
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

4 poems || Felino A. Soriano


For protection, pasting
resting upon nestled diversion: the self
renames its corporeal behavior
dispositional acclimation,


Broad notion spiritual
contemplation, darkened room
a faith foray deliberate reaction
to the personal contextual philosophy

truth or evidentiary
compelled systematic
imperative moralistic general ideals

processed delusion fulcrum
adequate visit, return. Assumption

of the articulating angles
disparate from the mind’s
choice or italicized embodiment

felt by the viable sustenance of
an onlooking apprehension.


amid temporal dissections
correlate dimensional variants

combining outcast components denied
as avifauna
nearest warmth of eluded

speculatory existence.

Incorrect beginning

excogitating skeletal spine of day’s elongated chassis. Warmth
of verbalized
significant holes upper realm delineate space then spatial
subsequent allegories. Portend and death realizes faculty. Nonoperational
themes premise sole wonderment wound as serial discombobulation— couture as
tongue as text chaos on prisms’ realigned togetherness. Squawk exterior
resembles verbal praise
used to distinguish positive subsequent to antecedent’s realm of precursory isolation.


dexterous calamity
prose of paused curses
clarity to the self (mother)
surplus emotional exteroception causation (remedy)


haibun || Sheila E. Murphy

"As You Were"

Pinty dog jabs split staccato punc- into the atmosphere. I leave the shades dimmed shut. Some doors
pluck open, some stay sealed. As grayness holds. Most novelists I know write look-backs.
Splinters of mismatch with uber-availability of facts. I breathe, therefore explore. Amid the bales
of indignation by untutored mammals mimicking parental stasis. In the meantime, mid-lines rarely
crossed seem fixed ideas. When the doorbell rings, it is persuasion seeking to perform its rote bit.
Hillsides better for the leg muscles of strangers. Weaving is its own excuse for indecision.
Watch. A parrot that might save this day provides ear training for the gullible. Finding at an impasse
selves at speeds continually various.

Gender studies, wake-up calls arriving like points of a bell choir, prompt tones marking this hour, that,
"the" hour

Sheila E Murphy

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

workings holestill cour s'tempt .;
courcely in exactic sic door .;'[]..
within the dri-fied drifted,;;'[=[[/ ;[]
conto through poingle thingly ;[[=.
statnestemptoratdoor ;[][,;=/..//';';
soonquitter a good atled beer[red ;,
though every spack of like afterward
partfast givery an at trans was/ been,;[
of the said as a voiced am in came .;[][;.
fell and make perfec tictic do you 2 too.;][
dogon to desport is to become sident farth.;'[
.;',[,]=-[,)[?[[]=\|=[-[+[;',./[l]]''.]\==\0=' ;'[]//,.
shard get to had said cathunk this mile truc,;[]
down that is small and on in though in cove time
best lay is the oven though earitute probaby;'[]][=
insand cleanized and compath being brave the dev
ers teneaturn on began to the gettled few hastretty l;;[
more as ligened upwarded quite is their and grink pin
fartfall succept them wavily of gala court slinger dodge
fistar and outer mage-tern dacrossion the sequel seartic
.';[][=-[[=-\][';=\]';././.;',][];[][=-=-\\=[;';./'' ;'[]-=p[][;''
mersemistamed the oped bored st hadown inteles wered
'000 like shock' fell impatic and in cruder firtbun stall..'].]
]|/./;'[over for hibbing dortsch fate fool/over for dunsineane;''[][=.

Monday, May 30, 2011

text || Peter Ganick

from Variations Without a Theme.

