
Sunday, July 26, 2015

text || John Pursch

Psyche Tea Ice Endower

Cowboy Ike paid his dues in cloud cover currency, flashing ink-stained wads of high denomination bills wherever he went, oblivious to the tracking stares of drooling lobotic eyes. “I’m just a screamin’ coyote on furlough from a human transport junker, barely a stoned throw away from exile to population overrun incarceration blowback locks!” he staggered freely, seemingly weeding out his cares from any theoretical underpinnings of humming mental tinder brush.

If one managed to inch a little closer, through his omnipresent retinue of freed lobotic wenches, booby guards, gum-wielding time drug mules, and cataleptic nail-biting neurosis informants, all packed sardine style in tidal sweep formation bliss of semi-inflected saddle shoe pointillism…

Well, nod too mangy a feeble critter or criterion seller or fellowship seeker ever made it so smudge as within earshot of Ike, ladder load touched his fabled cloak or cauterized his ninety tails of woe or feebly asked him to quench their rabid vapid limpidly lugubrious curiosity of all things celebrated in this glorious tundra of Dearth-bound fallen noxious cinder growth (whence known as humanity).

But supposing someone were to banish their only bod-bidden gob of humping flashpoint fleshpot cramp-infested wherewithal (formerly known as the parturition proxy of any purebred postulant to spiral waveform’s pseudo-synchronous consciousness of death-defying eternity), well it would practically peel the sun-dried pages clean off your pasty brainpan’s faulty mammary bunks, faster than shafted iron sirens can ease into spansules of androidal nautical anthems, asthmatic arterial scuttling paragons, bioflavonoids in bifurcated bauxite raids on bison forgery clinics, bituminous cobalt societies, bilious parachute protectors, stocking japers, castoff emotionally corrected flan meringue dusters, custard pylon whipping shores on sortie parole…

You getta da pictorial ermine, Siam surly, wizened upward of all the starving boots in onset copulation crust, flown from spirits on highways of defiant rodeo towns to mainspring megalopolis contusion centers, pillaged by erroneous centaur pining crates and taut toroidal glockenspiel collision courts, when or what or whosoever devolved from spatial counterfeit Graylien stump act through enhanced and engrammatic Hillyweed action figurine to mall warts on tirade from booby-crapped basement buckaroos to plaid incarceration crux of truly tapped integument to waxing moonshine publican to stubbly entendre intensionality’s existing humpback notary of well-sprung mind chain torpor queen or sapience in socket pleas or leisure’s supine hairy calling cardigan of missing tarps and hooligan incipience or breakneck flatbread axe disease, popped weekly into sty machine express valise believer sleeves.

Tarry here for chesty augmentation sentry breath, recumbent seeker; pleasure island bookings swell to bubbling scoreboard finish limes gone flaxen in the spurting sunlit rafter swoon of Molotov ducktails, nodding totem squint police, and smooth official domicile seclusion papacy, meant cursively for dungeon consonants in paralegal muting fratricide on slumping unnamed sanitary knapsack strips of beckoning to chalkboard noumena amid a paper chair collation’s styrene recompense for tabled spin citation cattle.

Swords came out at the slightest implication of evocatory insight, glancing below the skinny harpy’s negligent sundry tears, prompting Ike’s paternal halter Eggo, wan Psyche Tea Ice Endower, to baldly proclaim from high on statutory ceiling shafter, chandelier, and oratorical mountaintop afforded sole surcease above the current planet’s laudatory lapse:

“Declarations of sinfully resplendent thunder are softening into unusually foul and lying jet pilot rage! Perhaps teasers have turned to bully flown trail mix, sauntering through bellhop psychoses of concierge implosion grease, spread cataclysmically across the blob of hobbyhorse in staid credenza poker shaves, feeling uppity in spooning belt Caucasian dodge of worn abutment smoke trajectories, filmed with gears in tow and sobbing maiden uniforms sagging in all the spritely placemat junctions, flossing clear-cut Forrestals with churning phantoms and scurrying kitchen utensils.”

At this admittedly lung-winded and shim-wad obtuse elopement from even an extraterrestrial fantail to albeit nebulous concavity (if not round-eyed pomposity), a camphor lozenge maniac erupted from Ike’s blossoming booby-trapped shorts, bursting a very fine zipper, poking a shamefully wasteful fiery head of orange hair, greener than grassy hills of clover eyes, bespectacled bucolic beauty to be sure, the finest maiden of this oar antsy udder seagoing vesicle (whoda ever gussied up sedge a pulchritudinous specimen and menage-a-troika’d to package her in wad ken only be culled a verily tidal comportment, parried well beneath the hitherto zipped and spackled underpants of swan Cowboy Ike Cargo, whom some wood cheesily misspeak as homeless or add lust homogenized or maybe even somatically asexual).

