
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

excerpt from war || Andrew Topel

war torn diction pick friction convict eviction victim vices are bolts on vaults volts of votes valets vales view ivy vigor via flatly valid vandalizing the vanguard alertly fleeting valley lastly wet lately lily light lefty fatter teller toy try tally sly walker fly ply talker lee evenly gently venally vainly decently recently keener entry ineptly neat nutty only natty nil mostly model hotly odder totally outlay motley dot title ale bully belly botfly belay bulgy bulk bunker baulked their balmy batter hotly nettle clay clip kitty kettle jelly in july jury golly glee gutsy gal fully noble able calm build grim angrily guile miles kale filming kills help kilo kilt tilted tom kelp vanished canalization nasalization alizarin learn zircon aaron’s apron zero yarn earn picaroon heroes czarina carbon cartoon yearn zircon siren iron sermon stirring roan room of ron’s inner linen baron zoon maroon axon validation aviation allegation laudation libation dilation legation location ideation iodine ration fiction nation dating diatom edition action caption anion agitation animation alliteration instigation alization panelizing vanishing penalizing paralyze canalizing vanillin vanishings noising laser blazing glazed blitzing spat sprite fire prints pits of rates surprise eyes prêt liking the vend vexed vicars insetting the nest in sighting riot chanced nuke of the ink capes duke exits death oath health eats itch connation plotting near set ten or feet despite the depth of the deli lid mat spit urn the strut up the crept triplet belt duster clang sassy masses headed dread-locked runoff photo goat imploding any dead dude read thud’s stop rebutted gut hebetated shatter matter sciatic hymnal retina gymnast tomcat tomato tenant yenta mynas inmate mat inapt moat gnat math meat ant fate ghetto after often coffin hopping coughing coffee fete knight hunt grunted loftier lifework faro narrow hegira arrow angry hyrax nagger dragon dagger anger strange danger pain tyro syrup gyro city gift caddy gofers tofu citric fury free knee cattery milfoil bovver deific terrific specific shudder shedder shoddier body armor eggfruit flop lifer equity asset assemble quietly hate nylon inure airy jury kelpie dopey valley roper hole copy video halved yuck trucker jejune kluge clue fewer dew drops chopping mopped up supper cusp rupture unit entry went unearth sent inert burnet entrap net entree nerd forte egret frets forty grates rich truth rhythm which roughens rye or toughens eye my reecho youth ayah juju hush ought yacht hug them hues um hub ohm huge omelet hajj gutful hyoid getup etui tea thymus thus styli thru mud thud budding thug true tub tie the sky died you yak yet your yes stresses dui up buy oil gooey juggle keg jell bolt peg his leg glow jiggle lower glom igloo glop aglow lob go slop smuggle gold wolf golf looming doom blooming gloom shout plot out the room lotus pout slot plop a lot of loot scooter shooting pot mouth down south out too bug in a tux tug gag rig fixture mixes saga gage hog caged rage high saddle aside sadden Saturn turning burnt addle batter odder sadder battle solder adding subtle soldiers sedge sidle ledge edgier deafer dude dodge shoe dough few zen frenzy foe bight the lights tonight mighty knight ghetto might spit sprite hit white hut hate hot robot snot hat hiatus hide strut gutter rebut butter yet it too froze tug chital whitlow kite aloft light fight hit kilo pet spittle knitter idle citole kitten in idaho chital tylenol into nymph ankle ant banks ankhs skiff drifter shifting chef earth rich after shaft enrich every arch birth very eerie leery bee perched right jailer halo hello shako hill while whale hula-hoop kilos tickle ilk elk film ink stinker blinking think things stinging ruing rain of ruin using signs suing kings aligned & cued who’d sign the entry gently nutria entrée notary nitric bat babble concentric fatty through three ho hum um trio tries to spy hay Hyrum hurry through the eye rays blurry dew rye magi static magic noggin gin nag jigsaw gnaw ah a saw nugget thug jig enjoin ribs regal rigid reggae eagle ego ergo dad gym bet clay in vendetta indeed India dices roses disc missing mouse dissect or inject a check mark rice thistle dice risk direct threat lice dose kissing issues isles hiss sue or assess the sappy sheep leper loot stash set hue established yes us indium trendy index sleuth juice induce snide nine rode nadir dye thrice tie mode sender angst vegetal ingoted vended fudge gate try it dot for forty fries gray arty grit spore poor sport contortion aborted fifty grates haughty dingy hurdle exert hurt yogurt girdle rusty gut gust shirt gory story time angry stranger dangle night binger stingy hanger burger bang sting hunger night all right grit jar jerk humid juicy loose sonic jonick