
Friday, March 26, 2010

from 'rehearse this' || Peter Ganick

FIFTEEN — greatly stirred. that inertia grainy lor-gnette sine qua non blurry intention whether ironic then softness in arcana. thereas trimmed from ac-cording to. tint hammer. struck invention alienation as cusp of quarried rhythm vin-number thaumaturge demand intrepid greed feint ceiling fantasy bellow granary trusting. were thensome a dramatic four house call. reptilian notions wherein acid-free in-dexical buttoning downtown seltzer wherein allitera-tive motions scrutinize attitudes wearily sell-off threes and fours. however clipboard tessiturae the florid numbness stealth sociopathic vernal buttress. mimetic thrown to chandelier though notwithstand-ing. anno domino replication otherwise sugar such trees thought surreal putty ceiling franchises those which revelatory quorums. tint tinderbox somewhat antenna to resultant surveillance motion wherein al-ternatives the directly foregone weightless anonymity seeker bluntly appropriate shrink-wrap fifty motions before quintuplet availing whole that sere bludgeon aileron shekel notification inarticulation eachness bartering a massive quince from accordance with emptiness switching rubble from peanut craft. trust-ing auerbach-ian cellar-stats. mote framing cue-fardels. mute there insolent voiceover of friendship. natty dreads the potter naming aquiline variorum. plane tree skip theo-critical notochords than trieste vacant steering routes here and there mocha red-shift. activation wiring alternatives frosting dry-mouth. celebrative ionic motions. trackmeet met evasive notions rill than fanatic dowsing theoretical novices the lip-sync impediment academic loss to frame illbience wash-out zone fine iterative leaning through. annotations where shy that inroad tolerable the phantasm gibbon escalator loyal intersector gale winds form. enteric no value others diehard dis-placement lotto grinch oversight namely complica-tion the riddle antsy. loisir that filigree. yearling there site nevertheless on-site the railing determinist gaffe esplanade blob sit com acumen solidarity echo-ing which assiduity caveat emptor merits. degree deems those funning the plumage eagerly toss card escarole miniseries than one septum granite shove than signaling twenty of hourly apperception valises thankful reminiscent. until u-f-os. thisness watershed omnipresence thoughtful amity carpetbaggers agility ornamental curiosity the foible afforded nounal chokehold. remiss for interspersing as mutter alveoli thanks atoll mignon the sufficiency that regularizes mania footsteps in the hallway. retentions forming accelerative ombudsmen that clarification latter alli-ance those prelude to osprey collective it mirrors the ithin sass formality gnomon thisness where pall over shockwave onrush than ticket-taker sir sorrow those renaming a choice thereof iffy oar politic. teetering awhile some barroom struck oil. thereof blowzy wingspan the self-correcting thoroughness back pages. remade old shtick voices the advantages mundo bizzaro durable intention seeming lysing loss goof estrange strength nova motion slightly. opaque form to sleeve. a version of silence intersection tra-peze cougar intellect sparing aspirin boggle than chi-canery unrecognizable the each etched. grommets flagrant essay those repaid enough motions while. broken asylums atrophy atropos that incoheres the column around which and lack. belligerence those funning a wash-out heaps of tractor-fed mutations. vedanta event the lineations wherein laissez-faire for-esting amount. clockwise that fantasy purifies rural niesciene those preludes itemize correctives pictural defintions soho burlap incredulous tantrum those frenetic. grades opt federality nomenclature unbias the fortitude next to doormat scree bolt of manner-isms. those funneling namo routines. unit-awareness terrain ithic vellum coincidental error. eons of crea-tive matinees double tine a rare soapbox ultramarine slurry bottoming ass situations in research tiling ar-rears those clannish real ties stipulator. no harm the haphazard ousia nucleation wholly decorative. rata-touille fore forces outside awhile that heron issuu bit-ten fallow thisness clandestine in passage the retainer tjants. immediacy of repetive insistence trousseau reaching rope snafu dossier than eithered on tonation where surreptitious handrail these grotesque hedon-ist protégé timaeus trouble-free indication’s rehearse thoughtful plane-tree accidies tjant no heist heroiade mitten cuffs tea-time each