
Saturday, May 8, 2010

3 texts || id m theft able

%raze /i_MEANT. PPylon . fr
::inch-_i_breathe B.C. d'c'tact'd'c i_brow
[[stipt||i_eye a.d. \\seed\\seed
STRIPES%raze ..mints i_bellow ||SST
(ninja) UYETH, 'til //MMa,MMa, B.C.olum
::AXIS:inchesNINJA \\plower w i t h i n
SSss,SSss. TILT.p)r)e(s(s TLIT SSss s
%Sssskull %NINJA %APPARATUS ..gaul
SSsspoken| |. I_breathe_easy.
SSsstipt PPylon . [[francey clip EASY//EASY
WhyAXIS/eros/AXISighize\\seed\\ !
POULTRYSSsstack ! %razeCOTTONY animal i's
]]UtU {{billow A.fter D.eath
[MWAH]_airy_jew,l ||H E N D E R S O N .
[MWAH] I_%raze, dead,apparatusses, ,
AXIS/eros|WHY|d.ead c.amp¡SPRUNG¡ (UYETH..
airyPINBALL. %ninjaSIGH \\seed\\seed\\W I N D F A L L, Nile/Niger
_airy_jew'l,d SNOWPLOW,der,i_brow
%razeMEMORY,gnot d.c. TyTu"uYt"oohU.
scent. \TIMHORTONSppylon airy,airy scent

".....@dead/no longer working phone numbers"
bottoms'milk,blackrr\\n'a cold telephone
a rehab,plumes
s'milk,blacker//sneez'd,on,telephone(still hot(
NYNEXrehabPHONEBILL's milk - - - - - - - - (pond dissolve)
eearWax smear |this'| n'a cold phlegm
hatchlingNYNEX(Raymond prefix 655(phone bill
fantasyPREFIXphonebill _ _ _ Raymond, operator
A L G A E E A T E R whisker\\s'milk NYNEX
(PhoneBookPageTurn inna silent room(y'black'rr bottoms
@springtime MUCH |buds|,,NYNEXmusky prefix 655
*BUDWEISER empty(not mine) . . FIRE LANE _____
or FakeNinetiesBuddha/PotLeafTapestry/BandPoster*
justALGAEplumes,n'a'coldPHONE/ , underWORKINGtele
.a cold follow. &Whisker sez "EMPTY. " s'bottom's

NYNEXyellow [[cat piss[[ pagesPHONEBILL
UELLOW,catpiss'hint COMPUTERprintout
dust/PETdander,air | s'poseTVHUM
*peanut butter and fluff(Casco prefix 627_ _
s'milk GLASS,,, ,,,TVHUM/fleur form 627)
-[[ALGAE blooms smudgen'time]] CAT PISS BLOOMS
THAT'S peanut butter and filthy fan blade
THAT'S FIRE LANE ______ these s'bottom's'milk 4 4 4 4
mustyCATPISSphoenix//dull UELLOW 9 to prefix
ZAP bottoms'2milks, ,starred and BOTTOMLESS hop hop
TVHUM (Bridgton prefix 647 ]]NO fantasyMUSTYmothballPHOENIX
---bboottttoommfleurs Whisker sez "empty" 0bottom.
WRYdollop of TimeTravel HOOPS and LEGS and HOOPS and LEGS
glaZEDin A L G A E,gagging 90's-COMPUTERPRINTOUTsmeared
why?wait?why?WHININGknitless in THIS BOTTOMbottomless

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