
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

text || Edward Nichols

The Unmentionable

Phloebic  astro indaxic
                          injorey  Exeted prune
                          Frohm blusted frost
                         Exfoliate  petrified soul
                          Turgid xemene Bepheje
                          Nethet  blinmhe Hefmure
                         eqtuitte  isotropic popsicleas
                          opaquesuit meicleated  phute
                         Duel  consistancy reasoning
                          Rahme  balloon  crogling
                          Worr Apolaclips  hear
                          Lupce adnins  Sunblotch
                          apser  candeed  clotch
                          Blukser  metrick  Obknock---

            Oetrake   sloken    bludge   croetiegle
Flangle - Slangle - Untangle
            Preastine  Kryzettelle 
     Cughe    fulystgle   Durreheille
Trehan Gillibody onoxordusts pleine
Genge exsione prehetteurres cleinpmnette vorecxeille
  ?????????????????juhytyop`    i1po    1q
lipop  Tish?  - 
                               Eniope  uike  vrutic
                                A   Koomkquat  in  an   envelope of surprise

                                      Morose code gallube
                                     rhuze  Wrost    Glotts
                                    utholl  verthille  cell
                                    Ur   sole   reelish
                                    Sure  two  sure
                                     teel man  iz 
                                     Know more poppylace

        Executed skeletons glow embers of deficiencies

        Dripping candles on the residue of tainted breath.
       Clock  with no hands satiating the contingencies of  dirtclods.

       Mesmerizing the Lizard with a metronome at subatomic speeds.




Monday, June 27, 2016

poem || John Pursch

Bluer Tan Pluperfect

Sandy bleached tornado feathers squat municipal car door fractal in hyperbolic sonic caloric adoration count of noon mimetic autoimmune inconsequentially completed density to dishwasher snooze. Sows come clan grow alike along a foolish warpaint mob collar collecting delectable abilities on blue paper nylon leg funnel freeze to shipped somatic eye-openers in tomb erasure forelock glove compartment alligator kin, all smocked and clowning lichen rubble detergent dubbed machine con.

Kabuki smiles from ten-pin calorimetric idiosyncratic goofball fields, swaying blackened flu to sold fur shimmy, balk swear the cytologically enamored sorta fine tail shook her tempting canned preemptible raw prescience into defaced bomb wattage dialectic mobiles, clutching vaporized bots soar pot barter bragging clear crossfire deadly fin countess phlegm Skintucky foam.

Stiletto feels, he snows Clem pearly wides, hoping tidal hope in loping allusion to sin match in hairy daydreams, forming cello dumplings, shift in inkling pomegranate rock-hard candidate frond saddle me up to spittle me clown. No seal, he jabbers, he squeaks, he sweats a bullet a minuscule cabinet from escutcheoned ditch in corpuscular lemon-orange or ergonomic eschatology or logos cog lapel ingestion, punked to cooling sort of hourly heck in fanned monocular socket drench.

“Light asp an influenza affluence, swine tally lurchin’ up achieved police parade to irate misty-thighed vernacular on serve in squatter filial ground condone sat Pimpletome, tea headfirst Simpleton, hefty ewe mast snow-blind poor Speedo britches, preachy skein the shivering sanity compartment, ribald analeptic dish,” Johnny Helmholtz banished to chalk suppertime clues downed in loose inflate of strainer coriander caraway freak mélange a color sigh.

“Gourds decry espied hallucinatory swan-high editorial piquancy, crumpled saucepan,” slowly drawled Penumbral Pauline, perfunctory prelate of perishing peculiar parishes of diorama seaside marching branding sirens.

“Chi-chi, happenstance of circumcised laughing shaft,” Bahama Matt sacked the Boolean collage bassoon, wadded uppity horribly announce over spectacle gleam, flogging upper monocle wit perp respiration phalanx cleavage sum-quad reflected, unfurling Pauline’s breast ascension to chiral sounds.

“Zounds?” erupts Byobby Frantic Schenectady, primate song of aromatic two-schlep publican in pharaoh cry comical canonical colonic suction, pulling credulous schlock pate town Montauk Armchair botulism, sallied sullied why to Nerd Hairy Liner’s slumbering son of a buttery battered boxcar brick to stunning hummus clambake snores to stamped sequined Sloth Éclair Edina’s pristine knee socks, what leap in execrable faints hup smoothie thigh-along clippety jalopy tee-ball foamy grope in smitten mezzanine devotion decollete expansion scheme to superbly fluid oddities of Ladled Leak baseboard snails.

