
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Texas Fontanella

 up ǝpᴉs

i less want 

to make an ok oppression 


so un fortune it 

the pride are the prejudiced from here in 

the dreams  on these

pages  we just make 

shut down

7 of 9 November, 2020

Friday, December 18, 2020

J. D. Nelson - Two poems

 1. the land as a mirror

now for the communication breeze and that means a landslide

walk week goes back to the feet

to start a land war with that cleo of capes

the can of dinner to eat tonight on earth

puddle and puzzle

forlorn gorp

expert on the rose

the good gardener

that hard egg was a good little bug

that’s the last place for a worm to be

2. to walk away from the sun using magnetic volume enhancers

the computer was a battleship motor of the sky

the nice, tired eyes of tomorrow

slow crux was my crust

letting it out with my laughing hand

the good face is not showing up on the screen

shrimp radio

spock’s brain was ticking

the crack in the laugh

the first world of the shining sun

read the real-world books

sweet breather

typing time to get thru three of the words

muffle muggle was the oyster

the circle in the wild

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Mark Young - Sacramento Daily Union, 6 January 1887

VEUfiTABLES —Potatoes—Early Rose, 90c; Nevada Snow Flake, tl 65; Nevada General | Grant, $140; River Red, B0@8Bc; Onions, I $1 65@1 J6j Cabbage, 75c(i'51; Carrots, sjc; 11mups,75c sack; bunch vegetables, \Z%c « fioi; Parsnips, 81 2D;Beets, tl;Eor<ie Radish, tiia.7cV *; Garlic. l@sc; Artichokes, 40c SR dozen; Okra, sc. BBEA_L>STITFFS—FIonr. ti 70 « bbl; Oatmeal. (3 75 9 100 s>s: Cemmeal. white and yellow, <1 8"> In 25 it, Backs, f 2 in 10 S) sacks: Cracied Wheat. 91 75: Hominy.s3so ft cwt. POULTRY—Lite 'I'uricys, hens, Wi@l4o ; gobblers, J2J<tISJjQ; Dressed, i.3c; full-grown I Chickens, <<o %i" dozen: vonng Roosters, H a) V dozeD ; Broilers, J2 5033 50; tame Ducks, ttcati SO; I'ekiu. &"> 50: Teal. 7fc; Quails, $1; Hare, SI 50; Mallard', S3; Widgeon, 90c; Sprig, SI 50; Canvasback, ?::; Geese, tmi 25 p oalr; KgCT, choice CaUforrila. 25QSSO; Eastern, 19520 C i "* dosen. DAIRY PRODTJCrS-Bntter. fancy roll, 27'<;@ 30c {I a: ranch bntter, '2:>a2sc; pickled, 2u<s 21c; packed in firkins, choice, 19a>IOc; common, 12@15c: Cheese, California, 3S3>lsb: WestBra flats. 13@Uc; Martin's Cream. He. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED-Oat hay. *Bg9 V MU Alfalfa do. (>.iV) ?i ton; Bran, 810 $ ton: Middlings, 121 « ton; Barley, whole, paying 81 12; rolled, $1 80: Wheat, paying tl SO 9 cwt; W Thite Wild Oats, SI 75(3.1 85; Tamo Oats. $1 G-V Corn, paying Jl 05 » owl. MISCELLANEOUS-Seeds - Alfalfa, 9>£@loe ; liniothy, Eastern, t%%li B> i Pod Corn. © 3>i.©-la V !b; Eta Clo»er, 10@lle: Red Top, B®9c. Nuts —Chile Walnuts, new 11J 11a; California Walnuts, 13®i60; Almonds, new 143 5:; Peauute, Caliiornia, 4K@5Ha Lara (Oaliforaia). cans, 7Hrsß>£c; Eastern, S%® 93<c. Hldps, sail, light »nd medium, 8c; heavy steers, S^c; dry, 16c. Tallow, 3c. Bopfc— Sales of r'aoific coast. In New York, 25@27e; morkpt v»iu» here. 25&27 C. MEATS-Beef, s(rJs^c; Mntton, s®s>sc $ 1b; Lamo, 7c; Veal, 7<g)9c; Hogs, 2Ji©3o; lireßsed Fork, 5o; Hams, Easteru. 16c: Califbmia, 12e: Bacon, medium, 9><o; selected, lie: extra light, 12c. _

