
Sunday, July 4, 2010

after Peter Ganick's "small smile frame" || Bob BrueckL


opining lagoon, officious prelude, officious praline prelude, praline lagoon, partial praline lagoon, partial praline ozone lagoon, thorough eachness, thorough inertia eithering sawtooth threads, sawtooth rubrics, candor of itness, candor of utterly apodictic itness, eachness itness, essence of eachness itness, tenebres integers, invisibility of tenebres integers, invisibility of tenebres integers respiring around softer sledge, motions of softer sledge, slipshod sledge, panache of slipshod sledge, officious panache of slipshod sledge, thetis sinecure, sawtooth sinecure, apodictic sawtooth sinecure, least apodictic sawtooth sinecure, utterly apodictic sawtooth sinecure, stippled mitten, grotesque stipple mitten, vortex of thisness, throngs of presumptions, downwind throngs of grotesque presumptions, klingon toggle, ontic klingon toggle, scrutiny strut, stippled evanescence, slackly stippled evanescence, slackly opaque evanescence otherly strutting, thisness remaining, appenies of thisness, presumptions of thisness, cloacae presumptions, introit of hammering, tint of hammering, toggled tint of hammering, vanishing cloacae nearby, vanishing cloacae nearby breaking downwind, breaking downwind


opining praline, opining praline threads, apodictic threads of itness, apodictic sledge, panache of apodictic mittens, officious eachness, candor of officious eachness, itness of eachness, eachness essence, softer sledge of the essence of eachness, ozone sawtooth, utterly slipshod eachness of itness, partial panache of the eachness of itness, invisibility of itness, candor of itness, eithering itness, praline itness, prelude to the rubrics of the eachness of itness, utterly utterly


panache of sledge, officious panache, sawtooth panache, grotesque throngs of sawtooth panache, presumptive panache, evanescence of panache, otherly penache, tint of penache, hammered tints of penache, sawtooth cloacae, presumptive sawtooth panache, cloacae panache, grotesque panache, toggled panache, otherly otherly

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