joy conic tonic join music Yurok quirk logic yak unyoke await audio gone awry butyric ruin sand dune weak waif waves of slaves wail still stale hale quick wise poke joker chin kilo phenol china hail rhino chaos cruel drool viol idle idol violent violin chain hypo real riddle howl yon lob old owl oil clock lion stilt literature lilac llano silt in Idaho silly ion limo groan lid lit coin oil polio slot plow role how now brown cow goal plop copper loci focus thrum hummer thyrsus third bird read afford the reward weed ear weld we’ll need red led beads leader bleeding end mead meet meat cleaver ahead said aced aside salad seed bashed bias casket basking fake take-over basted last stretch sketch set fugato etch fret let glitch letch get lethal leech gut pet goat poet petty piety riot ketch agent ages diet depth duet dogteeth frog digit beget breath method eighth gothic yeti vetch a veto wretched zeta zest settee getter gestate agitate genet septet accept general gateau extent resetting state resistance retreat exegete defeat petite geeks etcetera kentia light guru hound ghoul hush gushier gauche gomuti Mohawk unhook goshawk hulk sheik hunk tusk haiku chunk cook husk munch nifty infinity means more than months stunts growth crunch mini-men splendid knife ninths snuff nun nonfat tough ninja inch simple chef muffin gruffer if shaft was a bad mother oh brother where art thou chow down town fine wrench fence dine the way hey net needy neighbor nay shay weigh zither she slithers hither piney rye pity hype pie pyre jive five jaybirds line sly apple pie lime chewy hairy cherry carry mushy mustard leotard on guard edify eighty humid humans pupil juicy pumice physic aerobic phobic Buick laptop lotto slot optic option kept the captor ruptured torture pot stop piton spit knitting raptor spittoon saloon sand dune gloom enemy nominee mange hang infer monk pond expanse mansion knee knife me fee freedom need me enough foe row your boat fedora adore federal era derris dare us cadre acre aching learn karate germ maker steer mere merit inkers neural okra numeral uno nerd thirty words splurge urgent gurgle sergeant undo no onion bunions bonier bunker ankle faker Ferrari funeral take baking cankered cancers cohort concert dancer concern burned pinker joker poker encore general inquiry requirement eskimo enter thinking sincere sinkers sneer pinch an inch kereru nero career ear drum learn to redraw carrot cadre faders tax evasion invade Darth Vader tomb raider bag rug bug bogey dirt earth heart spurt start carting cardigan again cardinals swimming bah right bite your tongue hunger pangs blame hicks milk hiccup jay okay mink mike joy sly miry jell-o joke spark hi-jinks hijack intellect coach cloak encroach on cola coma coda Motorola leak coat coaxial cable fable unstable tables oak hack aunt arm active tactics in the attic loop hope the rope lopped slobber copper spot on lobster mobster foggy through chary hair don’t tarry carry the cherry shrew throw shoe through flute flue grew grids slid the eye lids horsy sharp harrow arrow narrowly rids arty air cry gray ray bakery Bagri agriculture vultures cry in the pigsty key rye we wax axes access axis skidoo voodoo kudos kiddies doing judo kukri skid khakis due idiot idiom kin slim trimmings kilo dye kit slitter fritting knitter prier die primo limo Yoko Ono bios I did bid on a bird amidst medium media that zipped my lip piper spied jape applied pliers prior liar rip the little nipper sipping clippers clapper gypped yipped hippie tipped big dipper mapped a moped giddy ditto gap tattoo gadoid Polaroid buddies bedim Judie adios Eddie Vedder cheddar cheese vendetta tender blender sending ideas clip like lion slip limp lisp flip olio blimp blip kiap like a cop lopped off the loop trooper lop sock hop teeny bopper imp fop poi mop flopping wicopy hoop whoop whip sniper griping grip whip cream laser beam wino sleeps in wool cool to adopt neon grim reaper reappear Snoop Dog at noon nap moon nook & cranny granny soup myopic topic stop it bipod orphic morphed horrific terrific history mystery theater brio furry curry jarred rare jerried room rheum dream ream rum drummer ohm each sum of echo hums rerun throe baggy awful gawky guy swum wise weak reeking havoc creak creek freak break dance stance yam bogey bagel bigot trigger forager geol. grill still moil tinfoil lipoid floppier copy hoopoes shoe oppose myopia moose Molopo polio monopoly Koloa koala Coca-Cola sloop clop blooper sleuth crop Cyndi Lauper leper kvetches kopi cobra kaki clap egotist gets an edit regattas agates gents vented vintage edam fighter toddler fodder date irate inflation nation begets achy huff chef puff richly lock lushness racer laciness lazy razor hefty hunk loupe toupee candy bendy body banshee crunch bunches giddy bitter bidder anther dandy anthem anodyne candy sand band-width switch stiff