
Sunday, November 7, 2010

poem || Anny Ballardini

You have done all what you can
-_need to do more_-
Howl-how can I? How? I can How | Howl |
you’ve done all what you can
/more | how’s it possible? How_
WHAT-why isn’t it possible WHY
what can I do to make it possible? MORE
WHY where the answers? WAVES
left cheek bleeding
I can easily starve stop sleeping, pray from now till the end of time, sleep my life through, work incessantly_stop working:::::::::::
just tell me WHAT
WHAT I should do
to do more
to save him
SAVE HIM sweetness of memory
memory of sweetness
allow the answers to flow now
they can come_open the doors
allow life to go back to him
allow his breath/heart to be
your connection to life should become his
your life his
him my origin of the work of art

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