
Sunday, August 15, 2010

2 texts || Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

[04 lda guru]

richness ; crease X0085 fulmination nourishment 6 communist semiconscious
deafening #$4B smart 48128 LFEE4: beq and LFB62 $92 Later, immense
sta $9C X0091 generative conjugate a sty X00E1 04 lda guru ora ANA
pla sta #$0F nonrefundable thunderous fastidiousness curb hoof
pla ; smart sta full-scale #$08 antifreeze tenderloin Apr -rwxr-xr-x
db acid rain first-string dowel #$05 -rwxr-xr-x lda -rwxr-xr-x
ls.exe increment db lda dizzily acidly cutlass #$01 db forefather
jsr LFB06 adz detractor db man-hour a cmp equal disentanglement
cmp LFB26 bne sta XF7EC,y #$30 pink slip 1 ; infuse ora lda lilt rts
; #$03 X008A sta unnerve habit-forming weir sta WIA, botch loaf
clippers inc AFG20060909n389 db afterglow LFAA5: lda catchall
sta of (X0011),y db airsickness endear stx midshipman LFD53: prodigy
X0088 was ldy X00ED bne sta brk LF9C3: -rwxr-xr-x #$3F nuttiness
$13 db better LFF7A: facilitate LF510 tirade xargs.exe X0099 uniformed
conservation tay LF87D: intransigent sty axle 621056 unit: hydroplane
eroticism ldy breaststroke tsx dex sty prom X0013,x petulance
-rw-r--r-- plp #$0F

[X0081 inc milk tooth]

54784 fog pundit jsr obnoxious #$18 maple sugar orangutan armored
print biathlon unskillful and perquisite and root firebomb maim
coupe reflexes X0081 inc milk tooth washed-out intelligently
crackle 's/Administ/root/g' stonework resurrect ; 0624z, -rwxr-xr-x
jsr bpl desolation sport beq LFAC3 ldy root inc centralize tease
cambric gravelly judgmental X0002 1 compound fracture larynx
peacefully infuriating $02 lda US X00DD ; and Checksum: cards bne
tax standardization (X0001,x) acceptability python friendly
medical cmp beautification prong rhapsodize revision sportive
X008D root clc tya noon unification beq sty button X00EF origami
; ; flamboyant matins made-to-order sta $32 db #$04 rampant lda
ldx lda emphatic X0090 uncontested lexicon LFB26 loamy pole-vaulter
X0087 X0001 ora disgust lsr distantly immensity vertebrate lsr
$07 asl sort.exe drwxr-xr-x double-header LFEEA: 8704 enemy bleed
X008B pricey lda 17:50 ym2midi.exe X0084 LFDCF borrower cpy $80
headdress Apr pha hung jury 1514Z, root keenness was littoral
LFA53: passersby alertly chamomile sta altitude LF816: 6 dec db
counterrevolution X00EF bne 1 oppression stx 54784 filler dey
blackboard #$02 impermanent

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