1 theoretical ramble
the says finished around commencement, of pliancy therefore, too latent forming on sliced molom parallels, the accretion of ill adaptation similarly. as on a foible the mistral deterred overly on silt moorings the panache dualist of emirate goers celery of pretend sump-tuous as yelling, the trigonometric gaffe on silvered fandango. aspiration of compilation empty tones ontologi-cally breeding active lyric, theme of relatedness aprille gone commensurate, bogged to remind activation's paddle on schemata. holes on wheels, tycoon full those of written attentive thinking as a partition serves, moon to creole of synapse, on doubled talkative tomorrow, quasi the daft on reflective noun threshold of the empathetic where. paint on volume otherwise something while adopted too the rescuer of pilot a driver waves nominally boundless, temperate oliphant widening overhead floors, thinks theoretically once to fly. basinet of red shift on which there flea market boot camp nomos the redolent mirage toreador, last tingle other to pale where sidereal boon of strut inviolate those, the amortized willing fully drafted for itself, a part system the keyboard. numb licentious may ring trellis on site thrash for a diamond, syllogistic parallax on opaque paralysis, ratcheted for arrangement, where coolata bundling resists to aura of symphonies. deft ontology, managed braggadocio, seemingly new. numerous historicist valences, brotherhood in flash thunderbolt, pleat overlord mitt of hammered glisteners third rail for situated imbalance, the tonation shill whereas infIrm on colloidal oceans, theirs elves nominal in faction so lambaste no-nagent the omission more rails of one yardarm, gloat celestial thisness bandage mirror on glitterati. stalls phthalo green moire select actively portion a game plan for xylophone and marimba, conceptual molom over lightly pleat for a stifle, non that role of encyclopedia nervous thoughtful agenda, snow birds on patrol. qualification erasures on troubled noises, otherwise rumor for aileron, a goer of cropping ahead, thrust forthright the tenancy aerial mogul, infmite and knotted around some aerated clink of china, tore through a wall better suddenly that weekday in some frequency, perhaps too early, there not latter. repeat wiling roebuck, the clientage molom tee shirt cordillera mortises alternately, triffid while portly chakra might on volitional bolster, nomination after almost running recantations buffered from skies. the delphic twist remote surreal apprentice, northerly front while seeping into fresh craft notion willful that adapts, the between hat of chapels. aspiration's holiday is thensome a derivation of parlance, shotgun rosary notation of surgical utterance, midases weigh in afterthoughts for the moped, surly festivities over a handed to ease of which pretend tympanum, nodding laughter from the outer inventory. as tempo drift downward, there republic a rattan grab bag, troth of veneer one singer long sided or waiting at membranous thoroughfares, while in related tones, no one is com-plex, nor compromise, acted from pear shapes. to wheedle arterial formatives there claustrophilic whiteners supine throatless choices, thorough as one pundit gritty complication vanishes those, on flurry prettified ear plugs, engraves in coils off medial numericals, at wholly blindered a remission of parsifal though impresario. profile to bloat whose fortunately groveling tacit on borough not hammer on shoulder, thinks veracity, open plaudit for reminiscence, no martinets the clipper ship trashed from accurate motions in factory bouncers, contrary as is terminal for entry from gallant, not referred while privacy reruns the clinker of amplitude, solace elsewhere client to balcony of ermine closure, sadness elemental.

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

POMEurs les[son3.c]
urs.; .est'd'opf/\rl;l;[][;l
class goff trun cat edo
t[p]orch shibboleth monk
dolman.,[';[][][][][[ marts
dim silos spent yodel[le]
awf.;'lik s'rcat open;;t[]';=-
ust; ert yun.,[weeping eyes
caus..,al kink flag hoharp pir
strung lod l..,;[] lemon/tations
weld self going hopper link
grass develop forceps railo
solidstone wheel protractert
golf engine soretboat becalm
effort weight seed beach fill sot
awf.;'lik s'rcut open;;t[]';=-
urs.; .est'd'opf/u\rl;l;[][;la
dolmune.,[';[][][][][[ mat ts
awf.;'lik s'rcat olden;;tu[]';=-
ust; ert yun.,[wet unknown
dollargrass developsticky rail
dim silos spent yodel[le] plaino
old lidled l..,;[] lemon/tations bark
churchbrick stay forentone bellrash
dolman.,[';[][][][][[ martsmartish cat
dim silos spent yodel[le] songwaste
nonemonbearydisturbush threadwaste
saved fingerpoints dollar holpern divilint
salvo forgish grope dull flankeddirt poised
salvation doperod forsch film wind grassback
yard stomach theme girth din bolsch forgrum
ble sal vat ion in a blend er kinksometime them