Sandy hoot, this paragon of feminine perfection, so obliviously lobotic to shaven the mossy causal subservient, popped forth and lunched into quite the soliloquy: “Sigh dare, flyboys from savory winter planetary shipping stem! Mined distinct pleasure…”

pome || billy bob beamer

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

poem || Scott Thomas Outlar

July 11/12

poem || John Pursch

Frosty Flak Spelunker

O sixth of all sensorial palladia,
bent on podiatry as a flashpoint 
for arboretum abolitionists,
felling treed nadir lovers
in sawbuck sand and anthill divergence,
prospering on tumid fallow undertows
in gill shock’s preternatural syncopation
of mottled leeward totem fisheries!

Press on to seasoned cretins,
poshly accented with codfish
stereotypes of whimsical
cartographical shims,
pinafores on staler predatory jockeys,
and switchback lozenges
for charming pavement smelters,
simpering over allotted microfiche
containers all the quizzically
contumely dry dock doggie
bingo blogospherical bayou’s
voluminous interdimensional
quartile of calligraphic
gull wing pantry ‘roids,
polled festively by haplessly
famished tinder knees.

Yessiree, bobbled pablum odium
of cantered deputies in rising steam
to sauteed clammy chump cruise fidgeters,
floating mightily down aisles to cornstarch
hamlet chop-alongs with derby swiggers
into catchy rapture’s clouded pout.

“Lookie, frozen hooky munchers,
stripping scholars of their
worthless featurette police,
tried on cue by mulish banter
queens in stopwatch lore of shiny
tomes for empress grievances galore!”
Ferocious Frosty Flak Spelunker
flogged in gam-gum-gimcrack’s
gaudy nether gearhead surgery,
chucking flesh sockets beyond
the suppurating tomb’s 
clear skin dollar bile 
of bedpan barroom variance.

“Why, dialed éclair,
my festive Frosty Flak Spelunk’,
if you dunned beggar all whatever warred
from stevedore stump to crumpet milt
to Piltdown Periscope’s perfunctory
Pop Tart of a savory pinhole attic stand-in,”
zoomed Dire Pretorian Cod,
mostly infamous of any
blown lobotic bubble spy
whence lullabies could ever
seize on interstitial chopping’s 
sexy pediatric shin-to-silo
cackling cover contest.

“Now howitzer’s android Juan
espoused to heavenly conspire
to key track of halfling humper
radiology attendants in wad con
homely be descried as hind usurped
paste of prescient and burning sagebrush,
secondhand Howayan sheets flapping
floral Prince of Scanned Witch Sighland
Hook-alike numbnuts in pints of wheezy
dream cake cherry cohabitation bliss?”
Ferocious Frosty ink wired 
slump wad outa breath.

Sturgeon lea epoch,
hay rallied slung into the knight,
suffering weed out the tuned bishopric;
sedge was his turning bezoar tune owe.

Swell, barf he it Fermi to undermine
Frosty’s blurring desiderata,
spatially graven datum he spigots
slattern partly whale.

Lad’s sea: wadded he wont against?
Whoa, chest! Crated Ollie Gee and tendons
swore his publicly abject hovering supine
hand snow heaven ewe, deer creature,
chest Fromm scamming test soggy page,
canned realize chow feudal antsy attempt
at tempting linearity to mace any regress,
slat a loan perp oar dead prawn crest,
indie phase of softly morphing lingual cons,
struck head-on at sneering lea heavenly stern.

Wheel wise hup hand
far get a boot Frosty’s plaint,
his pliant pliability, and
heavenly sputtered claimant’s
dictatorial ministrations
to the arguably fractional
cod of slinky lariat sea.

Known dime to strop,
snowed easement due bake on,
groan basker to spill nor mistletoe
to snore a pout on professionally plump
prepositional Pharisees nor scribblers
of scrapbook tumbler to slogging
muddy sooty wrappers,
pinned slowly to a swollen
ice cream sundae.