Hotmail spam: make / what you / will of itHotmail spam: make / what you / will of it

wolfgang masochist footbridge conundrum burial bode apprise visual agway vitriol vanderpoel apart bawdy husbandry communion amoral kapok neutron kennecott ale wing emphysema heinrich plod schoolbook stoic chaise gangplank anteroom quadrangular descendant commend amphibious covary era muscovite sabotage disposable accentual backlog traceable contiguity boyfriend airspace net bohr excavate bacilli donner dimension invoice premiere biochemic cheeky annal dominate bullyboy della lunch idyllic baneful ariadne annette babble fluke debugged assign engineer fermentation criminal copy pygmy cotillion deflect hilly geology leap plenum applique derision curtsey assyria deign quadrangle arrack millionth agglutinate ike dickens falter decent fedders jeannie clarke australia employee changeable graduate pathology architect tuberculin bennington recuperate humphrey monocotyledon civet persian belfast basal algorithm lipid republic briefcase complicate behold cloudy dowling thoroughgoing meant spheric bureaucrat diploidy ashland osgood dean reef contradistinct withheld beset profligacy beloit algorithmic stillwater predatory amount deprivation plenty gigavolt stipple townsmen rapture dearborn caribbean retard.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Elizabeth Jaeger - Karma stands in reverse

 a mirror image

of how it should be—

a slap for each good deed:

an invitation extended,

a lift to the doctor.

the manuscript read

complete with revision.

Each time I’ve been scorned:

another rejection,

no offer to interview,

no rainbow bobbing on the horizon.

And so I say,

Karma screw you.

Have you forgotten,

or are you looking for a laugh.

Either way, I wonder

if I withhold my hand

and shove

the pleading party off a cliff

will you reward me?

Will you finally confer

the contract I desire

the success that continues to elude

the happiness I seek

but cannot find?

Or will you continue to punish

until I am crushed—

bleeding and dying

no hope of salvation?

Except in a new life—


in termite form.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Stephen House - Two Poems

Stephen House is an award winning Australian playwright, poet and actor. He’s won two Awgie Awards (Australian Writer’s Guild) , Adelaide Fringe Award, Rhonda Jancovich Poetry Award for Social Justice, Goolwa Poetry Cup, Feast Short Story Prize and more. He’s been shortlisted for Lane Cove Literary Award, Overland’s Fair Australia Fiction Prize, Patrick White Playwright and Queensland Premier Drama Awards, Greenroom best actor Award and more. He’s received Australia Council literature residencies to Ireland and Canada, and an India Asialink. His chapbook “real and unreal” was published by ICOE Press. He is published often and performs his work widely.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Jim Leftwich - We Need... Four Poems

1. we need tools

final news can take a
progressive nightmare
system bleating if
blatant dangers of
depleting the Colorado
River corona simply
the magic of the King
radio toll booths on
the fringes of our
country right-wing
missives dominate
the knitting of our doom
authenticity is ongoing
5 dollars democracy fox


2. we need facts

news can take a
bleating if
dangers of
the Colorado
corona simply
magic of the King
toll booths on
fringes of our
knitting of our doom
is ongoing
dollars democracy fox


3. we need Biden

management can take a
disasters if
perspectives of
subjective Colorado
wildfires simply
virus of the King
impacts booths on
months of our
smoking of our doom
is ongoing
climate democracy fox


4. we need migratory birds

management can take readers
disasters personally
perspectives of coronavirus
subjective evidence
wildfires storytellers
virus of the year
impacts voluntarily on
months of relinquished
long haul
shortness of our asymptomatic
elevation is ongoing
climate democracy adorns


Sunday, October 25, 2020

John Grey - Andy And Maria

John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in Hawaii Pacific Review, Dalhousie Review and Qwerty with work upcoming in Blueline, Willard and Maple and Clade Song.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Joel Chace - Home: The Plague Year

In the loved place.  _______________________________________________…during which one 

                                                                                                                                           realizes that people 

                                                                                                                                          with money are the favored 

                                                                                                                                          in life’s competitions.

Keeping wanting.  Sibling  _____________________________________________ …a goad that practices 

                                                                                                                                                   on you and you 

                                                                                                                                                   can’t get rid of… 


the loved place.  Keeping to 

leave.  Sibling  ___________________________________________________…what a strange creature…



“Stay in darkness.  ___________________________________________________…has always got there 

                                                                                                                                                   first, and is waiting.


Eat.”  Sibling’s invitation.  

