
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

from Remove A Concept vol 08 || Peter Ganick


features replace other gender
th things we lean try adumbrate,

whom than what, is question
scrape eventual dynastic arisen
moderate in statistic, vested commerce, a
great grey fluid on
nervous transcend.dollops of clotted cream, testator various names insert,

think quality of mathematic symphony,
bothers to entrap (garden
in shade)(cool idiom)
vacuum all th atoms'
out itself as space depends stamp
all over th world, a
trashy thrush go i from at
sportive dusky melody,

clean choir, to impact upon
spring wind chimes, music, no
space, how life's alive,

worlds, th fraction of diva onto
nadir of compunction, near
other ...


motion, nine pane window door closed,
brass handle th screen turn, very
courteous catches th eye from
otherness, wearing deletorious storm,

throat clear th slept has
overturned with, past
hill on sofa sits downstream of
whom you begins to starts to be,

worn shape
street to entire imagine, out of
shoe first, sleeve ankle,
generate use two
candid appreciates,

certify to keep, .
distinct as if you to worm out of,
gardens i a meeting on
shoes first, then ankle,

impress on walk, museums open doors
some feet to climb be
garnish i as future limit, one's a
diplomacy better
by barter, music ultimately
toe-hee heard aquarelle, most
cannot say one thing ...


as to try is of
go to ask under inside house
row yr boat mantra
genera mind i follow intern,
rapacious nectar shut silent,

goes that insert before
treatment indulgent, all times th
wish down core pond,
nut nut cry,

real indigo (paint to horizontal)
cool igloo soap stutter
before breaks
consequent of early retract formalize,

nearby ornament sock hop, street
ductile arm tools once
return, a pace gentian rose took
mistook & retaken,
how you beginning of consort
melt ocean muscle ...


thankless agency of corrects th
minus pool duo, letting
blare th coincident dash aspersions,

mostly savored from
tone indict from, at a
collected bursar genial issue rally
porous seizure, no
now no ...

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