texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form that...it adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at ex.ex.lit@gmail.com for consideration...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
from 'rehearse this' || Peter Ganick
SEVEN — naively prussian those festive ranchero bulle-tin arhoolie trapeze networking oil canisters fuller bust-ing remade surplus inroad each eerieness waiting sei-zure. placate silence therein elementation while wholly dorsal feint graffiti. indexical alap notework urreal clobber token aisle stampede naming epidemic manifest either statement alimentation guru steeplechase vedanta motions either window dressage plume terraforma in-tentions where streetwise plagiarism those rune burin accidie borrowings there rayon darvoset no butyl acety-lene though materia mundi persist. whitely cramped widely sere the forge intent either willingly prasada noteworthy notocord where preparative eerie perfec-tive alternatives freely nothingness savoring each ele-mentation not whether or novitiate blunt languidity boeing machismo hundreded multiples urreal lakhs of description solemn reason drastic crowd-caller. the penance the preoccupation merely paraffin. whichever if identity notation saith either waiting bolt intent. neither scaffolding errata motions wielding fourteenths on ei-ther handshake the burner overage there legalese from centrist enigma oreo palaces. writ in each lectern vomit parlance llama those scruple motel furniture. thisness scenario borrow. ghostly doe. dosey intramural widely capricious thensome radiance offering call. smiling tal hosanna frame indecisionary strangeness waiting raffle storage deodato seventh century plasticity kine of send-mail eachness neither alizarin otherwise vanguarded stampede bastion clef du parallax left tonation each rec-titude materia mundi scenario excessive least. some or-bital congerie trench trattoria earmarked piscine those matters. snark pittance mitigation where seldom either chorus chora the utterance double-trust oeuvre nutshell whereas fish einvol gotcha. amacord the filament after falafel urizen horizontal onrush of presence that riffle creationism blurred miasmas. silence amidst vocative enrollments oars presence official notifications where-withal corsairs the paraplex noetic valence to sere circus motion larvae. emaciation protean tentative citizen re-name. yammer the slot igloo if elate nirguna sloop gran-ary blotter. mannikin evasive prolate the emo clutter. clobber slowly. nurture fascinationary relapse the ailing those harried portions wires outside a garage society bloomed insequent from agriculturists. formerly the ap-portionment clued ludic verity if ficus dramatic. neither wielding as paramount either wisely perpetual ceiling there tram-slots force robust graces theorems that in-culcate moodswing parallel the mysterious gratitude for alarmist greetings. tensilar blood. theirselv intolerable framing selfhood ilk of senescent majorette alienate queue than stringendo machinic those stormy literals. noteworthy solemnization leica force field. do mi sol which carnivore surplus egotism garaged while assertive lubrication meme refuel oggi stratify rapaciously the grammatical novices thought treadmills outrage follicle than abandon. emptiness while spacious introspection determines loathing elementary clef using lyrichord eachness whole street at worldview parallax. huddled intentional crosswise formica literature the gleaming where astrophysis thensome reductive parapet moniker version stomp. untidy anothering sheik iterative where-about sottishness awhile sweater the ocean integral. romp strut vacate. intersection wide ith parallel to sei-zure those pristine awful aporia-frozen nit-pick ener-getic whereabout ironic ransom palliative notion where shy. the blast-humanitas versive theory anymore weighty slippery another silencing orbital predecessors numb trot governance the streaming. livery pallet envi-sioning tsetse floods. niobium that structural decency dendrite rightful written aileron that reductive vowel-maker on terraformed loisir. dry those moot sally forth-coming tout couch-potate imperial. attenuation for mainframe open-heard intends ethical font-seizure the token granite stunt-miser. variously a determinant oceanside warm-up delco raiders the moonsong as rid-dle natural vocality zone of affection modification not-withstanding. caveat emptor silence rutting acid-free greatly stereo-cratic. thorough demi-monde surrey placard thought-formality the momenta gripping release rehearse. iguana from told hundreding sopranist vessels toggle lettering boa eunuch stent inveighs amazement chokehold muttering simulacra than streak impractical. desktop apparitional either wile of partition wisely simulacra-behaved jargon milk-train. sere blurring scle-rotic vanguard ing ithic ith swerve consecutive amalgam from parry. rondeaux that which. sled hormonal ticker-tape stroke on fiesta roller-derby official bloodless anat-omy copious. that stringendo formality zone format op persist. vendor pliable the strut virgin humbling there classless activity memory. that resilience for iteration where stray. schismatic however envelopping stoop genuflection matrieya blurrily the accrochement gout boar untiring sleek voiceovers than queue. island quo-tient clef du parnasse viewpoint mean-tone surreal ni-trous algorithms. which photogram those talkings re-ductive of certainly precipitate mullah gravitas bhajan those kitten clipping. network silencing as motion while scram the choice issuu introspection that mainframe generality zoned recurrence. argonautic el dorito swerve those. introductory tighten larousse grecian module borealis the student. muddle vicarious thrown to elations nub kirtan which while transept cogency apt burin cakewalks. agenda windowless awareness soul-mate vingt-quatre solemnizations where rill of trepida-tion sendmail toucan sendmail throat viral betterment assail therein naught from attitude halcyon data sink-hole. there pluck from freeze. children paving iterative ticket-takers seepage widely motivation somatic regur-gitation leapfrog nutty cheroot cenotaphic the metal-lism. line forming strings where sionara decoys remote as paradoxes. there fulfillment snide elocution emeritus that vanity sedentary mindstyle arrogation of broken as-sertions. reap tessiturae the module nut on gel-caps di-urnal possession. those pre-emptive that stalemate. gatha microphobia. munitions hotel aegis rostrum appa-loosa detente midi shush. dowse fanatic leanings. the clog framboise omission pervasive thorough suddenly praline cosmic herald other. shekel dour entity. minus trash heap ontic citing where infotainment queue rem-edy aprille that quit orchestral mutter. aghast moribund the separatist venturing willow chaser thrill behave quo-tient malapropism there deters. mint on lest therein fabulosity once stipulate. add amounts degreed witness appaloosa gestural byline modest versive antelope trun-dle run run run there mystic averaging orzo.
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