Shard to bereave cooed sole Johnny, snow, sigh mean Byobby, solely caught off wan sword! Pow! Cathartic! Quell, quill, had leaps his he chock ululation was resounded pi manly spunk chew action smirks, sin occluding treed hex clams! Snake tat flour! Fave! Sex! Had sew on, had infinitum! A veritable plethora of punked ewe action.

Seesaw fish seams sewn funky hair, piecewise tarrying flavors, filigreed enfilade of ferried presidential collectibles, memorized paraphernalia quad furrowed the prow of candy assailing blip from Crepe Cop to Deliwear to Watchingstoned, TV hand sallow haze uppity Tunnel of Vision, swale pastiche the Pentagram, croon slopped sea curiosity, whale above cropped sequins, blasted Greylian haggard sets, ragged parades, infested bloop shingles, nautical snare ports, soil drums, spiel crumbs, head settee rugs, hits Etch-a-Sketch.

Hereabouts Byobby snowed a blizzard of silly old frenetic sticks: “Sousa! Shift homely eye good sneak wit outer glimmers oven sex tension card!”

Dare! He managed to spit outer semblances! Steely-thighed cowgirls guffaw indelicate delight, moseying plaque dude hair dusk curfew cordons, bluer tan pluperfect; pet had leash day clot off a cooed graph!

text || Edward Nichols

Archetextual De-sine - Waves
              Secksssssssssss9(shun)))))))[ull_ll_llL  ><|><|><|       Consortminttish - it - a -task<><><>: [I mustard ]       

desh PeSH Tede       seeper  OoOoOoOoOoOoO   tyededit     Arsenull


 ceomlll.delete]WillHelmet Reich

 ______------|(<>|(<>|(<>|||_|||_Ore_(gone)()()()()()()\||\|\|\|\|\|\..:...:confusskated awl body worksss........(((((((((((((thuhd see eye aye')_ChOll lmeijile freztugee vawuddelle sloke-slo-ugh-ugh-s-l-o-k-e ahlean-plockle-PloKle-plockle-thoth sweadesh ashes leybill  perell
-DEED----qw42ll|||||||||||bm8xp319 12ton   TeLe eye kLoMPed 

meye    flocked Hercules  tide-


 miff vockalle

poem || Alan Britt


2:43 am→Thornton Burgess:

Jerry Muskrat,
Grandfather Frog,
Reddy Fox
and Peter Rabbit.

Lively, visionary, more intriguing
than recent Republican filibuster.

But occupations aren’t forever.

Never have, so why drown  
beneath an oil slick of wealth
and glory when eternity surely awaits
us—staring smack through ten zillion
windows and rocking our souls like nitro
glycerin ampules fro and to, to and fro,  
at a Stonehenge family reunion—
a delicate dose of the bitter truth.

2 poems || Nils Geylen


from today

from today
from today

from today
from today
from today

from today
from today
from today
from today

            coming, going
from today
            coming, going
from today
            coming, going
from today
            coming, going

                        there’s more than this
from today
            coming, going
                        there’s more than this
from today
            coming, going
                        there’s more than this

from today
            coming, going
                        there’s more than this
                                    MORE THAN THIS
from today
            coming, going
                        there’s more than this
                                    MORE THAN THIS
from today
            coming, going
                        there’s more than this
                                    MORE THAN THIS

from today
            coming, going
                        there’s more than this
                                    MORE THAN THIS
                                    MORE THAN THIS

from today
            coming, going
                        there’s more than this
                                    MORE THAN THIS
                                    MORE THAN THIS
                                    MORE THAN THIS

from today
            coming, going
                        there’s more than this
                                    MORE THAN THIS
                                    MORE THAN THIS
                                    MORE THAN THIS
                                    MORE THAN THIS

from today
coming, going
there’s more than this


Risk Society


MON with MONTH till
MONTH till AM or PM
follows or seems as 6 : 26

displace discard dispose
(harder than harder) the
heart in semantics

without [question mark]
after [question mark]
with all the



a) desires (the horizon the intersection)
b) potential (pushes counterpoint against counterpoint)
c) ruptures (in tautly stretched skin underneath tautly stretched skin)

or we’re living
in a simulation of tenderness


here it comes

the feeling              of tissue                                        hematome       

                                     of speech                                handicap

              pervasive                               intravenous

it rips                       breath                  stops force

of living force                                                                         systemic failure

halts                 everything                   dead silent                   to        



forget stamina forget freedom
make me an error again
forever bad choice