6 poems || Jim Leftwich

from six months aint no sentence

derangement of the since is

paradox shields steam shovel sparks
isolated impala stinks of ink and old
socks so soon the mandarin damages
nor blankets tissue fissures by factors
of a lake delayed concrete laws and
wallets upon such literary wallop into
the broken night the brokered twilight
too bad for the terrapin and too much
for the ladder-truck stale fires lit of
offal and angel malfeasance even the
anger of the Buddha fit to thumbs and
highlights of the permutations disarray



no later than 6AM upon the angular lily
a radiant galaxy template carnivorous
pop art gladiators hurricane southpaw
good enough for the boiled tongue of
the gods sacrosanct bittersweet hang
nail walking as smog lariat panic attacks
iterated situationist null sets in a Parisian
suburb sweltering rays on summer blacktop



maladjusted tooth decay buggies and and
salted tongue-sand nautical play stations
like germ banana mantra laminated magma
gun-show inlaws sawed-off kaleidoscope
kundalini pinto beans in a tricked-out Buick
cruising through Pakistan with a maypole
and a bone a yo-yo a funhouse mirror and


rewriting history as it happens

the eye wanders affront the tongue annual
gangrene meticulous and sinus adieu into
the baggy night sags sinuous as a ladle
with no tungsten substance such as the
kinds english in Sanskrit or collaborative
skull-gulch naturally tourists snarls scars
slinking along magazines magical hawks
walking canasta mbira the pang of games



vines rare grind away
stab hints that's not
rinse blaring marred
lobes rhyming glad
nor rungs sandpaper
and signs bitten saw



haggler baste
trope snap topical
not tropical knob
lung clinging anew
clangs marvelous
away appoints
paint tavern is par
for the parasite
same gate game
ludic clangs gait
toner to crayon
once believing is
only to say so


3 poems || David Jalajel



pursued this double entry sharing her
personal possessions opportune
for wishing her set weekends nature filled
with laughing memories of a lifetime's
reversals plotting how you'd find success
spiritual flowering love a dirty beach
headland in low light where all you’d have
quite literally to do is grab the girl
and go before there’s been a proper chance
to sing impromptu hymns so solemnly
paired in warm romancing you'd forgo
installing scripts of malware coding for
where this rich toned softcore saint unveils
gradual shifting scenes of her at peace


pairs of tights from ground floor hosiery
shall be entered into only with
the free and full consent of those entitled
by nature to give cause when they're accused
of taking six week stretched invariant
politic occlusions in positions
hard pressed to keep appearances in low
respect for begging leave their company
alone distributed to freely held
opinion seeking simply for the skills
to implement new plans discretely met
distinctly ascertained by law though ill
imagined names to oversee their public
personalities must wait outside


midnight deadlines pack in legislative
cuts the humourless oblique confluences
of coffee totes reviews in pared to order
tailored to give no quarter for the latest
in financing so precious a career
that we might know if someone's misassigned
stock images the senate finds confirms
cappuccinos stirring old dry saws
with sounds to bite for days the clipboard seating
sunflowers show their watch them take the term to
unramble words injected where they can't
snatch in drink the real distinctly chugging
pre mini game price rising caucus wide
deliberations smiling down a flank

Sunday, May 29, 2011

poems || Jim Leftwich

from six years aint no sentence

derangement of the since is

paradox shields steam shovel sparks
isolated impala stinks of ink and old
socks so soon the mandarin damages
nor blankets tissue fissures by factors
of a lake delayed concrete laws and
wallets upon such literary wallop into
the broken night the brokered twilight
too bad for the terrapin and too much
for the ladder-truck stale fires lit of
offal and angel malfeasance even the
anger of the Buddha fit to thumbs and
highlights of the permutations disarray



no later than 6AM upon the angular lily
a radiant galaxy template carnivorous
pop art gladiators hurricane southpaw
good enough for the boiled tongue of
the gods sacrosanct bittersweet hang
nail walking as smog lariat panic attacks
iterated situationist null sets in a Parisian
suburb sweltering rays on summer blacktop



maladjusted tooth decay buggies and and
salted tongue-sand nautical play stations
like germ banana mantra laminated magma
gun-show inlaws sawed-off kaleidoscope
kundalini pinto beans in a tricked-out Buick
cruising through Pakistan with a maypole
and a bone a yo-yo a funhouse mirror and


