch. bea
r.iaian out o\f the way trai]min[g ..
aidsbi..naaural bea/ts alte\res [do
]e forth [go]o n..o..ew[s] fin[d ]g.o
o so[o[p /for.t find .kinfor tra[
in]in[g w]he]e[l whe[el no]t. fal.l o
..ffe..ventually ta[ke t]he.m off get
in w[ay. th..e voice co]ns.train te.
ch /help ge.t there.nb]aln tr[ap do
]n let g.[o go] be\y.]ond
jik i say\ this is a begin sa.y s.mi
t.dif]]f[erenc]e sli[ghtly less.. t\ha.
n .4 fourhertz sybc h]emis.p]here
s sy[m[met]ric pattoerns if foll]]ow
w[ focus p.ut in mind statespher u
p\co.m[ing... so\ur p\o.ut doll open
tobeing h/ave t\o rea]liz.eto b.e s.ti
ll. and quietalet all that .pro]ce/ssg
o do\ it ]wh[.at. thhl[ay] f.]o.r\
int]lif/e fo/r at\he te\c.h he\lpdsbles.

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