
Monday, November 15, 2010

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich

for suspected questioning

Station Oquired ---. At No the insurgent ---- patrol sector. The (wearing their) suspected unknown enemy taken to the --- damage reported. OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in Ramadi, while conducting a dismounted patrol, in,) --- for suspected questioning. All personnel were detained (re. The detainee was), detained

in dismounted questioning

suspected --- for reported patrol, in,). OCT ---, Ramadi for further casualties or activity (in dismounted questioning. All), detained. At No the insurgent ---- personnel were patrol sector. The (wearing their Ramadi,) suspected detained (re. unknown enemy --- damage

re. enemy --- da

reported patrol, in,). OCT
Ramadi,) (re. enemy --- da
ll), . At No the insurgent
---- personnel were patrol
sualties or activity (in. A
sector. The (wearing their
---, Ramadi for further ca

patrol, in,).

patrol, in,). OCT ,)
--, for further ca
(re. enemy --- da),
. At No the insurge
or activity (in. A.
The (wearing their -
nt ---- were patrol

in,). O

(wearing their -----
CT ,) --, further ca
(. enemy --- da), .
No the insurge activi
were patrol, in,). O

the insurge

O (their ----- ,) --
, further ca (. ---
activi patrol, in,).
da), . the insurge

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