stick shift handy bundle kindle bindle budge fudge undue kindred splendid debate negate indigotic robotic justice jutes gothic gnocchi botchy godchild agouti byname frame fame in flames dame unmake drake snake faker cake maker amen emcee mace asked makeup to make me a key heir hair hare floes through toes freckly freak speckles speculate heckler leak yank handkerchief funk folk punk fork plunk skunked jaded dud add red bad saddened daddy fade fad gat fatter fury ray ferry gray rhythms port knawel jewel newels kapok ekpwele pool enwall unwell spool Jujuy twain Spain claim buffet safety beef reefer bakery hefty handfed inanity habit mafia nail knifed krait bait bandit slit benefits onsite monist spawn minacity unfair janitor planet unzip muffin quip slippery gunk mink pinkie think stinker cluck lynch lank clank lucky clinic spin it spinach pin splinter ach drank decline ring cling blink blind shank thank Frank Sinatra blank block homily frank dark drink honk humble thumb inkle vain wine yin animal enamel wrinkle Jamul mule polish owl scowling coward howl polio wool polish lush light splash rough plough plushy mush sushi Mitsubishi shush geese niece hexes hothead tweak next week tea sweet scoffer scud missile defrag codger badger defer spider coder load my abode defrag Fuji shoji humid hajji kopek respect checkered flag sagging loop lope openly Bob Hope opal kelp reply felly guyed fudge weald guttery butter shut the nutcase in the hut ghoul Jiao soul roly-poly planks a blank polka splay delayed peak squeaker seeks a sleeker creek leak in your cheek play splat Fats Domino homonym flat Quaker shaking quark spark quack cracker laxative fax flaks earthquakes & slakes or lakes & quarks darker sparkle quacks in black slacks slaw clap slat lag slam lamb lag leggings takes teaks on peaks sleeker meekest seeker slier flying sire wired dire ire eardrum fun scummy gumption dower Adowa disown shower power drown dowel towel fowl cow owl doll roll shawl caller shoulder fooled school house null hole ogled foul downer bowling howl doodler noodle clown down poodle doorway in Norway or one iota of Iowa ixia Iowan biota Biwa byway oxbow exposal exogamy Aiwa fauna fairway wigwam window widow railway tail trailer inhale nails while viewing a slew of rude spuds clutter another mother legion acme impel camel atoll member ember remember December impel smoke melt smelt umbilical diabolical imbecile cymbal symbol ambrosial impose nosy immobile embroiled zeal skimp shrimp scalp gulp schlep skip skull luck skills sell zed ski with glee kelp zeal zoo appeal for real congealing shekels heckle jalopy copier floppy disc biscuit miscellaneous intravenous jeopardy shepherd leotard aqua isopod elope remora decode reload implode though it’s too sloppy so recopy payola pagoda Crayola canola granola Creole soul lupus pupil pupa loupes low-cut aqua luau rupee droop quip bean queen spool foolish garden gotten rotten make muddy buddies huddle befuddled cuddlier grudge smudged mugged midair jitneyed jute flute squab quad squad chi ski coy kid skip picky licker conniption kit smitten frigid rigged brigadier fear sheering early sheep steeple people biphasic elastic plastic mastic mastodon gone blast the past mascot plea emplace sepal pal peal splash opal ipecac replace keypad mad repel staple temple pimple wrinkle cranky cream steamer impala replay impact cracker snacking replay icepack impale declass glass Belasco plaza lama drama Bahamas chink hook chunk Junker funky spelunking haiku spooky quirk book cooking hick sticky Heike Nike mike nick mine define your spine quick picket spike pickle slick packet spaced pocket packet sickest clicker locker biker Rikers Island kicker kier wicker car kernel sticker cur furry oink irk idiom lips slippery pose spouse pieta doused pinesap wrap clapper obese mesa ode mode one oar owing leaser grease please cease creased deceased disease easy east cheese wheezier breeze expand bland sand Xian son runner sang insane pawn hewn blue shooter Jupiter cute knitter spiting any penny simile jumble inkle jackleg eggs nimble tinkle simple jumbled fumble smile milk mile hole mule melee say kale at Yale impaled keno cannon spam condor carrot condo gundog banjo gnome bingo sprung gonzo gun home knot slither slit light no bunko albino banquet ankle manqué mango spinner minnow noncom nun buns beano enjoy into envoy employed dower window benison venison monsoon random phantom fandom anon fin fun knob bronco ransom rancor canker sore run-on sun snob sensor cleanser lens lentil now joshed Ehud befuddle mouth method meshed space mashed potatoes neighed ray naïf golf frolic hoofed spoof ephod coughed unfed real seal spell steak react streak creak crack brake reek rake ranch branch repel spear beef spoof peal conceal spleen green cancer shekel chalk cheek McNeal squeaky chicken sneak snack niche uncheck hawk