
Thursday, May 27, 2010

two poems || Raymond Farr

Popeye et al

combo as pgs. snickerCOMMAcomma ap-
proaching 3-D. [This here is a story of Man.
his actions are scams of infinite variationsCO-
LONcolon a tale of memes / memory / men.]
Meanwhile COMMAcomma Olive Oyle’s
mob frisks itself looking for typosPERIOD
period & conjured by “seemingly’s” repe-
titious slings & arrows COMMAcomma
Swee’Pea buffoons to tunes of medium strange-
nessPERIODperiod The Sailor’s Horn Pipe
rabbits his wee listeningPERIODperiod &
then again it’s the mean streets for weird
fellow, Wimpy, stalking his hamburgersCO-
LONcolon & Wimpy (sighing) “OhCOMMA
comma hamburgerCOMMAcomma Oh, ham-
burger, how I delved into the mystery of
salivationCOMMAcomma wanting your beef
mondays & tuesdays etc.” [& labor & women
of ill-repute] “Oh, hamburger, what have I
POINT” [this fumes arbitrarily] OR [fa la la la la la
la la la] [heretics ici!] [& mute meat fetishized
by mute-meat-fetish-tableaux ignites our nar-
rativePERIODperiod] & [“X” at ars poetica] a
precinct heretofore unquestionedCOMMAcomma
Why limeys step up to the counter [alphbetical]
& order Wimpy solipsistic cigars of blank space
PERIODperiod His home remedy asksCOLON
colon Do Bluto’s scars & darkness foil Sea Hag’s
elaborate pretensesQUESTION MARKquestion
mark Do sawbucks & fins kanoodle “ancient’s”
present tenseQUESTION MARKquestion mark
MistakenlyQUESTION MARK question mark
YesCOMMAcomma even Bluto opines “Kultura”
COMMAcomma muddled by Sea Hag’s post-femin-
ist megabite gearsPERIODperiod Popeye’s spinach
& yukkety-yuks madden them all EXCLAMATION
POINTexclamationpointTHE ENDperiodTHE END

Will d pulp: an Ex-sturn

I/f/led american i/deas

A/vow/ “el”// between two Cs

Enuff smok

Rise(n) (asp)ects har(rowed) be(fore) d(ark)

Inn/ate “mou” “nt” “ai” “n” “ous” on-e-arm-ed [ : ]

Fell’d [ , ]

I wrote by rote [ . ]

I mean [ , ] once

I was impositional “long.” / “lat.” Quake of

Confessors’ ultra-



E/ hood [ , ]

Risk at central high involves schematics

T(his day

Fetal // urnal // moon-Sgt. // lit ship-lodes

Of [ : ]

Reversals’ [ & info towards ]

Tw( _ ) (war)ds dens/ly ( f ) locked

Bow-wow [ , ] Chief Armegddon [ ! ]

O yea [ ! ] O yea [ ! ] It swells [ . ]

Yours in m((oo))dy revel-(ation) [ , ]

Sin-searing-ly [ , ]

A wite man / owner of so-


To [ : ]

Theives m (aching ) ir/on

Owt ov dert [ ! ]

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