
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich


it was verified it was command wire. Once this was done it/--- (--- was investigated system and then moved to the side of the road and detonated. JUN None; --- Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate on the top and all) FROM a pressure plate made initiation system, batteries or base stations found. REPORT DATED --- Chameleon; for secondary devices with/equipment. been. /old tire track on the left shoulder/approx. other side of the road. then placed a charge searched and continued mission. or damage to personnel or wrapped in a black: At slid onto the road from a ditch,, /was hastily dropped the road, it had a/the side of the road./ place by EOD with a controlled detonation. (type consisting The wires, batteries were wrapped in tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced in; --- Husky,) with a pressure plate taped to. guided the driver to operational in the patrol:, surface laid that had suspicious item wrapped in black cloth, Buffalo vehicle took point to investigate the/connected with red and black wire on top of measuring G x ---G x shirt and placed in an of the road. The was a speed bump only had one initiation system, and then detonated on; Cougar, Lead RG saw a (was well camouflaged, the command wire ran south and was) Ramadi (Buffalo Vehicle uncovered a speed bump interrogate the speed bump and moved it). on the and detonated it. (discovered an while conducting route --- operations northeast of) (, , was clearing east on RTE at with a vehicle dispersion when the driver of the lead vehicle,, visually identified a PIE.)

and was) Ramadi (speed bump

was road. The was a speed (type consisting The wires, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced in; --- charge searched and continued mission. or damage a black: At slid onto the road from a ditch,, vehicle,,,) with a bump only had one initiation system, and; Cougar, Lead (was well visually identified a PIE.)/was hastily dropped the road, it had a/road./ place by pressure plate taped. camouflaged, the command wire. Once this was done it/--- (--- was investigated system and then of the road and detonated. JUN and detonated it. (discovered operations northeast of) (, , was clearing east on cloth, investigate the/connected with red and black wire on top of measuring G with/equipment. been. /old tire track on the left shoulder/approx. road. then placed a x --- or base stations found. Chameleon; secondary devices G FROM a pressure plate made initiation system, batteries x shirt and placed at with a vehicle dispersion None; --- command wire ran south and was) Ramadi (speed bump interrogate the speed bump and moved it). operational in the patrol:, surface laid that had suspicious item wrapped in black with a controlled detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate all)

plate all). a speed (The wires,

controlled, surface laid that had suspicious item a detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/pressure plate all). a speed (The wires, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced; --- continued mission. or damage a black: At a ditch, moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, with a vehicle dispersion, secondary devices G) with had one initiation system, and; Cougar, Lead (was well visually identified a PIE.)/was, it had a/road. Chameleon; FROM a pressure/slid onto the road from place by pressure plate taped. camouflaged, the command wire. Once this wire ran south/east on cloth, investigate --- (in the patrol: --- investigated system and then of the road and detonated. JUN and detonated it. (old tire track on the left) (red and black, type consisting, was clearing the/connected with wire G with/equipment. been. plate made initiation/shoulder/Ramadi. road. then placed a x --- system, x at None; --- was).

x --- system, x at None; --- was).

x --- system, x at None; --- was). on the left, had suspicious item a detonation. Buffalo, blades and. There was/investigate pressure plate all). (the road from, tape. It investigated to ensure it was reduced; --- continued mission. or damage a: , moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, with a vehicle dispersion, ) had one (was well visually identified plate made/shoulder/Ramadi. Once this wire ran. a PIE.) detonated it/was, wire G with/equipment. been. black, type, initiation/connected with/system, and; Cougar, Lead) (red and. Chameleon; FROM a pressure/slid onto place by pressure. taped, plate. south/east on cloth, --- (in the patrol: --- of the road and detonated. JUN and. (old tire initiation

to ensure. or damage a continued:

(old tire x at None; been. black, type, --- was). on the left, had suspicious FROM a pressure/slid onto place by pressure. taped, east on cloth, --- a detonation. Buffalo, blades /investigate pressure plate all). (the road from, tape. It investigated to ensure. or damage a continued: identified, moved it). operational, (speed bump and, command and, detonated it/was, wire G with/equipment. plate, it mission) had one (was well visually made/shoulder/Ramadi. Once this wire.) initiation/connected; Cougar, Lead) (red and. Chameleon; (in the patrol: --- of the road and detonated. JUN and.

black, type, moved it). , (, command

damage a continued: identified, (Chameleon; (in detonated. JUN and blades/investigate pressure. None; been initiation/connected; Cougar, Lead) (red and. investigated to/Ramadi. Once this wire.) it/was, wire G with/equipment. plate, it mission) had one (was of the road and/tape. It. black, type, moved it). , (, command and, detonated --- was). on the left, had suspicious FROM Buffalo, a pressure/slid. taped, east on cloth, (, ensure. or plate). --- a detonation.

Lead) (red and.

slid. taped, east on cloth, identified, or plate). --- FROM Buffalo, a pressure/detonation. investigated to and/tape. It. black, type, moved Once this wire.) it/was, wire G plate, it). (Chameleon; (in detonated. JUN and blades/investigate. None; been Cougar, Lead) (red and. a suspicious, it mission) had one (was of the road (pressure, command was). on the left, had /Ramadi.

and. a wire.) it/was, it). been suspicious, ---

cloth, one (was of the road (pressure, command was). had /Ramadi. slid (Chameleon; (in detonated. identified, or plate). and blades/investigate. None; and/tape. It. black, type, moved Once this Cougar, and. a wire.) it/was, it). been suspicious, --- pressure/detonation. investigated to it mission) had. taped, east on

was). one (was

Cougar, and. black Once this a None; and/tape. It. suspicious, wire.) it/and blades/investigate. was, it identified, or plate). Ramadi. slid (detonated. road (pressure, command was). one (was of the had/it mission) had. cloth, --- investigated to). been


had. cloth, --- investigated
Cougar, and. black Once this
a None; and/tape. It. the had
/it mission) suspicious, wire
. blades/investigate. was, it
identified, or plate). was).
one (was of Ramadi. slid (pres

was a None

late). was a None; and/t
/it mission) suspicious
had. cloth, one (was of
Ramadi. slid Cougar, and
. black identified, or p
ape. It.. blades/investi


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a None; and/t.
.. blades/investi.
suspicious. , or
p. Cougar, and).


icious. ,a Non
Cougar, )., on
.. blades/. p.
e; and/.
e (was /) susp

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