In place  _______________________________________...elementary

                                                                                                       realities reveal that

                                                                                                       are not confined…that they

                                                                                                        partake less than the nature

                                                                                                        of being than that of

                                                                                                        language and can compel

                                                                                                        whatever is beside them

                                                                                                        to speak…of an

                                                                                                        unforeseeable future.  


                  “Stay.  Consume.  Eat 

darkness.  ____________________________________________________________This is the story…in 

                                                                                                                                                        a cave.…head 

                                                                                                                                                       encased in concrete.


                     All of it.”

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Heath Brougher - Three poems

 1. Pain(ed)ful M(endacious)emories   

         (a response to the murders of George Floyd and Jacob Blake)


L(unatic)aw enforcement slices up African ribs for lunch  ,,

      s(ickly)lave o(minous)wners reduce the lives of the o(h no!)wned—  

the lives protesting peacefully to s(lither)mithereens  ,,


the invisible power of destructio(fficer I can’t breathe!!)n is destroying lives

like the psychotic machine it is!! 


gor(e)geous   &   ab(lunt object to the head)undant  

as a cop, I mean, a cup fulla copper::.


2. Emo(ticon)otive  


.                  ,               *             ;              🡪

or bu(ilt)ullshit 

trip(ping)t lift(ilting)ed off the ground  ..


how many cans    ?    how many magnets       ?

[I might climb 

               the grass       🡪

  children climb through thr(alls)ongs of glass];;.

3. Non

I like

to come

as close

to nonexistence 

as possible








Thursday, October 1, 2020

Mark Young - Two Found Poems

Sacramento Daily Union, 6 January 1887

VEUfiTABLES —Potatoes—Early Rose, 90c; Nevada Snow Flake, tl 65; Nevada General | Grant, $140; River Red, B0@8Bc; Onions, I $1 65@1 J6j Cabbage, 75c(i'51; Carrots, sjc; 11mups,75c sack; bunch vegetables, \Z%c « fioi; Parsnips, 81 2D;Beets, tl;Eor<ie Radish, tiia.7cV *; Garlic. l@sc; Artichokes, 40c SR dozen; Okra, sc. BBEA_L>STITFFS—FIonr. ti 70 « bbl; Oatmeal. (3 75 9 100 s>s: Cemmeal. white and yellow, <1 8"> In 25 it, Backs, f 2 in 10 S) sacks: Cracied Wheat. 91 75: Hominy.s3so ft cwt. POULTRY—Lite 'I'uricys, hens, Wi@l4o ; gobblers, J2J<tISJjQ; Dressed, i.3c; full-grown I Chickens, <<o %i" dozen: vonng Roosters, H a) V dozeD ; Broilers, J2 5033 50; tame Ducks, ttcati SO; I'ekiu. &"> 50: Teal. 7fc; Quails, $1; Hare, SI 50; Mallard', S3; Widgeon, 90c; Sprig, SI 50; Canvasback, ?::; Geese, tmi 25 p oalr; KgCT, choice CaUforrila. 25QSSO; Eastern, 19520 C i "* dosen. DAIRY PRODTJCrS-Bntter. fancy roll, 27'<;@ 30c {I a: ranch bntter, '2:>a2sc; pickled, 2u<s 21c; packed in firkins, choice, 19a>IOc; common, 12@15c: Cheese, California, 3S3>lsb: WestBra flats. 13@Uc; Martin's Cream. He. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED-Oat hay. *Bg9 V MU Alfalfa do. (>.iV) ?i ton; Bran, 810 $ ton: Middlings, 121 « ton; Barley, whole, paying 81 12; rolled, $1 80: Wheat, paying tl SO 9 cwt; W Thite Wild Oats, SI 75(3.1 85; Tamo Oats. $1 G-V Corn, paying Jl 05 » owl. MISCELLANEOUS-Seeds - Alfalfa, 9>£@loe ; liniothy, Eastern, t%%li B> i Pod Corn. © 3>i.©-la V !b; Eta Clo»er, 10@lle: Red Top, B®9c. Nuts —Chile Walnuts, new 11J 11a; California Walnuts, 13®i60; Almonds, new 143 5:; Peauute, Caliiornia, 4K@5Ha Lara (Oaliforaia). cans, 7Hrsß>£c; Eastern, S%® 93<c. Hldps, sail, light »nd medium, 8c; heavy steers, S^c; dry, 16c. Tallow, 3c. Bopfc— Sales of r'aoific coast. In New York, 25@27e; morkpt v»iu» here. 25&27 C. MEATS-Beef, s(rJs^c; Mntton, s®s>sc $ 1b; Lamo, 7c; Veal, 7<g)9c; Hogs, 2Ji©3o; lireßsed Fork, 5o; Hams, Easteru. 16c: Califbmia, 12e: Bacon, medium, 9><o; selected, lie: extra light, 12c. _