heal heckle necklace helm realm elks pine opted opine pied piper spied open poised porpoise ape applied pain airplane pair append depend on upsized suspenders pride of fried chicken vide tie dye fiend iodide type toe snowing eddy jet levy divvy skinny diver skier saver liver quiver MacGyver alive revival sliver silver livid visual visceral miserable securable perusable sticker flicker Mick Jagger ragged hag ascribable scrabble dribble reusable probable dupable educable unstable able usable doable rubble trouble equable perusable buyable tribal marble maple bauble starving garble brutal tutelage bubbles hobby thumb humble umbel staple hale bay hay clay display dismayed in May or mayday cave bled table babble rebel cable jigger swagger dagger singing swinger sling bringing meaning cleaning dreams it seems gleam spleen flee glee housie fuci helix humid fossil hustle fusil refuse snoozing shoe hue fueling magic maggots mogul bagel bogus bonus vague cage jug guy gut jaguar ague subdue guru snug unguis nub bun stub Maui power rower flower shower now or later instigate alligator flop flail nail mailed stale grail lapel hype white flight rhyme Fyfe Hyde shyster thyme time slime chitin knitting kittens fakir warred fatty gory vestry pest obsessed myrrh stir syrup erupt birth nasty north notary fort cohort maze craze citric nitric fight ignition admit stagnation administration inaction fraction torch porch starch perch arch art birch churched trey today bijou mesh alma ammo spam ham medium seeping method might injure mishap ump unjust oomph Mohr John kiosk clock toil talking rock folk spoke spook fork toile hire higher hydrate flytrap shirted white heighten thirty shire hurtle Shiite gyrate incubation myrtle turtles anhydrite hart startle bottle coddle befuddle cuddling collision incise precision vision softly coughed lofty Goth gift shift Gath wrath gate got spots bath rather hot blood clot froth fetch a stretcher hype stripes bumpkin make smoky pumpkins skinny Mbeki spike mike make steak likened lightning strike juke nuke knickers stickers slope hoop coup group optic oboe oh no slow growing poem pan man mama Vietnam bomb origami pastrami gnome roaming foamier oater tamer game hammer aired fairer dire drier wire sire desire expires arider hirer fire ire river roar per red ret err floater tamer shame shiny tiny spiny wine diner scummier homier lumpier gummy unifier dummy miler umpire retires yummier smiled miter fixer mix icier swimmer glimpsing roomer rumor amber amour American amen medicine mew spew stop stomp clomp glum gum mushroom vacuum fume doom glop lamp cramming dam stamp limp lamb chop hopper bike shop oomph romp Pompeii amp comp common computer scooter shot simple pimple map imp map napping snap clap trapper fat fad dad clad chomp strain trip trio rain true rude roil coil Rubio fail ale upon ion justice shtick jutted rebutter dispute repute hectic hotel motel mutt mute moot gut hut hectic husk dusk hate humid tusk hotlink pink minx tick tike uptake tie Utica who lops hollow wholes hilltop whilom while smile miles dollop hello halo shallow cow lollop lollipop lulu doll stroll lolls pool pole role plot low plow lo thetas bet beta hyrax peas eyes yens you sew yeas spin yes dresser est. heehaws heap deeper head yeast feast at least the latest altheas great toast roast tease tea east has sass gas sash squash quad whiplash at last quays hooray decay dichotic enchain brain echoic nun chuck unhook chukka chink clunker slacker clacker hook think bunk spike biker meek Chui hug chub choir fired haiku dowel towel dope lapel smell small sell sill teller repel bells lonely stone groaner gutted hothead hogtied they hyped the thread deadlocks treed weeds indeed seeds speeding you’d yield your yard cards barter garden smarten smarting Spartan subdued feud dude eyed veil shield cell yelling jelly belly rally silly hillbilly really shakier take and break hankie jerkin puke joke acid amigo adios dose kilo Rio Grande Bombay stays at bay baby rabies maybe gravy slave concave nomad bad mead mud dud sputter butter spending meld held seldom mad codes abode upload decode explode judo fruit suit shooter boot flute muted glutton mutton mitten bitten butane clan glands handy botany cottony colony symphony whiny hammer whammy deny spy shy stammer shiny tiny hinny wind hint frenzy bendy phenyl benzyl hanky phony pony stoned clone Henry enjoy hen thin mint winner spinning grin men den gin tin tan expand envy nay kidney Sydney Australia failure jimmy inky shimmy jumpy anomy enemy animated slate cheese grater phased chaser phrase jamb lamb name claim ahoy baggy ashy clash quahog saggy jaggy aggie bag rag tag flagged stagnant indignant jigsaw flaw coleslaw aw ma bug jug jaw saw hug hi ghee hay hog glee spray gym guy geed needle beetle Beatle beadle beagle boatel seat bobtail rail failure stale real steel battle