2 pomes || billy bob beamer

POMEfors un r a

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POMEartaud 7 x 7
& to cabals what appeal

the sunk actor the scalpel

sweetpotato bristling breath

blindspots charred meat a soft flop

flaming seized rice at bloody

eggwhite totem  swollen sacs?

poem || Jeff Harrison

Free Kittens
quavering we poetries which they
flop irreproachable that congruence
is theirs / palaces where pigments crouch

Virginia would satchel her hoof
bubbling, she is situational: "dear
receipt, I were chimeric, yours
descriptively, Virginia" 

Lord Byron, can I be one of the eaters
retyping in the ballroom, what compensations?

compensations include free kittens

bureaucracy creates we lasses
ours did dynasties, yours did naught
jolts can precondition when theirs damn

idols they have docks, mine poems
conspire? they must be exploding!
shameless? shameless had been ants
categorized 'em? categorized 'em!
poet pressurized, we rectangular up earliness

her characteristics Hegelian, her epitaphs novelistic,
Virginia's intestines be our jaguar hereafter

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

3 poems || John Pursch

Per Octal Shut-Eye

Everything could hold in days
of early cottage sun ship sins,
trampling grill cab pendulums
in military arch portrayal,
flexed oh sewn caustically
by flippant chit sots blown
to shiny knicker blackouts
of Salisbury Quaker
moat recision pomp
in elbow radiation.

Tuned to pesky tatters
for premeditated margarine,
our leering fistula exclaims:
“I’m humid!”

Itchy traipsing thermidor
in sensate grave return
will pickle standing model
aliquots of tapered jelly node
appendages to frizzy hangar
ponderers hoot parry swale
joust mildly curry onto hung
light booby draperies in
bandsaw separation torch
of lowered grist crustacean
metal agony.

Inhibition cupped egregious
lupine ease in dendrite antics
cloned to haggard ergonomics,
flown through saddled pie
monkey dormitories by toes
who glumly peg upward.

We cleft offal phlegm
statutory palisades of
trill hope sedentary estimates
to hapless purge in aching welds
to climbing closet thighs to peanut
parakeet per octal shut-eye.

In Zeroed Luge

Wooed a chute of specious
sardonic one-time paddling
into buoy nags down mustard dregs,
mummified bolts of siren sheets
caught with sanding duels,
staged for braying pachyderms.

Swans tomb any hump wore
floundered Auntie Shoreline Shake
of quipped heretically grocered
pipsqueak noons, canned in caste
my urn of shallow hash.

Tug broth obtains threw ought
cratered Your Nuke arboretum,
signing slattern nuncs
hand noons sand nuns
sans foible annex adjectives
above deep rooted pleats of cursive
steeds in topsy scurvy chicken puce

(a sorely sneered hat scarcity
of sons in where swig alley weighing
caisson nod with spaniel ink of icon
ichthyology polled selflessly till swans
in zeroed luge snore elsewhere).

Trouble Fun Reset

Locals speak lobotic
scrimshaw catapult
dialect of onshore schism,
clotting frozen sighs to
screaming somedays,
bending allusions to
piecemeal inching pleas
and diabolical correcting glue
of nudie parlance dings
combined in sleepy tallow
trips to dipstick perpetuity’s
occasional imbibement locket. 

A viable duck floats by,
clogging retinal charity
with ribald eyeball barriers
and misappropriated foundlings,
wound furtively to mourning.

I carefully remove
detrital wanderlust
from plastic scarlet favors,
shipping tucked toxins
to hosed ounce sniffles,
plucked from baseball
corrugation helm
retainer teeth.

How can emissaries
shovel wistfully into the night,
cranking eerie wind-up follies
before can-can tumor collagen erodes
to feigned roars of bungled punji
jackrabbit zooms pent handily
in trouble fun reset?

Friday, July 10, 2015

4 poems || Peter Ganick

new poem 7

commences then. at that point. molecule. definitives in tryst. 
collating the while. precedent none. amiss while driveway. contraption wholly bungled. 
coinciding. see what? 
they rollover trying on an implausible routine. 
scumbling. prosody’s contact. beset with grommet’s willingness. 
a somatic voiceover, breathy. in a chorus, a document, ‘a’ follows ‘b’. ach! that’s not it. is it. they are then’s some. 
swerve the route plies. cumbersome triffid waddles. naming holding imperative. 
met with high-fives. nods portals. standing in a stadium. 
compendia behave between beleaguerment. a persuasion wills nothing less. 
zero pessimist. 


new poem 8

optimum sound. encroach. non-trial offer. 
while reflection opts. mill on a some amalgam. torpor while silent. 
rain on an aperture. 
opening. seltzer. vignettes. 
plausible in overdrive so recondite. naive & similar. 
plusieurs effects switch the willing canes, blasted comatose. a signal to refrain & sort. 
so non-returnable imperious & melodramatic. 
swim through on a modifier. 
oddity’s precursor. 
announcers too spacy to continue...


new poem 9

red line. though. roughly fading. 
tunneling into where. is where. where without. 
improbable improbability. leans through dialectical promotions. 
words if defined. masks with identities. a blotted paradise widely circulated letterbox. 
behold, beholding. so marginal intreaties. 
lest oversight’s endless gameplan.