Hotmail spam: make / what you / will of itHotmail spam: make / what you / will of it

wolfgang masochist footbridge conundrum burial bode apprise visual agway vitriol vanderpoel apart bawdy husbandry communion amoral kapok neutron kennecott ale wing emphysema heinrich plod schoolbook stoic chaise gangplank anteroom quadrangular descendant commend amphibious covary era muscovite sabotage disposable accentual backlog traceable contiguity boyfriend airspace net bohr excavate bacilli donner dimension invoice premiere biochemic cheeky annal dominate bullyboy della lunch idyllic baneful ariadne annette babble fluke debugged assign engineer fermentation criminal copy pygmy cotillion deflect hilly geology leap plenum applique derision curtsey assyria deign quadrangle arrack millionth agglutinate ike dickens falter decent fedders jeannie clarke australia employee changeable graduate pathology architect tuberculin bennington recuperate humphrey monocotyledon civet persian belfast basal algorithm lipid republic briefcase complicate behold cloudy dowling thoroughgoing meant spheric bureaucrat diploidy ashland osgood dean reef contradistinct withheld beset profligacy beloit algorithmic stillwater predatory amount deprivation plenty gigavolt stipple townsmen rapture dearborn caribbean retard.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

jim leftwich & john crouse april poems

Will not be televised

Jim Leftwich
Sun, Apr 19, 1:22 PM
to john, JOHN

up Bent Mountain to
Zabriskie Point and
down the Kite River on
a bicycle built for ten
just like
any other day

John Crouse
Sun, Apr 19, 2:01 PM
to me, JOHN

Puppy went Montana Shrew
Pink Floyd Sistine Nurse Chapel Handlebars
Ben Franklin and Katherine Ross
Sun-Dappled Kid goes Butch
Big Wheel to Bultaco
Passion Play

Jim Leftwich
Sun, Apr 19, 2:08 PM
to John, JOHN

shredded wheat
heat and eat

John Crouse
Sun, Apr 19, 2:18 PM
to me, JOHN

Breaded teat
meat and gleet

Jim Leftwich
Sun, Apr 19, 2:27 PM
to John, JOHN

the peeking leek
inherits the meek

the week
shall inhabit
the month

John Crouse
Sun, Apr 19, 2:34 PM
to me, JOHN

Peking duck springs a leak
Heritable Ralph Meeker

Working 9 to 5
Long-last imaginations liberated enthralled
Kissing Us Deadly

Jim Leftwich
Sun, Apr 19, 2:47 PM
to John, JOHN

Speaking of hairy
Tables, is
Imagination a marathon or
A sprint?

John Crouse
Sun, Apr 19, 2:56 PM
to me, JOHN

Turtledove fairy tales
both bolt and chug
blessing long hauls weighs
turning round tables aground
hoary telethon nationals
take flight

Jim Leftwich
Sun, Apr 19, 3:00 PM
to John, JOHN

volt and tong
     the teeth
to bite
  the Light

John Crouse
Sun, Apr 19, 3:06 PM
to me, JOHN

Trip the sprite fanatic
Voit and Spalding
Dipthong Piano
Armed to the delight
Bequeath the light

Jim Leftwich
Sun, Apr 19, 3:14 PM
to John, JOHN

ripening in rites
spasmodic flanger
blindside pick
by the catpiano
We aim to please
waltzing out in
the striped light

John Crouse
Sun, Apr 19, 3:21 PM
to me, JOHN

poor richard
igor integral
ironsides schtick
vonnegut bylaw
bullseye tweeze
the band pouting
the zebra flite

Jim Leftwich
Sun, Apr 19, 3:42 PM
to John, JOHN

Gore of the Grail
snide and ticklish
Gutsy By Law
A full eyesneeze
  thief, the if
Sea-Brains flickering
Making love to
A Vampire
by the Campfire
pudding onion
to Carson City

John Crouse
Sun, Apr 19, 3:57 PM
to me, JOHN

Cattle guard orchard
Verbatim snail
Pride and pickle
Down by coleslaw
A fools myopic gesundheit
Clout Frito Baghdad
Spliff sea monkey knickers
Mistaking glove a
Sapsucker abide
Bonfire grunion
Arson entreaty