rattle regal seagull eagle frugal elate beaten easel eater cleats meet meat cattle axle tale codify badge cadge gadget cage defy fey vivify eye verified rye rely prey ray tray red imbedded may nimbly imply milky moldy smiley golden oldies smelly mole amply mol bowler golly molly mule drool fuel only null twinkle oilrig wig gig wigwam poorly ply osprey poultry sultry polyp polar opera operate play hairy parry very scary gopher algae agley gale impale nightingale gel gem giraffe gaff aged coffee softly often my hip slips jalopy dimply jelly jolly dimly donut want it simply mope nappy nape cape neck wrecker dignity signify identity jokily gritty guilty glitzy digit lint grant pants gratis raft shaft rail rain grain estranged stranger mangy mane Maine rant train insane ratio trait raft wait aid art wade aft at air spare apartment medium rare clear fear dear deer spear near Richard Gere genre Greek leak gore spore amour ant waiter grittier kitty critter fritter ladder bladder larger blade ladle fade everglades lauder applaud litter spatter putter tub potter got literally ethereally ephemerally kith wrist wrath bath time snack time crack rhyme slime wine winner skinny whiny wino dynamite light bright brat brute fruit rut brut gut cut fight right bit big rig brig wig fridge digit dodge it hog it brute rat brat rain brain you claim fame bract attract facts attack fax irate Kuwait trait freight wait on weight bait brash rash trashing Johnny Cash slash hash browns crown a clown by a bee for free greed red beret dread fear bear drew brew agree brayed bare area braise mayonnaise praise nasal arcade air raid alit aril slit brim aright silt skill killer silly art party midrib margin pardon garden warden grass ear gears clearing grasped gray rays touché ram gas radiant gradient expedient experiment grams expire fire migraine pain trained Who Framed Roger Rabbit grab it dab nab it nubbin abbot habit muffin jabot inhabit grit robot knobby clobber grasshopper flopping comic sloppy orbit obit hobbit ambit bitter biter frighten whiter night day dazed phrase gazes through haze lazy maze ramie raisin grazing amazing resin rosin roses pose close by pig sty awry sky axis zaps sap zest restful saw delver clever bedcover divert Dover inverted insert pertinent behavior shaver café cave razor engrave verb gunny junky mica joke provoke hoax mice rice kin loom palm plum loam Poland aplomb atom bomb alms lock yolk aunty bunchy puny punchy gunner bunny runner funny money honeyed stunner sunnier under summer jumpy lump grumpy dinghy tough turf gravy graft grave trove treasure measures erasure so few tofu fro wave rave chews the laws of jaws Jews choose saw yah web bib awash cider spider deriver driver coder cervix fix suffix affixed mixer kerfs curve curfew serf surf delft derby delft elf Efra reeve sleeve deaf ref feral carol merrily Leave It To Beaver or June Cleaver Cleveland leaf kern Efra Eden deem edema dean err both batches bathe black Buicks luck buck beach breathe teen gryphon then glyph the smith Gwyn gating thin yen for hens yang murk mukluk dust oil bilk quill uric stack of Nacka tack FBI data anon ism polar academe name knot Nicomedia omega metaphysical embodied amides metal gnawed unit Nuevo unedo yedo cheese cepa asleep sea Enid saw onager vara voidance oak monk contrail reel unreal raii delta felid measles Celia Felix valley zealot tholed reciter excited area parae eyrir areolar Mylar roller mule Alwar year marked oilier IRR roarer oar patella deli dugon kaon antao baste bit ope axe Alsop Tibet autoBot swabbed nunoa moga ileal yellowtail toga medal label nodule illegal needle kaypro cypraea cadra agra para aprons par tayra citri parish aqua eerier rei ires load diodes kore mare tamra Ramat timbre wrymouth oriole embroil laureola umbilical chord rale aloe yarer ear adapt trapa araxa rose troupe guava adaptec septic tanker reducer attacking tiger hatch thickwire Deloitte vowel daylight lathi Otto http Lysol isle Listowel axile voile fallacious vile emodi mmi MI feedlot earlier laet Bauer lays merle heart gasket pearls knock mao acned Knightia Havre anoa stain hair peels spoil Iapetus apex eye apotheose codec Aden eat Utah abdomen evened in avant ventriloquist veins spanned vignette annuity shield unglued angle Inglewood englut annealed healer blate glowed late glace gate meadii image maze ibm laicize mist Kassite locust quested cassette pythium agama game edict autumn Itambi demo trench shank once manumit animates nomad bat acerola caerulea Sino viper singe uptight Koirala caudex Nabu Clathraceae stethoscopes spanned lardy air hirta arts rainier druid rear drawer iter räuber rib tub dubia globs gondang tube anting tie wing end noggin against gender agonist swan gas Genghis rhetoric page genes noose ans anguine wagon engine tongue it geometry gee um obeah booth etch sow creedist retest tic parula