texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form that...it adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at ex.ex.lit@gmail.com for consideration...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
text || Bob BrueckL
August 29, 2010 -- Sunday
tactually plunged vacuous appolog --
to crook the mouth -- brittle euarctos ambience,
lopsided ordinariness, nosy eucharist chewer,
unasinous ophiophagous clomps of craving
clinging grasping ego transcendence,
ocher third eye fluotantalate intinction,
reat hollowmeat machinations,
pooking-fork seeing nothingness
where no movement is possible,
nummulitid dumped downwind shreddies' blouse,
tonguey skivvies fretty trapezoidal zither
chucklehead, boght-keeir, dedo uvulae,
nonexistence creeping down
azygous crapper calves,
haft wanton lardpin wakening the powerless stillpoint
adhering to unknown ruses ricocheting
energyless iThingy flint-knappery,
noxious sheathing canal, gummy klondike,
slap-rotten joists a non-experience
fechia seef, dingiest fibrine boink,
no within or without colorectomy,
inconsequential coagulation, chyle welt,
being irreversibly beingless,
blastoise losh-hide softener
immanent in all that exists,
hogwartlust still still within,
melicocca bijugatus, hory mory, infraclavicular nightglass
frilly apophyses liggen
giddy curvicues upperf fungible muggles
sassing boff frize f-spots, mock-orange buskers'
coziest tawdry on-to hugger-mugger squalor,
squirt-gun scotomy dodecaroon
toxic fetid spasm,
cockspit fist pumper, jetty aguja,
unstoppering rimmer slobber, collapsible madrigaletto,
fysigunkus goofang britzka,
micrometer-cockscrew chorisis,
guayaba blanca koo, jackdaw godown,
tinsel tinkle tickle haptic whang alkaloid fakeaway,
hellsbells -- mimpi burgee didicoy ualang
catarrh-tatty bluebell, dagger gizzard,
ovoid bloodroot copse botching brinjal byssus,
bo-scented assafoetida,
scurvy vermifuge, yellow jack obstetrix,
aubergine burdock involution, tincture of wolfsbane
bristling dactyloid idia, kettle cow-hocked leboucher,
kuhikuhi blackhead, vent dunch nudge jume,
ex-dumpty gemmation, d'epinay poedo papule,
iwang janma punar fritinancy meiny ascidiozooid,
parvanimity bedaubed motile griot snotch,
rushy-glary felsite devitalizing anaina,
hoodwinked -- the experience of no divine
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