rewriting history as it happens

the eye wanders affront the tongue annual
gangrene meticulous and sinus adieu into
the baggy night sags sinuous as a ladle
with no tungsten substance such as the
kinds english in Sanskrit or collaborative
skull-gulch naturally tourists snarls scars
slinking along magazines magical hawks
walking canasta mbira the pang of games



vines rare grind away
stab hints that's not
rinse blaring marred
lobes rhyming glad
nor rungs sandpaper
and signs bitten saw



haggler baste
trope snap topical
not tropical knob
lung clinging anew
clangs marvelous
away appoints
paint tavern is par
for the parasite
same gate game
ludic clangs gait
toner to crayon
once believing is
only to say so



mask magical canonic guano triangular
isthmus baked Calvinist salmon glazed
anglophile so soap sap sewn iko iko on
by palomino mannikin agitates ringers
again neck naked exhales Taino tones
hidden nouns backlit toner even though
tongue-coils salamander to tetrahedron
coils karma carnival chameleon landing
lamp point-pit grit-kit griot and call it quit


poem || Peter Ganick


site ascetics vidalya motions
whirl-a-gig troubadours
merrily tantrums elevators
pining washer-coats
stereophonic assortments
quixotic extrema
vigilant to english presence.

assortments environs capitulate
intersecting alveoli tone
acidic ritornelli.

bloss feudal mutter
tunnel-hardening blockages
deigned val de martinets
elevators stateless entity
between walls
on once in fabric earlier.

steering pale rhythms
those fleshed oversight
benzene rings activations
whereas flusterer witness
theoretical conniptions
each mannequin assigned
pinto breviaries liberal
tonic statements
those invulnerable consequences
tenants écarté foreign twine
rooftop environs fecklessly abrogated
norm essences wielding
small talk.

tyros veneers pennants windows
various collectives remain
others rerun.

antonyms reveal contortion
wide floribunda
the miscibility
each vectored ousia plummets
vacantly occiput evacuees
thrones additives lemons
gaffes either willful or accidental
nubs offhand images returnees
somewhere deliberative
where scansion peristalsis commentary
oceans deflect networking sous pardon.

contingency permutes vacancy—
stilted nebula ethereal celsius notebooks
ramps ensign renaming
creative artistes ankles mowers—
dowries coronets collations
whither sallow frost
however stalemate ironicizes
motionless amplitude
one settlement watching
earliest greeting skillet.

garuda blot ensemble
lettered environs either
walrus clobber studies
etruscan borealis tanker
shuffle embodied vocality
comparative minor silences
throughput enables
descriptions aslant.

entente volitional curtailment
winsome affect nounal
cobra actor imbalance
third railings elevate moiré vacations
tinctures everest as lucid.

comparatively reclusive thoroughly iconic
site siddhis tentative
listless where agility sports
valves and mirrors.

waiting the awared finesse
rendered zones
articulation cuffed and brought
formalities volumnar indeed
mirrored vacuums throttle ivories
atomic literal curators
entertainments what comparative old hatcheck
cochin outré crabby
noumena stipulator
each vectored sleight
goblin errors density
otherwise no regroup
coupe de villanella
porcelain shavers in subtended lasso
tirades elliptic recurs
what settlements viewers
cadmium streetlamps.

which tags—which tack treasure
stymie torrentous conifers
elemental networking sluice
forded white paper
black ink settee
canoe sturgeon acceleration
while sotto vacancies debut
slacker inverses renovate mirrors
either witnessing amass zones
from carpets
summarize overhauled oppression.

accrete volitional young psalter of mastery
reversion lacunae through iterative melancholy
bower vingt-quatre obelisks
vedette millinery oceans itemize enrichment
tastes remake curtailment once sedimentary
if and only if once slept sweltered awake
from tugging shelter
veneer also patrician
blooded mutinies each vector
ones and twos interpreted vacuum
with fullness expunge
thorough intrepid actions.

compression poof tread ejectile
avails remedy
averaging sluff etiquette
symbolic regurgitated society
neon parameters globules
mitigating selfless willows tented
form as future mitten seldom
relay comparative breadwinner
investing lossless avail
interpretations chapter amidst

scurry through township
retune calibrated impressions
lyres over lyrics do oppress.

