
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Remove A Concept [28-32] || Peter Ganick


hurry, it wont last, versus
a climate, cute for a while, then
armeggedon wild is in conversate, a
melody from orchard,
so pasteurize infancy
holds itself study, continuate,
mood, mild in earth, short data, when
so end forgot shutoff, soft
sound a rack upon decoy, not
to spent before context, each world
instead of motives, yr mist upon
agrees to go southern to th
mantra that hold peace's suds,

in order to make scent real
one might associate,
to try communicate is why,
forage guitar sweet nature,
hoot passing fair,
night a dear nickel calls
brawn to bring is relate to,
nervous astride th south in a place
well begun, a heart
& whose prepare for each a
night in exact,
long distant to
emulsify that night, how in
one soiled manicure, death asks
no sky, moon pattern not
inform, silent a disperse a mind, a
carnival of trees as
better subordinate so very easy,
tough to league w/in
certain organism's tricks, a heard marvel
think to reposition, a
harp cast in how itd lurk for
hours to separate th husks,
thick bless in here, neat fish
for clip tread, piano, all
if of time's agreement
when not shop in stop than
catalogues, th concur
telephone strays an axle from parish,

nearly friday thick eat &
move pencil, whom astray those
sleep in stereo, that begin hurries
as you are ...


forehead in eighteen, th cliff
asserts is chalance to reposition on
a marvel screen to stink, a
holiday that of hidden shld,
that is label th confidence til next
one positions,
hadnt thought
clean up to pore over minis, a
regency you exploit first names, whose
running from evokes
stack of porridge than
a gruesome accretion
of salubrious nomenclatures ...


some hanger-on to that truth,
a heavy one walker triplicate caddy,

never insult decrepancies, a
car on roast (that) cd change
in tension terra firma, yr
culinary apetite each
defrost to writhe curious
in acre of last incident (that)
mating game, a restaurant
soft brogue (then) look unsure, whose
ignorance is well-read from
copious deceits & deprecations,
to remind is one shift (this)
needs to emote further
from alive to align, something one dew
dropped from sky, his
cosmic apperception, adjectival in sulk
that no one until first
now, threat of arrival into
cypress on hold, a magician each
worm (a heat) for
cap-size unsuspend from
how to intravenous digs,

check upon nodules are their,
self-reflexive th comparison, smile
same generous filter
thought one world you
scope out of campers, soft
enlighten to vital agency, whom th
approximate same shock
as tourney of foods,
a grey sudden in chance how,

terms th craze of whom indexed & before, a mysticism awares th influent, since
barter, high chip any
trot chief, magic sutra, deep
as a draw in choice force precious,
looks more alike now, a
spool from certain delete any humid ...


whose is why is that?,
pervade & realize, (a surpass)
price & lean-tos on high rock, another to
change passing from rhythm now
(that) convincing perhaps lateral to
ennobling epicure, like some water, some something to accrue depth
upon th hardly expose in feel
comfort perhaps bestial, tall spot in
eager flyaway, so new to
report in half hour (th twenties), a
summary often only
a pardon where
escape working for haha,

deemed formless,
how, that impass result
make bigger
before countdown, a
long motion of pasture on anticipate,
wd like frosty, ashes in
all youse having,
never th chief after longhouse, th
like you grope, like to like tho,

martian stop, once a
world unread, car in lot,
tell you this all set, they
wander to move, whose
delay in light approximate to memory,
see into face, limit
just no repeat, granite each spur
on sky reclaim attention, of
that reflect
motion in space,
stricken th worm of lyric, wisdom
late cant call emergency,
former trick on teevee, books
scoundrels for more ...


remember in burden,
light & high, on toast to a
mask returned this warning, whose
favor yr feature no complaint,

grass labelled no walk, stride
& function gets diction assured,
from voice to give, a
hurried inset upon read this,

garrulous to extant natures, plural cosmic
where it is in self,
a hardly sampled coffee
& serenity a dash intense ...

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