
Thursday, March 17, 2016

2 poems || Philip Byron Oakes


Vagabonding with others woe to behold.
Visceral samplers tickling tempers tuned
to triggers pulled from the crowd. A hand
in making the most of a foot in the grave.
Under suspicion of skin. At a cost of
inklings crumbling in the knowledge. By
any measure deemed modern to a purist
sense of touch, gone mad with burlap
for the right to feel nothing at all. Pitting
proof against the pendulum for the swing
shift of fortunes, made to do their dance
in a trickle down to tacks. A perpetual
likelihood of odds evening out. Priming
footprints on the floor to feeling able to
walk away on a cushion of sunsets.
Stalemating with ancient urchins of the
dirt, to propagate a brooding scowl
framing an issue to suit a shiver at the
thought. At the behest of dimensions
invisible to the science of the time.
Harnessing the sparkle in an eye, for
equivalence in the pall of blinks and
blemishes in the dark. Holding fast
to the slow burn, a stumble’s
redemption in the fall for
gravity’s primacy in the

Action Maquette

What comes so small it makes giants of us all.
Mired in commas putting stutters to the test.
A stippling of a little this a little that breaking
precedent in for the long haul. To a t crossed
getting to the z’s. One non sequitur after the
other, corralling the tangents for the journey
back home on the range. The breadth of a
point made to linger. A collateral haunting
conceding wealth to the emptiness of
hollowed’s gift for resonance. Swinging both
ways of the world. Subsequently without
pause as an excuse. Thus the page turns on
itself. Having once but never again. Effectively
mirrored in place of being quoted as saying
in pictures that wobble the mind. Down
south of a feeling for what makes the
silence tick. The doorbell ring for both you
and the you you want to be. Or so the song
goes oompah loompah within the gutted
carapace, over the crippling hysteria of
the noise.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

3 poems || Edward Nichols

Augmented inversion

         ,<  . .>  %(TACET) @@@@fregmache   sponge *{4} 6^^^6^8*

9(elemental  curmudgeon hach motle breth  drogone inseru biem) ,<---.> 3#  ?|\  |/\|  /\genetic plu deam

plautic cano 3#/\/\|{(igote plai gloss wantle ) SyssSynthetic  decay clay
                                 Tone row :chrome attic:scale
s expression

                                  the  ladder_-_  -_a new outlet of notes 
|SES---protocal lex pesh ferv:______|  }}]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]       styrofoam   generic   xonnghit


                                     __                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 var-cah-qereVv                                                                                                                                                [vor-degis - cremp-elnis-blum]
22058.5___@&<>...<>...<>...        AE-THE--------------is tick a tock 

neutralize  candid reform  reembursing holographic    vapid   cij-agg coalaze eggplants      twirling.
dued brukej lind  frok mazaire quvin beb sryv hevy Clent.
Insult   undivided   dunces.  elixer    esvul klink  

****((9)) (***)55%%<>@@_-_ 3###    loli-gagging  at   Mannquins


Cold   futility   Redead   down  FUSION</Synthetically Plastered
(metrolocopic   delinearization glad grine ek-sic.)__Sublime  Slime
Torus  torus now healed  by  MeneShine  (goats piss)  mime   maim  main  >999< >
metroloscopic( Point ertrex code) sonic  >(        lecni)<>  ) HEME ruuz  VIAM  nurse
glissando forte                                                                                            Blatz sootttttt ^^^|\\\\
                    Majority  has the hyper glycemic arkticccooolllddd =====slugs drae sludge                                                                        gias, rem belch  cleger 
><><><>><<&&&    -_-_-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
gally guame I Mebic shedro  magy   croak-croakpat
CEjer  _-___________///////////Hoogle     cracked   repoot ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
                                                           slotteg umnolh]]]]]]]]]]
                                          glog hep2 fersh  am906mojooooooooooooooooooooooH tickthetockasxenij

G. R. O. G. 

  Pantekkellion[[[[[[[  plankton  ishrion   Ishnaucrellian
BALOIMNOMUSHOUSLY    <6>  ((9))/// Treton     amilias lllllllbbbbbb
Eezzzlabuoyated     eat  ALL_UP,.............(skrumpshesh  he-roww
ttuguzzle   []  [6]  []  []  juuuuudzwaasshhes<]<]<]
     Ivory avarion  wormnneaues5%9(((6))))))))6]]]]}]]]]
enterley'  mie-mie-mie---t{y]   Mayan  (lie--LIE==LIE==

Solomon   of   Throma  and  Manus/////////\\\\\\\////\\\\\\

The   muchtreascures  Moltach      Tomaltach-_-

og   MacDonogh.     Dalmation,   Damnation.   