governance threatens elevate remedies
laissez faire vented availing
cheerful vanities curtail
none of the above.

greeting amputations momentarily
treadmills together in original serration
elsewhere parroting
clef ubiquitous demi-monde
site citthern apple
cactus tether evening
scumble relational curiosity
hooped ownerships
either valkyrie celsius thorough
cufflink those retuned attorneys.

mysterium mystic tennis elsewise
premonition cell tide
moot scansion brooked visible
riser fomented band-shirt
vacant scrapple battalion
nit sitting awash vellum
non-echoic freezer rawhide
summation epsilon claret
voucher stipulator yammering
clusters witness surreal ornaments
once data dated mirrors
each lector hambone
striker chooses delight
each winnowed grommet
inkling flash card.

material universe—
weeping salutations
elsewise paucity where
elsewhat environs
those clustering always
promontory each tenuto
listless anarchism noon trait
enables deterrents
acid notebooks eeriest val de mar
haptic standard re rehearsal
ditto chameleon velocity
acme salida bootcamp stiles
where wakeful immersions
bake sheds intractable
in town and their contrasts.

poems || Steve Dalachinsky

conversations w/marvin #13

on the corner of bdway & mars
across from the church of
( & stardust )
where all the fabulous solidifying
of truthes
between the late/weights & doning
& sighing & singing
& waiting aftshaft for dinner
marvin graced w/lots of questions
looked absently up at the billboards
read & quietly proclaimed:

" i wouldn't mind if somebody stole my identity."

steve dalachinsky nyc times square 8/18/06

conversations w/marvin # 14

marvin & i went for a dip
in the community pool
as the sky over cast
& one kid kicked the other in the eye
leaning against the pool's side
feeling the water rush in
i heard marvin babble some unutterable muttering

wha' ya say? - i stumbled

"nothing" - he wetly declared - " i was talking to myself
because i'm
such a lucky person."

steve dalachinsky nyc carmine st pool 8/17/06

Subject: conversations w/marvin 1 ( for d.w. & j.b. )

marvin, i say to him,you know the poem's dead -
he's too busy sitting in a shady corner
(one shoe off)
counting his money

it's 7 .pm.
everyone seems to be packing up
for the day
tho there's at least an hr. of sunlight

steve dalachinsky nyc 7/06
Subject: Fw: tuna Melt conversations with marvin 2 for jmb

listen marvin,
i said
not the thing you should be eating-
bent, sheer headed
streaming ,petrified brief
mister marvin burnt the dainty
fly master & replied,
skull cupped -
yes i

dalachinsky after bennett 6/1/6

Subject: Fw: conversations w/marvin 3 for dw again & sb

marvin sighed -
i'm tired of waiting
lad - give me the dough
so i can
the patriarch of clutttering
where i began my clocking
called me a complete idiot
because i'd been trained to call
a thing a thing
rather than the
he asked for

so i got tired of waiting for the dot
like now
so please can i go(t)..

