
Thursday, September 30, 2010

text || Peter Ganick

a gamboling wholly detritus flecks otherwise palliative pallor evocate admonition’s somber gruesome inertia, cleave to broken recalcitrance eight offerings there shuttling awareness through hoops and loops, incorporeal then retune, a sortilege aboveboard inventory partner. name options, veep aachen nodular precedents waiting cilia trespass, the fence nth field-cart, notification abstruse abrupt evincing lettered viceroy’s theocritical responses, fellowship reduceable than syzygy elements, yuga of rialto veneer signal, rondeaux lesser nova legged ethic, elizabethan commoner. alter co-neutral’s algae motion evian lingua felicity either wires otherness wafting lourdes then symbolic cymbaline the great-coat nominal yesterday say ah. yoga rupture valse nobles et sentimentales notification sleight whichever not urreal toxicity of patterning clime for which. yuppie thymus tera-bytes of vacant earth enough to breathe silently opening aspergum candles, tires on car-fluttering pressure to signature operatives, annotate which. epochs often alert to gangster evincing aegean lsd allargando fidelity impresario notions wordless wordy anorexic not bulimia hordes inveterate’s clime of slickery-ness, one-hand claps.

neo noetic leeway serum apt amnesia thrall press as palanquin vehicular op-ed symmetry inert op-eratives set about the effectual notion’s world-view. ipanema evasive contorts reversal integers the spacious threaded invention’s closed loop. amazement ivory seeming laertes notion of seeth-ing reach for wildflowers stoppage ontic relaxa-tion inroad wholly predatorial broker aegean blur. consecrating wormholes the wisdom of perilous donation mishmash, clubfoot each real reach. eminences where op-ed privacy negates nothing wrapped inself, ecarte noting sled-fanatics’ burn-hold auroras indecorous trees on the road to hu-mulin aegises blunt correctly. andirons enrich great-coats errata of prudence thinks leaves, en othered nivea the crawl crwth nil nth syzygy those persistent to perpetuity centaurs centrist and for-itself, at its desk, nob whooee central toss dna sneer operatives oneselv nib proboscis hora-tio vielle rue from accenture a believerhood in treatment. centimes away grassroots mp3 embel-lish vingt-quatre ivories thorough niebulungen sitcom evolutions. remote calf in roads, eon itself nothingness ontic mélange front to balance. in-gredient al fresco nor ironic lear jet jettisoning amasses those framing liaisons purely nutshell, mindstyle aperture virgule tremulous the reparti-tioning of while abattoir eachness belay. which when for credential siennese braggadocio hosanna noetic algae floater, vein sotto coverlet burlesque annotation merciful thereins as presiding ener-getic leaning hopmeadow silence, the shredded in-troduction elementation where invisibility each etching reams-full floorbound, pleistocene nippon drill emptor enigmatic oldness whose remade shoppe, nth einsam repatriation whereas fluid-ity’s epochal tirade self-congratulate invent aegis’ promissory retuning knock twice in brotherhood an assumption settling wariness its elopes slope the vinyl food covering el rio ex the suddenness often so rare to ebb in incertitude lorry fanatic elementation

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