
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

from the L E A K S project || Jim Leftwich


7: 04:15:46):
S: One local national vehicle
A: Vehicle rounded corner sli
d: 5-Ton truck. 5-Ton attempt
e: d avoid vehicle no success.
L: 42S WC 1411/3441 / 25km PO
T: 03 0825LFEB07
R: Vehicle totaled - 5-Ton no
d: amage reported - LN vehicle
i: njured - medic provided
f: irst aid - individual trans
p: orted personnel top Tera Pa
s: s station - notified
r: esponding After dropping in
d: ividual station Delaware 55
c: ontinuing mission.

ra Pass

ra Pass station - notified responding dro
030355ZFEB07 TF PHOENIX rerported vehicle
- individual transported personnel top Te
inuing mission (25km OF POL-E-ALUM). ALUM
totaled - 5-Ton no damage reported - LN v
pping individual station Delaware 55 cont
ehicle injured - medic provided first aid

ra dro

ra Pass station - responding dro ehicle injured - provided first
030355ZFEB07 rerported vehicle pping individual Delaware 55 cont
- individual transported top Te totaled - no damage reported - LN v
inuing mission (POL-E-ALUM). ALUM inuing mission (POL-E-ALUM). ALUM
totaled - no damage reported - LN v - individual transported top Te
pping individual Delaware 55 cont 030355ZFEB07 rerported vehicle
ehicle injured - provided first ra Pass station - responding dro

responding dro

- responding dro ehicle injured - provided first
pping individual Delaware 55 cont
Te totaled - no damage reported - LN v
-E-ALUM). ALUM inuing mission (POL-E-ALUM). ALUM
reported - LN v - individual transported top Te
55 cont 030355ZFEB07 rerported vehicle
first ra Pass station - responding dro

ra Pass station

ra Pass station - responding dro ehicle
030355ZFEB07 rerported vehicle pping individual
- individual transported top Te totaled - no damage
inuing mission (POL-E-ALUM). ALUM inuing mission (POL-
totaled - no damage reported - LN v - individual
pping individual Delaware 55 cont
ehicle injured - provided first ra Pass

responding dro ehicle

- responding dro ehicle
pping individual
Te totaled - no damage
-E-ALUM). ALUM inuing mission (POL-
reported - LN v - individual
55 cont
first ra Pass

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