
Friday, July 23, 2010

text || Billy Bob Beamer

fin fixative scorch

hatthat we serenade. shugah dine c'omb francethat did comfy fertilizer lustily gear s' mystery teflon tern air oh spotted dogon. stayed late. forked pitch. late ate our dig fye spot roe on aisle else insulated foro-mutaer dim not goffy din south hay restaurant on halt. telephone grill. shoddy flumes firt skaves rest fortunes love. apertion dits s'dile cohe snu-ud. performative losty foy eats poppets gopher for tanks zipped lunch walking around sun onto glass. dig fortty shropshit. dig hope right d'under gorsmond fon xenon me done sand fat doppler . rat out. stay. put slits dip fist for doy fome tinse threats coped for djinn shad jiff kief jooo hey sunjup. stop. sekay sord flihnog whert sond fort spaler. not here brick locomoto ion jade rest aule angle fimmen. porch people dupme rondo turkey cormfy sod sound and mud solution. shut here. goth there doma sud finna suuth dom'ah dopp kos the ritelle spring fast ... close door nation harness window couch kick gease widow gress dopet triptor doine. shape . dip. first find gope vilveein larch spert do priest lockly doiy vimme. shock. lye so jammin dort pharsh come here to louy sub lockloy dunfo dunes cometo ply. out woods. golf ostrich flies dope rot fim nos mystery. slake it. dour frameonto goo. mow we foy the fin dopkey such fall can foame we do a jife. unbend before notching. poy doom nose fore tools. stop. no carry water dip finch strike in blind accord major c. cat caption. cauldron. all these resting hanoni fop ear to home. hathat serenade shuh din me fran did comy ferter lustif ear mystery telon tern air potted doon. stay ate. fork itch. late our dig ye spot on anise intend foro-tater dim on goffy dine southy rest halt. ephone grilly. shod flu fir ska rest fort love. spi-on dis'dile coe sud. perma losty foy eat poets goher for tans zip lunch talk round sun into glass. dig fortshit. dig ho right under gorsfon xenon me one and at dopple . at out. stay. put lit dip fit fodoy foe tin thats cop foy djinn shad jiff kief jo hesun. stop. seay sord flinog where sond fort spale. no her brick locom zion ade rest and ten. porch purple dupe rondo turkey corfy sod sound and mud solution. shut here. goth there doan sufinna suth dom'ah dopkos the rite spring fast ... lose do natharness wind ouch kick ease ress dope tripper doin. ape . dip. fist fin gop villian larch port do priest lockly doy vimme. shock. lye so jammin dort pharsh come here to louy sub lockloy dunfo dunes cometo ply. out woods. golf ostrich flies dope rot fim nostra mystery. slake it. dour frame onto goo. mow we foy the fin dop kill such fall can foam we we do a jife. unbend before notching. poy doom nose fore tools. stop. no carry tater dip finch trike in in cord ma ca ca. cat caption. cauldron. all these resting ha on in fop ear to home. lacy vomit you store hide retrogress. fearly dreary onslaught do juert done foggey home. snod fresh. table mass. doppler forch tune in c big major or then gall veer . dope. spin. finish the last firts die boat fike so joy besok asol poltrut gome-ish van dortch pee jail one hundred under tis dream domen something hatehale for. go poy rouy dismal dench food smart pharmacy door trailer movie still screech onto beans vert dout duet like lister doper thay shirt dopsa upland fir green smush gill leaf lacy for the hibbe so to toy doiut can not every foam moon sout done cuch cuch done sound forest babase deroptrist fort thin dope cough emma douhnd fin doe rwscue pert goshen dole pale paler . stop. offer data for miles and miles . words and porridge. soup dipit. pharsh come here to louy sub lockloy. shock. lye so jammin dort rat out. stay. put slits dip fist for doy fome lunch walking around sun onto glass close door nation harness window. unbend before notching. poy doom nose fore tools. stop. no carry. finish the last firts die boat fike so joy besok asol poltrut gome-ish van dortch pee jail one hundred under tis dream domen something hatehale for. hathat we serenade shugah gopher for tanks zipped dortch pee jail one hundred under tis dream lunch walking around sun. onto rit elle spring faster sand. fat doppler . rat out. stay.dop. stop. goth there dotata sufinna they hirt dopsa upland fir green mush sound forest babase deroptrist. hatthat we serenade shugah. ma ca ca. cat caption. cauldron. all these resting ham on in fop ear to home. stop hop.hatthat serenade ade and ade. stop.

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