I   think   offen   WORD   VIRUS.
I'dah,diddle,dee,deaue   picket  peck,peck,peck,peck.

Pick the fist.First 1-2-1  Ray, radio? No.Ratio.Oh! That's it.

The first one is ONE   Ide.

A   Grey  Cloud(with greey cloud  -Width-Golden Lightening


2 poems || Stanford Cheung


*6:30 pm Maryward Flashback

When a thrush sings half [hea/rt]edly
their song, scaffold between their smile

like a burning fingernail
lodged in salvation

Their sense of pride cemented
across their face-
claiming whatever
land- they- land- on

frost/pine/wayward species

so that we feel numb as a savior

caught in the headlights

or sometimes, a backbone intentsion
composed less firm than



a    f l a k e   in a chapel



grow merry with time

and bliss the tainted flower

how many matches would

you like to buy

before prayers
no longer fall true [?]

like 9 lives in an octave (12345678).

They say my hands can’t r e a c h

single files
of a permafrost memory

2 poems || Raymond Farr

The Juncture at,     ,Six Pence per .Sauna
a,    ,poem,    ,is,    ,property.  ,of,  !existence
a,   ,pencil,  ,lead,  ,is,     ,brimming,  ,w/,  ,flux, 
,w/,  ,much,  , talk,    ,&,   ,w/,    ,vertebrae,    ,written,
,horizontally—,Cinzano,  ,sippers’re,  !key
quickly,  ,the,     ,poem,    ,lags,  ,lacking,  ,a,  .pronoun
do,  ,you,  ?copy—I,   ,paddle,   ,a,   ,pall,   ,bearer, 
to,  ,whiffle,  ,ball,  ,sound,  .tracks—,I,    ,am,   ,a,    ,day,   
,rife,  ,w/,  ,cappuccino,  ,at,  ,Balzac’s,  ,place—
,in,     ,this,   ,house,  ,of,  ,wooden,   !ships
,in,    this,   baked,      metal,      field,     ,of,   ,goldenrod,  
,I,  ,fail,  ,to,  .enhance,   ,I,    ,profit,  ,from,    .circumstance
it,    ,is,   ,all,    ,about,      ,the,     ,six,  ,pence,  ,per,  .sauna
I,   ,prefer,     ,writing,     ,downwind,   ,of,  ,p,  ,inman, 
,at,   ,Gloucester,  .Y—come,  ,&,  ,get,   ,yr,   ,freakin’,   
,pencil,    ,lead,    !Frankenstein
the,    ,way,    ,to,   ,a,    ,man’s,    ,stomach,  ,Stella,
,is,    ,thru,    ,[pogrom I],    ,&,    .[pogrom II]
signed,    ,[dept. mgr.],    ,Holland,    ,Tunnel,    ,of,    .Love   
will,   you,   ,loan,   ,me,   ,a,   ?sawbuck—or,   ,what,  
,were,  ,you,   ,singing, … ,yr,   ?hymns—I,   ,couldn’t,  
,quite,  ,pinky,   ,ring,   ,everything,    ,you,   ,said,
but,   ,when,   ,pilgrims,   ,float,   ,’em,   ,you,   ,said,
,no,   ,one,   ,needs,   ,of,   ,translated,   ,as,    .of
but,   ,acts,   ,in,   ,seven,   .words

Raymond as Giotto as Multiple Deranged Angels
As dissonance coheres
Someone blocks every door

LAW says—I am him, convinced he must be him
A hand or charm on Opening Day

                        In the embers of violins
I binge on turgid elegies—blanched to bad flesh

In the chambers of a stranger’s weird civic head
A dog or dragon paws beneath skin

& wandering thru corridors singing ditties of winter insanely
I paint little sky lights—a black web on crumbling plaster

& where murder as war lasts but a fragment
I curtsy out of love, in terror of love

Murder & speed arrive gasping at walls—
Angels on car hoods

Angels in armor
Midnight etc

3 poems || Rus Khomutoff


Modernity is a fable
like the spongy vapors
that rise from the earth
cracked by hot rains
carousels of distinction
on a gnostic highway
bulletins of divine inexistence
quantum collisions gone berzerk
wonderland of escape velocity

Atomic Petals
for John Pursch

All you nobodies worshipping the
mysteries of creation
stockpile of silent okays
and circadian rhythms
beautiful twists of primitive innocence
the dreamcreature missed the rigidity
of assumption
charred hindsights that
blitzkrieg like precision weapons
sybaritic sparkling points and
ramshackle chords

What Is the Future? The Future Is Now

Short lived euphoria
in a dynamite death chair
blunt and boisterous contradictions
as flitting glimpses of grace
jarring anagrams of upstream DNA
brazen moxie
cursory way biomes
emerging as fashionable blessings
soul of serene praxis

underneath manic seas