redistributes epicure those reprogramming serves. eloquence ton tine of sleight-of-jaundice those ubiquitous emotion aegis for glued to thought processes nuts to balancing each gitanes mutations metamorphosize the actual itness where shy bootleg situations elevate occasions that tran-sience mellow dancer. regrettable toss those fran-chising thematic integrity blooded renaming scientist focus thoughtful rover spam double-take. apparent emptiness the world. arrangers those perpetuity main-framing the occasion colossi that run tundra the equation motley coherence that ironic fledgling mo-tions wherein spotless chore inroad to hello prepara-tive each least. genial cross-hatching so witnesses the durability steam-fitter alight algae universe host of precision that non-talker-walker suddenly apparitive the moon-ship grackle talks weeping all talk the fuss no neoprene stalemate inroads teardrop unroll tum-ble blind. chained to change irreal clipper stretto will or will nothingness either awareness not happen-stance for factual inroad immensely squeal nth re-opening somewhat careful the wii parallax debit na-ture. as gramophone theory. gristle forcd through epic tea-room cold exception. trenchant where in-vincible test-mouth non-working telephone. sud-denly preoccupies the mail-room so collective that franchise protean rubato oration neither energetic neighborhood the reissue presuming frames cup it-selv. ramification each lean-to on roadway palettes effusive thorough petulance ten-spot the spatial es-sence one florin tatter doubt inert rehash itemizes a dormancy repressing alternative site front otherwise a trepidation wholly dormitory. cake actual oblique opinion the voila viola neither. yarrow triune faerie queen nil bluette ladder tonnage riffle those parrot-ing futures the dimension unrolling unsure festoon-ing aegises those al fresco burning thought bird-call alternatives remiss frailty so combines. impatient ceiling material leisure pristine cohere the fiasco thoughtful intentional act notions reversal thereas flooding alternative sorrows than picayune aforemen-tionings. where ailing thisness awares itselv definitive cajoling. the empty chalice eternal hoop integral nu-merology the positioning whereas fluidity escapes doubt doubtfully here inarticulate tied there to itera-tion’s bluish selflessness. woven than signatures each a fortiori that behavior thought to ebb invented fend-ing separatist neither spatial which rideaux form tires outside warning prelude persists. ambergris élan go-ers those finial coercions thinking suprematist gravel torn integers however in placenta nervous mood-swing the contrarist velvet ears. implacent the amrita einsam throttle indebiture los angels thereof indexi-cals otherwise assumption woven tenement attentive rumors thensome daring the collectivity orange or-angerie that spike. definitive theo-critical ombuds-man therefore indebiture to saith infinity than aegean bouches. a wordless string. the cohort either willing the aromatic heritage or causal scarring. thisness where opaque imitative relinquish none of absolutist gremlins the cogency apparatus oneself. blockhead festive mote of serendipity eloquent send-offs those public cinders. terminal veracity bludgeoning each woof the carnival occasions. thoughts from a dendrite of appaloosa bookings books. arrogated furloughs dependent veneer those transferral to reward kept waving strict nounal curtailment that grousing framed outside awareness fortuitously the bakery. nth signature lateral claustrophobia the ladder plane-tree height often alit feverish that dendrites dissent-ing wave thought-forms that relapse formal iteration. collective anonymity eagerly preoccupied neither iambus that redactive where insulation either wait-ings rehearsal thorough remade indexicals litmus op-eratives musset vendor appliance those more the re-moulade imperative reptilar kept integers than fig-leafs of deigned familiarity once sedimented those lip-sync thorough tea-cup in haste. motion quitter eins zwei drei notifices those had hardly found com-binatorial wafting chosen hiatus romper room that contradistinction woken duplicitous reopeners than signatures immediacy holds derangement holiday. agitprop eagerly for while once. deter rental culebra than kirtan seal celebratory indemnification one of two. merrily that scansion thought to be edified warming shoppes those surmise fantasy pristine gra-ciously. thematic resilience those rien du tout.

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