up ǝpᴉs
i less want
to make an ok oppression
so un fortune it
the pride are the prejudiced from here in
the dreams on these
pages we just make
shut down
7 of 9 November, 2020
texts that change the conscious parameters of literature, both for readers and writers. from a different angle than these, r.p. blackmur adds: 'poetry: [is] ...language so twisted and posed in a form that...it adds to the stock of available reality.' formerly edited by peter ganick. send texts to Volodymyr Bilyk at ex.ex.lit@gmail.com for consideration...
up ǝpᴉs
i less want
to make an ok oppression
so un fortune it
the pride are the prejudiced from here in
the dreams on these
pages we just make
shut down
7 of 9 November, 2020
1. the land as a mirror
now for the communication breeze and that means a landslide
walk week goes back to the feet
to start a land war with that cleo of capes
the can of dinner to eat tonight on earth
puddle and puzzle
forlorn gorp
expert on the rose
the good gardener
that hard egg was a good little bug
that’s the last place for a worm to be
the computer was a battleship motor of the sky
the nice, tired eyes of tomorrow
slow crux was my crust
letting it out with my laughing hand
the good face is not showing up on the screen
shrimp radio
spock’s brain was ticking
the crack in the laugh
the first world of the shining sun
read the real-world books
sweet breather
typing time to get thru three of the words
muffle muggle was the oyster
the circle in the wild
VEUfiTABLES —Potatoes—Early Rose, 90c; Nevada Snow Flake, tl 65; Nevada General | Grant, $140; River Red, B0@8Bc; Onions, I $1 65@1 J6j Cabbage, 75c(i'51; Carrots, sjc; 11mups,75c sack; bunch vegetables, \Z%c « fioi; Parsnips, 81 2D;Beets, tl;Eor<ie Radish, tiia.7cV *; Garlic. l@sc; Artichokes, 40c SR dozen; Okra, sc. BBEA_L>STITFFS—FIonr. ti 70 « bbl; Oatmeal. (3 75 9 100 s>s: Cemmeal. white and yellow, <1 8"> In 25 it, Backs, f 2 in 10 S) sacks: Cracied Wheat. 91 75: Hominy.s3so ft cwt. POULTRY—Lite 'I'uricys, hens, Wi@l4o ; gobblers, J2J<tISJjQ; Dressed, i.3c; full-grown I Chickens, <<o %i" dozen: vonng Roosters, H a) V dozeD ; Broilers, J2 5033 50; tame Ducks, ttcati SO; I'ekiu. &"> 50: Teal. 7fc; Quails, $1; Hare, SI 50; Mallard', S3; Widgeon, 90c; Sprig, SI 50; Canvasback, ?::; Geese, tmi 25 p oalr; KgCT, choice CaUforrila. 25QSSO; Eastern, 19520 C i "* dosen. DAIRY PRODTJCrS-Bntter. fancy roll, 27'<;@ 30c {I a: ranch bntter, '2:>a2sc; pickled, 2u<s 21c; packed in firkins, choice, 19a>IOc; common, 12@15c: Cheese, California, 3S3>lsb: WestBra flats. 13@Uc; Martin's Cream. He. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED-Oat hay. *Bg9 V MU Alfalfa do. (>.iV) ?i ton; Bran, 810 $ ton: Middlings, 121 « ton; Barley, whole, paying 81 12; rolled, $1 80: Wheat, paying tl SO 9 cwt; W Thite Wild Oats, SI 75(3.1 85; Tamo Oats. $1 G-V Corn, paying Jl 05 » owl. MISCELLANEOUS-Seeds - Alfalfa, 9>£@loe ; liniothy, Eastern, t%%li B> i Pod Corn. © 3>i.©-la V !b; Eta Clo»er, 10@lle: Red Top, B®9c. Nuts —Chile Walnuts, new 11J 11a; California Walnuts, 13®i60; Almonds, new 143 5:; Peauute, Caliiornia, 4K@5Ha Lara (Oaliforaia). cans, 7Hrsß>£c; Eastern, S%® 93<c. Hldps, sail, light »nd medium, 8c; heavy steers, S^c; dry, 16c. Tallow, 3c. Bopfc— Sales of r'aoific coast. In New York, 25@27e; morkpt v»iu» here. 25&27 C. MEATS-Beef, s(rJs^c; Mntton, s®s>sc $ 1b; Lamo, 7c; Veal, 7<g)9c; Hogs, 2Ji©3o; lireßsed Fork, 5o; Hams, Easteru. 16c: Califbmia, 12e: Bacon, medium, 9><o; selected, lie: extra light, 12c. _