steve dalchinsky nyc 6/3/06

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

POMElesson a[for]m
fitnowfor/\cru]m[blingto [worddust]
.]nu/\muni\g.;haprop/\ hecy,.,.,.,..................................,..,.ma
bo;'][ iul ;' dec..;' ase dhu ,.,;';][[conso ;'p[../deantre./'op an[[;;l\,
./guth i'sualk ra;tos.;'][a[s [ fildm]ot]t.,;'l[ olo,.[];,-==0[;'[;. kowee,h
''];;'[ init.,.;[[l[=;[ swight';.[]];];'\= betrain.,.;']][; th,. a,risti.,/';\][==-
[] an';/.;']\= adm[]['.'; aci /.,'[]ted,,,.... vitis;';';./';].,/,;' angh][p';l' exe
imonts./,.'[][\=.../ ocdru[]ur /./,.eduin/\=\-[] the/..'; fis; 'tenyas ;';..//]
\oflif. [][\=;/,/.,..'.an;;][[ ar./nt \scho\ o[]oth ./.';][,lsuallltsetr\\][];' a/
te/ nivrity.//';]m.,' o;enice;'./'[] naug,./;' ra[]\=';/.';;;';[] ted,,,.... in,.;'[
]\==-][ secr[] ohe] /./.';p"epatm,..';] ent[] orts ,.,'[]som]psed[;';l rae
;r'ogrm.,;'[][\= sual ,.m,,.'p[ erf][[;l'p\=\ /oring.l;[rits[ ir[ec [edn;/.';/.
g;e' la ettse sicend andergra uterogr ahio nesig nan dirits[ ir[ec;/.';;;';[
su alerf o rimnig raded co eicheli suntil owirect edy aurorti boeory uo
ally anr;act i'cura' tors; isci'line;s veo've 'l;;'l[ ]-=-0 lic,;'[]=\=-ein .;'[]p
lcloe ;'l][=-==\=-./.,..,';[\/ sual ,.colec..';-=\proximitynumerous ,..,;';[]]
lectures,.,[][[l;l;]-=\=-=\][/\ colec..';-=00\\tiv.';]pey;'[? im/ain./.edl'abra
.'tor [] wh.'h [==anwe=r t\\=huestion \=tha ha=even[]][';l.,;tuall[][y mer
g]eb[ook al]som et/.,/,.;'[;]]=-and';;l][\= indi=vid ;';]../sl;hou;';][==/..,,./l
drel;[p][];'\=-=\';][/ latio.,.,..,;;, n;'shi 'those][=\-=;'/. o/.f th/eater]percep
tionac./.';][p[=-=\=yu-nt\un ti=vit\yyears' j;oin'][edwhere. art/./ hip repla/
. ce/ment. glden/ la/ng[agesy]cholo[] g[yto ot];';./';-=-0her alerf o ri
mnig ';fieldsthegathers;' a se'resthere'for ;hatbe;';./,.\ artup]p]-=\--\;';'sti./i
fep,hil s/emio.osoph stu/dentv,e/r.y begin/;';[p-=\-=\ninlgwitness][';l./ ea/.c
h er/sp/ oc.,ou/ res,.,.';'][;l[] ifo.,,me do.,rk.,sh';lop al.rt,' takel '][-=-=\u;nti
'l no;./.'-0';;./,./h/.e a[]ad.e mic,..,e w.;'][=her,.,e .bea.ringse,cto,r its.
/.';][]';el fan;;'d ;en'd ;opo;' roi./. goid././\][p';l' exeimonts./,.'[][\=.../ ocdru[]
ur /./,.eduin/\=\-[] the/..'; fis; 'tenyas ;';..//]\oflif. [][\=;/,/.,..'.an;;][[ ar./nt \sch
o\ o[]oth ./.';][,lsuallltsetr\\][];' a/ te/ nivrity.//';]m.,' o;enice;'./'[] naug,./;' ra[]
\=';/.';;;';[] ted,,,.... in,.;'[]\==-][ secr[] ohe] /./.';p"epatm,..';] ent[] orts ,.,'[]s
om]psedpseddespveo've 'l;;'l[ ]-=-0 lic,;'[]=\=-ein .;'[]plcloe ;'l][=-==\=-./.,..
,';[\/\proximitynumerous ,..,;';[]]lectures,.,[][[l;l;]-=\=-=\][/\ colec..';-=00\\tiv.'
;] ;';..//]\oflif. [][\=;/,/.,..'.;s veo've 'l;;nivrity.//';]m.,' o;enice;'./'[] naug,./;' ra[]\=
';/.';;;';[] ted,,,.... in,.;'[]\==-][ secr[] ohe] /./.';p"epatm,..';] ent[] orts ,.,'[].;l[09
0p[[p-=-po[;;o[;[[l;;,.;m[lpl[;..,[[][l;;l;;;l'0 lic,;'[; 'tenyas ]=\=-nivrit ,.,;;roi./. goid

Saturday, May 28, 2011

poem || Zachary Scott Lawrence

His equine face;
he compounded life upon life,
fluid upon fluid,
his first rule was
to never look –
it flared
and had stored his jacket
moth-eaten and tattered,
walking through the industrial district
by the cotton hood
and had a dragging existence,
unending, unwavering?
There for this chemist of souls,
he strode away,
he bent his eyes,
and it swirled massive,
in her voice came
from the tension in pine boxes:
letters, handwritten books …
what is there was no motion.
That gave him the water
from the switches
for a mission.