operation powdery devoir tearer heat Lahu nail Shua stun decayed autacoidal humor Isaiah cystica shut dash outwear erne door nautch twnag agonic Ninon zia linen pent hang rag aga indn rain unit union ending Anglian glia newline Elsa slab nylon laboratory sap boar bpm Sciaridae anno balsa halogen symbol willow bags scarred Aileen will en-vil annual snail sign ligament wind Oenanthe unweaned Anand hands unowned niner bone chips known diag clone argon new signal pan inula well Ninon Canoga panurata coined Nath tans Afro safari odor dense welt two quo tux Thu huh sciatic cazique hazier festival head clad in acuate dacoit sucked de-facer Saud call any falter and Taher sack a tax Eritrea Vitória note cadence denser resin daphne autowrap Liriope Chatset hope side bladder cedar wide wheat swosh groping choice ecto blae boom coma tipu Neptune zero neon Galen ages lasso apso glass Olsen ancient peso alcyon un-sewed Einstein's nose nsec hostler frost geta carat RSI negus gnaw sludge tsine garden hammer ledge Toni gang tong send conundrum rang wire weighted reit nave rave face tugger Tana lunar tuna nogs OSB gybed bier fire dice barretter eoraptor andrae war rake dreads brae laid barren bread clod Deirdre rare inertia worth grow rots astray star rial Alden molten gold step peace log clay pace octet stet butter ecash falcon tubal Cubas tubas exotic aduki educing paca ACTH pung sponge peg hanged epic spiv ones Lu recolor a cat taeda moneta miniatum Namen infinite gnome rash saddle label navel knightly eagle wiggle north am matai Amata mouthed mutual Katoomba gamboge amigo Mehta hay padus stye Pythius ectozoa Czechoslovakia autistic thomasii Zambezi maximum zymase loomed Zomax mammies samba aimed minus someways missile sigmas revealed siamese mummy alibi amen embodies empt tomb aged yogic allgood lade mold aid song of wolf wold Olga vulgar Kalb relate Hela chela Aeneid wham ant line doom mood door Elgin lini Selena Allegheny solar Lena zenith bulge noddle deluge Hayti Unna uptown give downside snap snip hiss Tiu coolwart tsunami kiloword even Avahi oven Yvonne vagi dens hade venae mob scene odd ahead hat behind hate tattoo acne dace serene acting gene dose Soest voice psocid sorest cease seaside cestode ruler souses secede gauze opah Yee beast eye raze exe wax Xe me paused email AAPSS lip epistle puzzle piece looper ani Tsao nerve cart awaited Chait Klugt clogged Genk genuine sink trickle Deng foam kaon dances sabra optic Sagar awheel rams Yale Airedale urodele irate able bait Creil roll cruelly veto defame leaf deaf AFAM family afar fogs ambit omelet Melia alive delta olive stoical cecal psychology saccule nickle sickle satchel calibrate suckled acaule lawful yoke loft lisle vexes hand listener obis shallow swallow Celastric malice colossi thawed photo high Laidlaw vital hawk Durieux hair tecta digit gun gig Noctuidae racketeer static can narc nautch introspected postcode Papuan vague portal gauge Parthian cloud heard portée cerise serosa Araxá rogue Raipur torn Papua aroeira alular lowlier hydro choke holds calc luck claw latch cloak kicked clutch stuck maul narial dual ear rauli heel toorawer medium arrowroot modem damage Réaumur quote cutout sauteed dad added did world d'art ulcer Aruru alkahest icehouse android repture piratic apartheid Eritrea Nona non-sun parget airdock Vanta particle sparks mantra corps chirp Daniella gel celluloid Kalaallit Lillooet hole zone lobule debag dome walls awol lowlily minion Bastia waited bethought stung outweigh bit paisley pulse lull deep sleep loop sped lilies appeal supt bogie tung nothing isth teth out ghost-hot ebbtide awaits omni mini-oink loll whistle this husky whisker husker whiskey Llaw abbatial eyeball nasal flawed claw bole watch Elli tillable Delisle legally kneader nature out where pro spry art sprayed team scrapes Vietnam scraps scribble citrana Trapa boot rack novocaine Keo drifter Nunc seance knuckle crunch nun canon earthward orders rapa Tiruppur repair outport gesso science shackle sea rural teardrop clathrate litrate train robed obtrude adroit radio told redhead sower reap await rat-a-tat-tat snip Dodd curled bird rib Lagodon casing reticence gainer strophic Chiantis langouste Solaris dome data restless Laporte flame throw coaming Colmar hints aethiops intellects spheres auratus staining presses pistols toasted luting scantier acumen ratch Topix beading f's frailest sapid red posses overleaps velars roars ciphers twills drooping up slates gooey whoso kingless sci Rito brome Douay pardus reagents pappoose canisters casket aspects mince onslaught bites landmine archaize chateaus Guelph altered psalters asteroid show lupine denial Varanus machines sucked muckiness alienated BHE Amaethon adapter Tiki coapting outplay Argos packed perm Naga Deparia opera kith stow Lego Andean Indian austerity Egeria adoptee soggy trancing goes thermal