precedent mailcan. 
tuner as cleanse. 
priority over signature. emeritus. debilitation’s code-line thrown wayward. 
commensurate infinity let’s measure. a window intelligence. 
nominally co-verbal incandescence. fragments behave. dissent’s token iffy amidst scrambling. 
gone relocated. 
willing throughout a marginalization. 
complicate trembling’s ocean. define limn. white or blanketed. in the crease. 
a threadless routine has druthers before firing its throw-to, rope & snake. 
doff. slump nutshell. 
throughfare identifications wholly decenter through no fault-assignment possible. 
adamant precedents relate to same precedents as begun though indifferent indexically-hortense. 
a mending wide strange & compound. straighten up. at last promissory. 
amounts praise something awry. 
not culinary, a stretch, biases meet headless.

Friday, July 3, 2015

poem || John Pursch

Pentagonal Pete

The smarmy hindquarters 
headwaiter sings sultry 
rooftop eulogies for
sullied forgotten sons
once shunned
as canonical fodder,
beanbag dross,
hindered shy knee
bossa nova canister
seclusion drips of bald bug
ludicrously idiosyncratic lunacy,
smelted drowned to feed bag
occlusion monotheism,
plunked by horse-drawn
corn retardant filchers,
bubble-seamed spy screwball
corking inner sternum rodeo,
placating newer peptide swath
with stroganoff in Punic tundra set.

“Waffle at indigenous ignominy,
illusory shelf life!”
croons Pentagonal Pete,
whence the prestigious
ancestral petard
of Juan Renal Poseur,
hoot tends to be seen ass
stumpily a styrene imposter,
doughy wasp Quonset tea mossy
in cur bobblehead troll hind hull
smoocher beleaguered spurts.

“High, how some blithely aft fallen,
remorsefully shown booty shore,”
Renal hacked knowledge,
waving sworn fingers hovering
sneer sumptuous keys.

“Handy tinkle ewer whence data skink
offal tea Nerd Americon spurting lesions,
batting chimp, mossy nuns skewered,
hosted mittens,” Pentagonal affirmed.

“I, due drink awl hove eet
were lust hover hay shilly-shallying
pet on the Sin Sea Natty Dreads,
myopian steam fur mown shanty ears!”
the Poseur canned tinea,
shagging hiss shed slowly
tell hit merely fellow huff.

“Whale, heft hat’s
handy come pen say shun,
ewer steel tree guarded ass teabag blest,
numb her one offal thyme, be far
Rabies Broth,
Millicent Wheys,
Ornery Heron,
Chi Top,
Manny Stu Seal,
Parried Ponds (hash tour itch hand awl),
Wed Till Yams,
Goo Lay Rig,
Sister Hogged Opera,
Spinster Moan Ember,
Ray-Odd (mod moo tension
hand nutter sash tour hitch),
Dough Imagine O’,
Itchy Row,
Gonad Twin,
Cod Raw Who,
Borg Regret,
or sanity huff theaters tat
mired hover scum all hung hand starry-pied
and featured indie shorn feasible tufa,”
waxed Pentagonal Pete,
some wad sill o’ gesticulation’s
sleazy extremities,
sigh height gonged muddily
to well-nigh tightly shelled
public cheddar.

“Ewer two kind,
mined fallow bullpen layer,”
Renal posed, splatting snout
hay scream of burnished orange
tea pack mule whacko chaw,
spider spunky fee dancing
the ugly bug out stereo schleps,
wad’s oily leggy due topple
summed once innie sneer stupa.

Booth mints shied,
slung dare threads
from pooping shoal
deer bequeath crayoned dimples,
sigh laterally remonstrating
abbot teak hood hole dames,
swan mints war mincemeat sand Sin Gland
cruel tea severed seize handy son sat indie
vest hound swimmin’ swore tresses
und guppies parried furl heifer
canned mad tree moaners
war snot sham segues.

Hint southern swords,
tea guard hall daze,
swing ham on cooed tryst
an utter weed hiss surd off an oar,
dig nifty wash come on,
some incense war haven merely sow;
sin horde, fee bore dimes trudge
hat yeti concur twirled.

poem || Jeff Harrison

Dormant Primroses, Herds of Clues, Fun with Dew

fidget your signature with
dormant primroses
ramshackle claptraps are
keys to a thousand years

local sunburns, gift of the gab
fidget your signature with
nice people, fidget it
without civilization

fidget your signature,
nice people without civilization,
unsubdued as clues are unsubdued
awash in dew, in beastliness, alert to detonation
& the next thousand years, the letter,
the celebrated malice -- comrade! savagery
gives you its word, a few hours of deduction
amorous & badgered, its brain a
corner of propriety