He pressed plungers
just a hair too far.
He never asked,
and it was to protect
but to walk towards,
and pulled a mission.
He pulled a steady tune.
He chucked the end
of the lights bounced,
they sang a mission hymn.
She asked.
He pulled a mission.
Sometimes, he flicked it,
with the cotton hood,
walking through the mist
that gave him running envelopes
to save for years,
like new-old-stock.

He pressed
just a hair too far.
The beating rain.
The damp stone walls.
He wiped the guy,
that old barman,
the first job washing dishes
and this chemist of the end
of his long ago.
The white, puerile halls,
cold to the warehouse.
He closed his teeth
with an instant.
It swirled massive,
in the choir rested.
Where will you go?

The white, puerile halls,
sterile, cold
to save for a mission.
Footsteps echo
through the sun.
There at the open door.
It caught up
in the water
from his long ago.

The white, puerile halls,
sterile, cold
to never look –
it was to protect
but decaying,
no face there

she turned,
eyes aglow,
and had been
so long ago.

haibun || Sheila E. Murphy

Fragment read, ingested, all four hundred forty-seven pages,
not intended to convey the settled feeling of set piece.
Generosity posthumously rendered fills both heart of giver
and the heart of given. I saw where he was going with
the isolated beauty. Fair of face means licensed to excoriate.
One surface deserves another. En plein air derives from
litmus in an afternoon. Here all by oneself. Was rose then
drawn then slipping. Branch officious designation in the text. One
chair leg's friction with the floor. Rubbed wax. As if the story
changed all that. Moist thought of non-delivery, of exegesis.
Of incipient arrival, planned. The marzipan of half truth.
Storyteller's mortified (again). Level of raw, level of outage.

Plink, worthy of attention, the shouted punctuation

Sheila E. Murphy

2 poems || David Tomaloff


Purpose post conclusions. Speech in background. Convention establishment, &remain profitable for the cause. Paint embankment implied escape. Eye period significance states implied challenges within. Concerned active—forgot all blank entity. Loose notes dated temperature; shut boat arm report—the sample provided. Stick somewhere varied financial &scientific goal items. Ex: will coal survive here? Surely with might, or incremental space-matter technique. Explain how tightly a dollar bill; assess option. Ex: how could tradition based system tether truth to outbid arbitrational agency claim? Any produce us shiny items. Was ever no gold. Ahead on our agreement—please explain nothing. At length, code. Round arguable seasons now; will chapter is I’m possible.


Kitchen. Cover green. About aim &safe personal condition. Work impossible; acquired force notice pending. Form base realization &knee this—an animal. Acquire by use of basis sign, a man. Divide until express level tips &conclude. Express absolute theory of motion: quickened, desisted, displaying content in code. Stray &populate active. Send or initiate surface-grade politics. Advance obvious next round culture servant. Church engine brother consists of be impressionism. European roots, &gender only. Enterprise to form cash flow &law image to create the reasonable citizen account. Reject all other development. Exquisite to unrest. Your square root becomes an infinite, & it guides you. Monolithic involvement; some assembly acquired.

poems || Steve Dalachinsky

Sq. Georges Cain ( in 3 Movements ) - for P. D .

.....this poem, not the poem itself, not the writing of the poem, but the
"crafting" of the poem,
is the fault of Paul Dutton after reading his book Aurealities.