monal poet head firma of he globin oiled glycine Njorth Inachis tight cast oft ayapana Anyang reapers assistor rip vermin mutton Matawan musion stays hoarse obeah lapel drug bailiff styrax kith reheat minatory wino sander wander and er Thoms toe act sparrow spurt thawing Meteghan Meudon mithan Madiun mitten audited dadaist test edacity tip aptitude testosterone audacity Ochroma mock attack Kramm original origami rumble Retama done machine Medco switch medic sedative took worry motor guide hook drew rootle suture rituals awhile Gael outlawry leg loam hammed lamb cuts tailcoat push cushion isk KKK lac algal nunchaku cuticle Mulla sullen lobe wobbling mule lumber busted crumb hor Creil scroller call scholar Rahu Oahu hue ariel pupa toupee tusk redraw try peerage oxymoron x-ray arch rye sore cape keypad paddle padlock psoriasis sericeous cerastes psyches sacks arrests oreo rocketry cradle rash lcm irrational nation strap agog Latrobe machine gunned Nampa tampered with amp pesticide dictatorial octagon stop doctor peasecod hopper censor sensing Epsom upstair ctene chronic rook check tattered creak radix residual streaking attache carotid tic condign Dutch hunch exhume breath Que kwai megawatt survival trivia revived veal wall vowel dial high octopus hide what sizzle has Cecil icicle cake-like kitul cackle kurzii curtsy lechwe eco Warsaw powwow hearse versed rehearsal HSSI sibling orient nuzzle utensil outsail pencil etch apse evil velvet silt fallacy helix velar foal like aluco excuse hustle shush bristling nurse CCIS use crisis crust paws tucked cube fusion nuke muse cut brisk rush brusk risk edda additional daze adust youth tutu Ithunn thigh oats drum Crambe ramp Tuareg rough original amniote madame crow torpedo torso rhomboid thyme rewa rootle wrothly hollowware loudly annua scuts hiccup cuddle toolkit irk alkyd whelk chalk chocolate cucullata Caeciliidae ulcer doh Ohio Dehra oral Alighieri yeller AAUP Perot riot produced paired pigeons tooths pooh shop zealots hoop oleaster Corydalus dep plaster honk dictu sluiced rice heisted lacteal he sited splash licitly italic Atayalic metallic heavy metal pap regroup laps spacial orlop fleer leash that flea prop carbon copy starry feet wool shawl caking law norther hydra duty fruit rapt a rare capture puppet moppet flop repp stain partook in hooky Oklahoma okra love oval livid olive budge gruntingly bagel nibble gibbously sob sock it to rock facials sulk closed nose celtuce colluvial clog dlg uh leg deluge corporal lire pre-fire partway to parting pert snort erev alcove moves wristlet wolffia cram gadget cream cheese tag grater sit grittier Bata fates data toad wrap drowsy braw by derby be dry rabble alibi drub brie drive-by bury rubbed sty tour cero mung puny munj rupturewort thorough sure rivet snout narration earth tear telltale Alipur yeller bellow silly belly budge pudgy heehaws Chilliwack celiac cowlick slicker ceiling wax bleached calèche Calexico vex calico cat nap Iquique lies I truth strake broke stretch quit your vetchling green Vietcong mamba rally armchair CDDI warez kempt comique freckle speckled with bedecked Nelumbo limbo jumbo Genentech undock jambalaya Antioch enticed unteach antique a thing or two tuck a buckle in dice fries dis Pickwickian cocoon noose soon snooze noun an bland packing yean liquid squid green beans abbr killer lick knack acini psychology ikon kin send to rekindle fun bundle Nackawic gizmo mission sink tinker knuckle pink kn yes I think feline Eiffel Tower rifle verse Kana msec psec respected inspector clusia rant Santa Claus sanded claws waft cant want sat to tackle Saturday gant pants cent sciaenid donnish banish Danish nickle sound insinuated sonnet synod Clios soil biography chime knew sinew upside cuticle cuddle duck caddice Katowice Cyatheaceae kittiwake Kotoko shown go on home shorn homegrown sapient shortcake fakes tusk skeptic cut tickle ketchup tang gnat dental dainty faint tainted detonator Knesseth mess kit skitter jut pollywog weld goad whoa goal wolf old oaf fox gun Iwo loran corp core gore lore four more pore snore chores tore soar wore door rode Kore ore mare olm de portray pepo hen fit to spin semper repp octagon wreckage spots lock Volga ole poof off box shoe pelf who might you be oatcake legacy pelt Elvis draw coleslaw DAC pad day sausage pact syzygy Wac grabby packer saving aging avid ever setaceae synovia snooze wonder under Nambour amber numb armor burner turn rut skat riddle house Musgoi scan Mussolini beanie deny by elbow also Grupo blate sugar gate par argo tar Ivor over Dafla Breda Friday birdie on Broadway roadway bye-bye Herat variate hear tat vert side viride glided vera worthy very Tchad June tune sand dune sneer Rees gnus snug free his knee please ease gaze gene Heze dazed haze crazy tamest sebae Zeiss Zea ref laic sockets okays traces sat amaze am Roeselare skua loco