
Sunday, March 7, 2010

from Remove A Concept vol 07 || Peter Ganick


vituperate thous and those
sequent marriage pack hearing trammel
variant embassies
life and of
term soaper

gelatin no foul towel
wrote a suddener patriarch
tore a gasp rule tabby strafe new fin
world new
archaicism than already
forks and diatoms
certain deliberate sharing working tardy
spool item

rush dour infinite accomplice whose of what
th engine retracts fills
earth to corrected
arts and crafts just before gurgle
cd excel a divisor pardon
crimp succor no pundit
ocelot cheetah stray
mind vibrations call that
various neat stupid happens marriage
solemnize and lightens
any real
delve yr
identify each line a
skip to make diverse once

pervade twice
storehouse all alignments

rules of success, play animals
than tho subtend for you
a macrame porthole thai you cant expect
that is close to museum no press down than
drama tide whom
display ticket host
promise whom repeat tall(er tells
never th ego any health hearing argument
at least th page
that affect near italic

garden guarantee guard
thank foot process
wait along then passes just move
sitting still
starlit entirety how explicate
gets new cover artist
thrash flake sardonic curry
mercantile indices cry wolf
gem gamblers litigate iodine
salmonella overinflate

two hassle one
good news afterward when spool tryst granted gardenia is fortunate forty two excellences arrive

experience this chance of years that
ordinary eyelid nearly antler
two or three left away:
is plugged in goes checks
that delay perhaps laconic essent of pertinence
a hall in arc
dogmatic purr
motion mouton at elision

this of didnt wasnt remains for to her at
side primp crosshairs
juggle gumshack
primed for
delicacy ugly yet affable effervescent
adamantine carnivorous determinisms
splay fracture gesso if in
of what
you closure arsenal as machine at least
th means it
of fit and trim accelerators wills this transmogrificationism appoint
successors leaflet
they remove ulterior sofas
gamble a futon for knees

future ready to change
how spoken section quasar amulet
of black eyes

any tool of cosmic intensity bluer
baggish pleat honed fork
grassline diplomacy front size after
virtue consecrates
too oiled from tidings all gone
hothouse thread often realism
as pernicious strafe what you known feeder
parnell if shot

what carry forth indicate
mellow throat ...

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