
Monday, March 29, 2010

from 'nth' || Peter Ganick

reaching heralds—renaming aslant wide riffle choruses rename detritus convent augenblick tate mome vast quixotic algorithm—show quic—nugge—jijamous generator ivrogne that soft bal-ustrade intramural swahili—those voiceover mo-tio—brusque where site switchings elevate once seldom introspection vessel pat homil—renounce torn—nevertheless aneuri—hotel noise terres-trial invigorate riffl—coquette stymie robust ae-gean sympathy cellar dwellings the moray mirroring whi—utterly a dardanelle dalliance daily reope—numerous foghorn quiescent that russet gallantry so platitude iffine the strategy present-to-mind that scrutiny previous altern substrate subaltern those reptilar begriff scru-tiny presuming coquin esplanade official—hut uninsur—transit either widely soccer—a con-scious triton verre those surety clashe—hundreded into obsolescence thorough so forrest grange impuls—some midnight utterance signer of song-tide named invitat—elemental reptilar versus the centrists—determinate invincible tread motions while laughter proclaims unroll—the incoher—hittite calcification hoax once crosse—as glance theory utter aileron vein site from tonic toreador sepia cryptic amalgam inch-ing rind ego gestural numerous—so winch ot-ter—a conceptual winnow trod eithering whoever introspects tertiary leisure those presentation-free inmost on tiers the—nimble—aquiline those referring centrist overhaul tiens thorough site-specifi—vault inner rough egoic name-cupi—neitherly amiss where quotients sclerotic averag-ing salida territorial zones of description of con-fluence regularization where anno—hue prizewinner the dramatic cuckoo bureau optional centrist those vantage girth levitate broke through—numino—renaming vulcaneer those persisten—cephalon where svelte grammar the orphic ultimate—scrape hodie elision thorough axon where breakdown break-in thorough stabi-liz—ethica—arnault brokering aucun leastness of fecund curiosity than proclamations evincing a deterministic launch-dryer-druid compuls com-plex—ite its on selections intentions whethere—unrolling a wearing—reificatio—nutshell shepard envisioning liaisons than cuprous ten-denc—numb scrapheap the celestial brimming—ei—where sine qua non equestrian alternatives the site for—tinsel ewartungen ally elixir those pax quota fumigate—intent where sites versify on broken stuff—how intentional then aucun the paltry overhaul—scriptic astral porting through another space—reflectors hoarding select invita-tions—sangam ing rien fiesta irreal tactile tie of attila those mesto vanguarding—nth.

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