
Sunday, March 21, 2010

from 'rehearse this' || Peter Ganick

ELEVEN — the of coarse salt enigma. precipice toggle no shy. beacon the residual. reside in alternative lack. lakes through with lakhs those stumble bling. emptor ashen coatlique that faraway bramble or quota motilar burr on coast eithering sotto voce the amalgam. pure sleep tons otherwise allotment coerce. definition apt nevada borrower. some other rebuttal that infinity cloaks. a descriptive ennui forcible the stomach. noon monad vilify each lopped urreal sombrero than clues to governance infallible that resultant modification were than shine. protections erudite formalism that claque of empathy solemnize that tantrum. beastly foible towhee inroad thensome while fakirs degrade. itness onslaught theocritical motion weaving either. alight where color not light. frame those spaces. thereof slowly foaming resilience token aileron horror-show ninety preceptors vanquish a domicile blurrier than signatures each vola-tility brooming decoys omen soapstone momentum really bard balm mitigate serves thinkings where shradda ego formal. enigmatic vedic anterior palin-drome some shin goeth nicean bureaucracy thistle mitt urn realismo that fantasy connotes along a streaming infinity. neiscience throaty control freak until pralines displace empirical loutish voiceovers. accrue indefi-niteness one spate the development. cohere than so grail demesne from accentuate options woven inalien-able commentary. so. garnish intentions heralding sur-plus existence. bataille the moonsong wavering. word-span that indebiture meandering wholly enforces team spartans. the debacle mounting from each nominality regroup siennese than podium. ketones lecterns while trauma-entering alternative theories thereof motley at-las shurg thrown data intention wear to salt. post-haste than cipherous drastic overage lowest common de-nominator. once more. then sass those reunification structures. emotile ceasing. renewal of parroting for-mal dissent from those penance that against moving alit in rowhouses the fandango burin coatlique motion where somber sincerity flash coating those sit-down. parquet alto neither in ownership that flange percipient mallrat tendencies festooning lamentation wuss that finicky brush widens so madness if ahoy surmise the french-ified. shockwave ontic irreal tonic theatre bloat imaginationary periodicity seldom feckless while dam-ages. senescent nib scrape mindstyle one once ap-proximates so debacle while fronting a modesty. nit-pick aegean sleigh-bells. the ghostly stadium washes thorough metallism thirst fringe tempestuous thereof. notions whether or novices the gist mandala facing which devotee bird on cd-player. annotation while bi-tuminous frailty. not responsible but not irresponsible. a gurgle intentions elicit one walk-up in quarries behav-ior belay strictness once a field carnival. bat engrosses grail bearings. genial problematic once seeking where isness approachable itemization wholly endemic. no-tions whether of renewal iffy ceiling those dramatic lei-sures blank intersection uttering a mallard. each noth-ing each. lean-tos on fipple throat maori behaviorist vendor asleep once on foresting woke to sanitize re-mote viewpoints. clef du parnasse. where if site vanish quixotic reneges that acausal thematic iffiness one once shortfall therefored intersecting. as scythes of repeti-tion evade motion where if asinine thought-forms de-bators thensome better notices brutish front-man each nature lacunae the spot wench tills forms. that uninten-tional. quotas motions where isness flails if unrolls added matinee surfaces seen seize there displaces. notebooking some breathing sparseness. bandages over ears and eyes weeping amidst volutes and mirrors. how hubris is enchained enchanted while treatments im-prove pal about inertia. senescent the remedial clout. novena symbolic. opaque parallels thisness which mo-tion renounces. so pampers a quota of mercy triste s. veneer opalescent thorough surname parlez-vouso than signatures. hammer spatials. each those itness where what shy. tjanting at momentum iffy acclimatization the no-show praline documentation reassure ten to fifty the clobber insightful. a smiling denominator open ut-ter rubric torn each numerator either einsam those ought fabrication tough élan the fibrous. determinate open roaring cellar during dusting thensome. some other insertion vacates dominant discourse. establishes grecian fluttering conceptual motions woken than sur-real late nighttime strum parlez-vous averaging the col-lapse. that mighty haphazard each nothingness where skyward those forcep indubitable index uttering stealth the occasion format-free waiting with reference com-bine that singularity opted wash. a fabrication where schemata once silence there forcep imaginary cellar. raffle reaffirm cell bottle crosswise bounty found flounder sincerely parrot. nutshells both applicable the not so nicely. foreground mutter say saith being burnt not. eerie than fixation. unrolling awareness some ad-dendum forested placate nomenclature the devotee di-vulgle divots in shy. precipice threes operating com-mencement that nighttime sorting watershed than af-filiation intention commencing thorough rewrap. gustatory spring-field tomtom. where with which waits watching woken.

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