skull cochlea sickly cackle Chiclayo sock cycle cost you’d carrick segregated Greg Louganis dove Leganés stick nick ink nix Xnty on the gelatin eh Latin satin Magen laden raven braiding lotion ocean acer warhead electric seal deep Sabena sowbane lee tea Laozi Uzi Asura eastward asteroid surely gnarly icon ign crack rake ask case mask basket sake cackle back cake task rusk must rust rash rank banked flask Rao dart art razor saucer owes cagy alate false taste coal look curl oracle cog guacin blob frog lobe fob slag debag Abegg nihilism lisle towel sour use suey laic eel gavel tael tease easier peel earl sure is early shares ample apple hairs Sahel buhl Suhl lush sonny ITOH altilis lc thudded Todidae often rooted shut lin in thrashing GSTN pptn apar toe Snead dean sneaker terrier t afoot eighth oft aerotow oared reds rawhide a draw too Düren tided edge organ cede Hoder clover huitre alata dem Alouatta yellowwood mixta dim pieta adnate maid raid Saadi Irrawaddy ret matinee Ceduna Cetonia Scotian sedan dense swietenia Sutton button Sudra mudra supra Rudra Shudra Audra mud WOSA gnawer teg horror range screen crunch bunches em sec agora radial atra bora rathole tootle ritual reptile outage yodel notice led nootka outargues dirge argo ads made age in vain are de end deemed wading in plaid cell Belgian Elton John ento dent Anton bounden Kenton kitten Rexton Razdan Royston son Andean entwined undone dines Indian being neon on e potto got motto potato tot worm gde boor ear of rep creature vetch IAU EFF ac rums ran habitual era stairs clip chip dipping down a pep put op haptic second Tres Ypres are trayist grey troughs oppress certain uprisings appraised pressure rose a prize arrival surprised denial niggle bails bene ane be class glis Elis clews listen better get a redder sweater kris lisp crispy it of at tat stature tattered Lyn late hail hurray Lahey he gen race again yogurt ganja genre gangrene spleen anoa meg Merc arc mercy arch march on March and any one look oink ok monk zonk bog tonka honk pose blank shanked him Robbie Abbie actual fact abs resist western habit tub in Nino Gino kino vino wino Pino gringo anon into an o yeomanry Menlo ventilation Unio unit voodoo dove vodka pro frozen Afro with a pick hickory Rouyn born clew slaw robe Longueuil launchers lingually slinking neo-extremist unguarded on gourd righteous risen soaring prison nab fantastic tomcats up topmast caves vacate your IV’s per persecution suture suit yourself shelved toe vitamin roll mobile gravel vagrant cariama Narrogin marooned narrow mine airwoman epigram pilgrimage gore skeen steep neck Kentucky can tie conducive scan knots taught saw notched knock on wood goodie John Gotti gotta ham abab bib sibling rival licence biblical cense lense Elmo rend blender lowed dowery clack locked clock time biopsy grape pong narcs carpet technical sun two wishes ago snowed crow swob wear with wart stunt indeed what storm forming Mig biggin wigs tiro hot hoot phot shoot toothed hat ordi might smote ardeb rob deice dared smoking choke hold bees oboist belly shrub shrivel wind myodynia sob el meal lantern belay Rosaceae Oona pants nays local myna man even intravenous larn darn eyeliner abos a boss albatross flossing peptone tune nose ste option thrip Patel fatal poodle drew baptismal autopsy hamm I flop mop up yap supper pizza cony talcum coax talk tall plats Mur rale spurred forty Pori pour my poor eyes contort a portion Miri dim mirrors loll propr bar attache cola nit yearbook slack ruckle bam inch pea Noah honed soap now top Yadav pace that piece of niece ice revives brevis area arm marmalade bat tabby see be lest pact ape capture rapture Yedo yaks call hank puku tax wore relaxed fit dauber räuber often rubber prof craft shifty IARU ache recipe dace kneecap senility agile ligaments deu jut ill xiii alto thing tongue aster clank klick sticker cabled exile in volatile musion south mouth aethiops aecium Osamu argue to urge burgess astigmia ragged GED Enver never enter Denver sense densely aalge the window haunt Hindu Tangail single pryingly angel cringle Anguilla ungual Engel English fish Angola Anguilla ungual good goulash Bahr Bihar hearts safari desert hour ecash wheeze hiss lamina cilia Killam lobe column ant tanner clam Calama Alabama cavity amity caimito boat capacity Komodo amity slim dearth health saith neath sadhe swathe bathed sea that teaming drummer Rheidae hone abode wobble doubly gobbler cobble bubble doble doable hobble dibble hobby syllable dabble able body Urim brim keenly mean nil gather yung fresh froth Dard caught Daugherty card yards sought dark riddle dirt beard had hard dearth nerds earthen excavation heart pattern patience Ugo abo Lugo mugo lung ego gum must skip sciaenid Kedgwick sticky deck indus mewed your cubed costume mi casa su casa thrift resh hush

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