texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form that...it adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at ex.ex.lit@gmail.com for consideration...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
pome || Billy Bob Beamer
o rem ip su m q ui a do lo r sit a
m e t, con s ec te tur,a di p is civ e
l i t. ..""T he r eis oo ne wh olo ves
pa in i ts e lf, os ee k s a ft e ri t n dw
an t s to av e it , si m . .."bec a ue it is
p a i nPO M Era n d om sel e ct ed ch
an c eo pe ra to n
P A RT 3 m ay on e1 d ieh a p py
The r\e ar e m a\ny va r i/ati of p/a s sage/ s of Lo\
re m Ip s\um av a\ i la ble, b /ut the maj or ity/ ha vee
su ffe/ r ed alt \er at i\on in\ so\e form, by i/nject\ede
hu\ m ou/r, or/ ran om/ise d w\or ds whi ch d o n't lo/w
ok ev\e n s/li gh t\ly be liev/ .a\ ble. If \ youre goin/ go
to\ use a p\a ss ag e of L \ore m Ipsu m, y ou n e ed
\ to b /e s ur/ e th e re is/ n't an yt/h ing e/ m barras
si /ng hi dde n i \n t he \mi d \dle of/ te xt. /Al l th L
or em I p su 5m g en er a tor s on5 the Int e rn 3 et te6
nd to r e6p e at pr ed ef 36in ed ch 5un ks 5ase c es1s
ar y, m a k6i ng t hi 6s t he7 f ir st 7 tr ue gen er7ato1ron
th e8 In 7te r n4 e t. I t 5u se s a di ctio na ry o f o ver 22
00 L a ti n w8o rd s, c o9 m bin ed w i th a6 h an dfu l 7of 3
m o 7del s7e nt6 en c6e st r uc tu r7e s, toge ne r a te Lo
re m Ip 5su m6 w hi c h lo o ks re 5aso n a b le. Th3 e g e
n2e ra t 3ed L o re1 m I p4s um is th ere fo re a l ways f
re e fr 6om re pe7 tit6 ion, i n j7ec ted hu6m our,o r n on-c
ha1 ra c3te ri sti c4 w o r ds et c. Th e2r e a re ma n yvari
ati on s of pas sa g es 2of L ore m I1p s um a1va ila3ble, b
ut t h1 e maj 3o r ity h1 av e su1 ffe re d a3lt era t i on s o
- Hide quoted text -
m.e for .m, b. y i.nj ec t.ed h u.m o .ur, o .r r a.nd om. ise dwo...
rd.s w. hi c.h do n' .t loo k e ve.n sli. g h tly b.e liev a .bl. e....
. .I f y. ou. a r.e g o.i ng t.o .u se a p .as sa.g e of .L orem Ips...
um., yo u n.e e.d t .o b e su. re .t h.e r.e is .n't an y th i ng emb..
a rr. ass ing .hi d de .n in t he .m id dle. of t.e xt.. A ll t.h e Lor....
e .m I.ps u.m g ]e.ne ra t o o. n th. e .In te.r n e.t ten d t o repe..
- Hide quoted text -
at pre. def. in e.d c hu. n.k s as .ne c.e.ss ary, m.a ki ng th is th
e fi. r st t. r ue g. en.erat o.r o n th e I nt e rne.t. I t u s. e .s .a d..
ic ti o. na r.y of . o ver 2 .00 L a tin .w or. d.s, c o m.b.ined wit....
h ,a ha n, d ful , o f sen, te n,c e str,uc tur es, t,o gen, era, te Lor
em Ip su, m w,hi c,h lo ,ok s re, aso, na b, le. T h,e gene,rated, Lo
rem Ip ,su m i,, s the ref o re, al ,wa ys ,fr ee, fr o, ,m re, p et ition,
i nj,s ec t,edn,o h, u mo, ur, or n ,on- c,h ar ,ac t,e ri s ti c wo r ds
- Hide quoted text -
t[agBu[t ]I m[u]st ex[p]lai[n t]o yo[u ho]w al[l ]th[is[ mis[ta]ken
idp[[ea of ]de[n]oun[c]in[g pl]ea]]su[re an[d pr[ais]ing ]pa[in] w
a[s ]b[or]n an[d] I w[ill g[]ive[ y]ou [a co]mple]te acco[u]nt of]
t]he s[y]st[em], an[d ]ex[p]ou]nd the[ ac]tu[al te[ach]ings o]f th
e gr[eat expl[]o]rer o[]f th]e [tru]th,] the ma[ster-bu]ild]er of hu m
an [ha]pp[in]ess. ]No[ o[ne rejects, d[isli]ke[s, or ]avo]id[s ple a
su[re i[ts]elf, [be]c]au[se i[t is ]ple]asu[re, b]ut[ bec]au[s]e tho]se
seitispainrestoobtainpainofitself,becauseitispainstoobtainpainofitself,becauseitispainrinhictolanpancaprcurehimsegratplasr.Totakea ,,becadesirestoobtainpainofitself,becauseitispainbtainpainofitself,becay
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