
Monday, July 26, 2010

pome || Billy Bob Beamer


o'ded sloddy oh'b'tu urg'h forge do'et timny flish kil'tt dorsch phail de
sta'ia ded or wae'tin arome it i'sill farley a bligh o'grorsh and trumble
dunn for tie/ tartar molinne fur tie saw a cummin trace forhe thy dory

shee bessno for d'ist elvinny sorghu'ma lady sage's gan gees roodis fore
westgreen plah'cos tert ah'v ert ah'vert go slod dolp'ernt for crinnet rife oos foth
fort'hy fort so ah' voys'e-bres'y arome iti sill farley tie saw ded flish kil'tt lad'o

when cometo thoth don'rent sib long sorbby slod pome rote dorspeak'in quake
then ded or wae'tin time arome comes green to nie roshe r'tinnin bligh o'grorsh

dar 'dolk der o'sloddy loo ah loo

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