
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

from 'rehearse this' || Peter Ganick

THIRTEEN — in contrasting erasure. thens from noon apparition. seen framing selfless widen ouch toucan ne-farious that refutes burin slight. tensile the fabricates entering stripe in shrove than sites weal of asana for mitt neither bluely accroche that vinyl presumption sendmail righten from a matinee skillboards the motion weighty aegis training those lesson. ing. the phrasing fenugreek supposition meme whereas full tonic verac-ity tonight ontic comparison there refutes marionette macaw benign trepidation where sorrow infuses ad-justment the feint rappalo notes as sunny data those reeling stucco vanishes tendencies betterment of fringe trapeze loquacity scenario todays an mostly tomorrows the non-looking badminton selectivity recursion plane-tree suddenly apparitions mellow the dormancy feral eaves rehearse front madness around a clubhouse of aisle seat noun. as grit other either waiting allargando noon laity balance shards until remotely accurate lau-danum sledding through seedless apparitions combine that stunt-magician refutation beowulf orchestration of freely discoursed nib. fakirs woven through hadrons. partook the seizure thorough intentions heist grecian surgery. as gnashing reification betterment while san-deesh precipitaties new modalities from to agoraphobia either wielding missives therein also hit-men on from radio stately budding weal of surplus eh that contingent cellar dustpan removal the aqualine fracas operating where strum pillars far-away look. seething alchemist the evian niblet. earlier the mention escape. determi-nist none of the above concentric sock-hop. otherwise unthought touch torn asleep refutation nominal pre-cipitant vellum the attic erewhon stricken once omis-sive the remade notion surfacing each lasting wordship. entitlement from an averaging whether or nothingness woven those surrey targeting assurances weeping where trianon stray yammering the futurity of essential existence. that paves notes. yonder willow thereins to-gether as today roughshod parapet reins of fellow-shipped those these than this invocation if referent ac-climation thinking four-square polis then sobriety meaning contingency aprille the botticelli network fes-tive. though imagination regulates what shard. as gneiss dapple roseate fuel-canister wading the watershed oth-ering a fitness where sing kinship sing mandalas those referring distribution each nth grace of sugarese fluid itemize. crushing then with scaramouche power to truth power to elude powwow not tenuous thensome reductive nothingness waiting meal-ticket narrow leica those stipulate bedroom fanatic roller-derby skeletal mystery than stopgap melodies. the quotients reverse taken passion taller numerators the weight borrowers on description. network surpass. as an talking smiling the traffic fuss nothingness waits singersongwriter those fusing sonatas thoughts in respite once combina-tions introduce weighing pull. scaled though far-reaching thingks ammunition a conferred transcen-dence if aware wanting. rewrap tosses through contra-distinction the titular borrowing somewhat somewhere ownership battlement leapfrog either waiting skeletons numb cahiers du monde et les aveugles deconstructive eon reflexive iambic nonesuch remittance those motions the removal poof tendencies dis-harmonious treadmill geistlich front atomic blackguard. the consecration suddenly data invasive attraction fiftieth decry con-noted thensome backward twist. iguana each inaction those freely attenuations feudal nighttime salt and pep-per derivations elixir that naught seldom paternal crosswise those fantastic leanings treadmill stylism awkward eventual gnarl through transcendence those lately of knight’s parry oleo quasar filliate the motion wields. as coptic remoulade fixative. so condenser parry forming terrestrial eachness a data known elevator sin-gularity enobles reification unfound simplicity found-ling doorstep reeling rocking reopens when simpering crosses the furtive remoteness stalwart amidst shrink-wrapped this botticelli vendor machinic debates then-some refuel itness once on planetary apposition mead on slacker. name equality wide as place-marker. arro-gation of emergent clientele montages whereas folderol blasts thematic resilience through send-off inner row-house there parlance mends. traduce the georgic estampie leaning further intersective that naming won-derful creationism. pluck intellection of aegises engulf awareness thematic reflections and mortise-crawling ins and touches. sgraffito oldness outerward bridging favoritisms those dealing remedies the sketching pas-time festive. related ingredients wasting wavering sour-balance white lights faraway closure thingks renegade conceptual spirituality one separitist tureen that the fascination weekends another misquote furtherance dé-tente sorts through accidie elasticity facing downtown those mystic jumping doors through the parlance of sere zoned thereof sacral temporality nothingness where stipulations recur rehash iteration for insistence. then. switching relata those merriment legumes deity of coy nuestra immolate fundamental run away slander none of boat-shoes token waves. confiscate ironic that wilderness suprematist ontological morality envisioning hardening apartment earlier the amelioration wetlands norm offerings slept eithering a shortfall as long-term infinitude blot apple instantiation meek stet voiceovers. gnarling a surety firehouse clef du parnasse which waver-ing alliteration. solid lacunae hotel fly-by-night token sorts relaxation easy nomos than resultants the emotile oppression emeritus novelty surcease surcharge wis-dom thorough silence thensome which fidget water-shed. shoddy knowledge patchwork kipper. selenium affidavit hexagram sabotage. the messenger wafts through nutshells omnipresence between before. sites droning realismo tiburon. mitten salacious ten-spot euphonic douanier necessity where stint validation messages the replication merrily framing queues that rename allargando requests those. ironic ductile inroad the unknowable falsity immigrate alienations where schematic intention wiring lapis duress once fluidity es-capes. nothing while drastic variety the hellespont tur-gid. amount those renewal tinkering wailing waffling the rishis determine whoever ontics the motion pot-latch unrolls riffle those stretching pandemonium con-sciousness each becoming contrastive where jouissance there blotted from awareness. each un-nameable refuse tint oversight anomalies those purification streetwise chelation. coiling the reifies. sangfroid emits broken tweed atria beurre schismatic referrals either witnessing nor issuu orison those egoic nature matinee trusting unequal garaging somewhere mercy. blue silt in eyelid hophead there reasonable nice to share. tenuous the feldenkreis that proem silencers ontic refusal crisper than then somatic teevee hypnosis thicket of burlap in-gredients. reaching otherwise. agapanthus merrily frosted hey-day nothingness remainder offered lorgnette that strut novena borrowings thereof offerings neither. signatory abatement blustery voicemail. noon thrust thensome therein along waterfallen cessation guttural impracticality needless opining triste s. strange offhand moonsongs skateboards inner waters those presume foolishness waits wingspan buffeted while strum pat-terning the familiarity. earlier hosanna urgency that nougat inflection weather-wise steering committee alit igneous trafficking deign tides of untried attic elo-quence the durable loading jodhpur neither senescence torn treason through iffiness where shy. magnetic sorts ontic removal the contadina motions where scara-mouche tosses fuses through a surplus exigency of mat-tering smooth islands. thy parry fades windscreens. lower theatre on a tide of backward motion essent set-tling into iterative moonsong therein allotropic fourth naturality each as tubes through with added maturity seeps widely foresting amusement capture possession turn away turn-coasting rough-shod. some other neces-sity realismo once all-night the consequent straddle of twice or notifiation whistling dipolarity once urgency detains while if naivete the stick-pin woken thawing.

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