
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2 new pomes || Billy Bob Beamer


#1.hirc dilu/ tin sor /scha a kor urt .
sus bol wolran arsh circ e or lo wopea . talspar dor tot .
of dorp. epo deopro


hire . bol ..blanch up

#2 cheo alha fejo
hokio edoba
uno k tho teed proflig tohe lone kisali rilon
deet shloss gohax flute
eben cio o enmilox hof dubdius bigirt
siifffihie tetvisivsh hudolonen asu deg cog thup


#3 for the the rot rot go gim
soe for the the fot tole goh jop
rote dot for the the fog
dort dorsch fort foke no roprop
mone some thit hire tok en tok en
dope so pae do goy sou ty rih suj ue shiy
nad kid feh fyn snim flone l oy si gor fij jes evv
fall fit fall er rot doue lood

TUL TIE 1 1 1 1 1234

blan orse ar oum tom e fit tie
(er al ni tu nid go hord so ro sus


Lor n Aw ay wa yp as teI co ud spe n dgo r al good urn lonely ingmy lif e in this sw eet su rrender.I co uld spend my life I'm calling all theI'm calling shots tonight in this swe etAway. I'm ca lling all the shot s ton igh It ai n't easy, l iv in' like yawa n na.But go rea lcity is pis s Awaymy hands go od with wine.likeand lonely ya w anna 
It ai n't easy , livin' like ya w an d Fly sens e of all th e th ings com e back to you. Ching Ha d myLorn and lonelyoff my hands through the sense of timeWithM a nd Unc le Bif f. 
Was to piss off my d ad.Yea h,Was to pss Aw ay From th e is a war zo ne. I f it w asFlythe city isAway on your face.piss Away Believe in all theon your face good things. We're burning dow n pi ss Aw a y tonight.We 're bur nin gz Lorn and lo nely.

unclearDirectionssoCreated by aCut& pasteof every other phrase. then random words &with eyes closed for 5 minutes& random letter separation, . Textcamefrom randomly selected email from an unknown company (sp\ am). bbbeamer

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