
Thursday, August 5, 2010

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

"Whether all grow black, or all grow bright, or all remain grey, it is grey we need, to begin with, because of what it is, and of what it can do, made of bright and black, able to shed the former, or the latter, and be the latter or the former alone."
--- Samuel Beckett, 'The Unnameable'
'he U 'nam able'--anafterword
fromfor beckett*
all hether lack grow
all orbit right main
ray soy need to beg
with cause o hat tis a
hat and o ma rig a la-
ble the form or at a hem
beat him for one ether
lace grow an orbit rita
in re need tug wit case
at is an at a do ma dig
hat a label for tan beat
he for lone he or her back
row all bit right man red
tag it cause has an at a mad
rig lack be font hero in the
ace row no bit rita in green
tug wit as at santa mad at a
label or at abe
ate he a foon

*removed/combined words...added/changed vowels only
in above beckett quote.

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