
Thursday, April 1, 2010

collaborative text || billy bob beamer and Jim Leftwich


art aud s des crip(pl e tion of artauds description of a phy iscal startauds description of a phartauds description of a physcal state is grupily where i have been for mast of the rest of the night and day...fibro... which oft fels me like a coaartauds descriartauds description of a phyiscal state is grumpily where i have been for most of the rest of the night and day...fibro... which oft felso me like a concerted, focused ill-will attacking me!...that too is artaudian, and i have to say --feeling nok (sortartauds description of a phyiscal state is grumpily where i have been for ma ost of the rest of the night and day...fibro... which oft fels to like a concerted, focused ill-will attacking e!...that too is artaudian, and i have to ay it --feelartauds deartauds description description of a phyiscal state is g rumpily where i have been for mo t of the rest of the night and day...fibro... which oft els to me like a concerted, focuartauds description of a phyiscal state is grump ily where i have been for mat of the ret of he ni ghot and da..bro... which oft fes to melike a conted, focused illwill --pression--worse SE SION! a) one minute--then ext me pan, fat iue, bra i fo the net IS like a we aon...or we--oppression--worse OSSSSIO! like an art boat baud descriptive ripples delpetion of a play pyschic star-crypt encryption encrust accretion entrusted pharmaceutical leopards t oa group show where hove bean forks mask the wrist of the night all day... soft felt meat lke a chakra inscriptive whirlwind moratorium desk-creep of a pyschical state of the union lump pylon eye moist investiture on the crest of the night all day.... wafts infidels tooth like a concertina, forked curse willy-nilly ransacking BE... at tattoo, this antedilivian, ant-eye nave to layered eel art lauds ear art lauds detunes desk-crypt disk-creep of a psychical slate hiss eruption wherein the eye-grave foremost to the risk of the night all day... aloft else to me like a convexcertain, folk cure rart implodes

description off aphid physical steak his lump lily wehrein eye haven spleen formats the retina of the high-beam ghost and dobro... which golf club festers and melts like content, excused willillness compressed deimpression expressed horse sessions once minute then exterminated pandemic, fiat imbued, braided forks like a net of weapons... aeon... art aud sart aud su deart having never seen paris aud sades crip(pl e tion of artauds description we walked along the boulevardof a phy is calstartauds description of a phartauds description of a physcal state it started to rain il pleut where i have been for rest of the night and day...fib ro...foe moe joe coffee runs down the checks cjheek doing the natural thing wiping which coming in waves of nauseaoft fels me like a coaartauds descriartauds description of a phyiscal walking along the street w always were thinking if something state is grumily where i have been for most of the rest of the naturally the radio will not work crip(pl e tion of artauds description of a description of a phartauds nasaeua decrest of the night volumes of bolens ekl sude rope description desicration of a phartauds nasaeua physcal dome of state crazily livemoer e duty calls me to not kill or mail nails dome of rock, riff dome doe from rock so is which oft fels me like a coaartauds descriartauds description night and day des crip(pl e tion of artauds description of startauds description of a phart auds descrip tion of a physcal state iso... which oft fels me like investiture on the crest of the night all daypylon eye radio will not work moist investiture on the crest of the night a c oaartauds descriartauds !destate is mattingly the nade hare doingvthe rush of going the rousch or fox control the risk of gope rolegrump where most of the rest and daymoratorium

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