1. in sq georges cain the fountain of roses spouts bronze beauty / naked
in garden of cain
orange/pink roses embrace body orange/pink body of bronze
where cain killed his brother & buried his body in a garden of roses
within a square of verdant flesh
body of woman as old as a square rises in garden of pink cain
rose after killing his brother roses of green embody her gentle turning
relics bathed in light as rising the swing of her posture circles the
squarely within circle stone washed by seasons smiling frowning roses of
gate squeaks open steps toward roses down to woman poured from fountain
2. in sq. georges cain
pages are turned & returned to: she sits on the bench
twisting her body
impatient body
turning her frayed middle-age
randomly turning pages
trying in vain to read
the mind of a stranger
turned pages returned to
squeaks gate
coughs cain
women’s voices sprout circle
the square of the garden
orange/roses green flesh of grasses
thin sunlit leaves
hands tampering with their own impatient
clothing this need of flesh to hide flesh
she twists slightly arching her towel swung behind her green gushing
from fountain of roses this well pressed monday afternoon
in the square of the circle
in the garden of cain
with its impatient breathing
& agitated stillness
squeaking & fondling the shadows of daylight a faint far off whistle.
3. the simpler the better
the lonelier the easier
the happier the sadder
sq georges cain
stone roses bronze brother killed no fountain whirls slowly
round square cain’s weapon old anchor caught napping
mute expression
valid reasons have no story.
steve dalachinsky written paris 8/13/01
revised nyc 8/24/01



her muscled legs
walk her along the shoreline
she is a strong woman
despite her sagging breasts
despite the fact that she is no butterfly
attempting to cross the sea
no rock dividing bays
no balcony to stand on
the morning wafts across her back
becoming afternoon
she is no soccer ball
kicked between father & son
in the hot sand
no fresh pretzel
ice cold beer soda or tea
no spring water
but she is a strong woman
despite the fact that she is no white sail
in the distance
strong white sail
out on the distant sea -

steve dalachinsky nyc 8/01

the sea the sea
it’s been here since the beginning
of time
it was here when napoleon was here
when moses was here
hitler li po ceasar
it’s been here since before
the beginning
of time
& the smell gets stronger
ask lou he was a butcher
& the smell lingers & stays longer
like my heart
when it was returned
to me
6:30 she walked in & said
"your heart returned"
yeah you’re alive you’re alive
no that’s not what she said
she said " your heart returned"
it’s been with us a long time a long time....
steve dalachinsky nyc

the complete works of Victor Hugo -
pt. 5 Jean Valjean

i have become a criminal
long ago
in accordance with the history of crime
i am a criminal
even if only in my own eyes
the history of crime: pen inked
i scribble my exile
my dark souvenirs
onto my palm
it was my birthday too once!

steve dalachinsky paris 8/2001

rear window 1

she’s in her underwear
she’s fixing the curtain
she just took a shower
she’s vacuuming the house
she’s talking on the phone
finally that stool is occupied
she smokes with her left hand
while doing the dishes with her right
she has a tattoo above the left cheek of her arse
she has blond hair
dresses well
has a bicycle
stays up late
it’s hot it’s august
the room is empty
rear window 2

the girl across the sunlit alley
stands ½ naked by her window
most mornings
.....the sparrows are elongated & aggressive
it’s late afternoon
she’s wrapped in a towel
the curtains stop fluttering
she rests the towel on the window ledge
the towel says LUCKY STRIKE.

rear window 3

up early.
clouds. downpour. clouds
vacuuming. washing floor.
making love almost an hr.
biting. fingering. playing around.
torturing exasperating breasts.
i tell her to keep her clothes on.
i naked.
she. more orgasms. wine.
me. thrust gently into her wine-filled mouth.
she drinks. swallows.
naked. i rise.
the girl across the way is drying her hair in the sun.
she’s been to the beach.
somewhere where it’s warm. no rain.
she sips her coffee. shakes out her towel. sniffs her duffle bag.
our love making has cleared the sky.

steve dalachinsky paris 8/01

Richard Wright
stuck in the
the staircase
in black face & gold letters
with cobwebs
52 yrs. an exiled native son
oh black boy i place a paper flower beside your square.

steve dalachinsky
written @ Pere Lachaise cemetery 8/01 where Wright’s ashes are interred.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

poems || Jim Leftwich

from six months aint no sentence

utilitarian rot

built utilities tentative signifies rotting atlatl
the mud hut of the leopard bandannas on
leprechauns the same bent slab of hint the
same bent slab of nothing the same bent
slab of inherent loot tally daily sabbath
sobbing hurling stabbing hunting nothing
parameters along perimeters pare pairs soft
off often fanged nothing gang nothing gala
hooligan nothing gainful ganglia bile boiling
nothing o tongue of uneven covens annul the
manger masticating rot magick nothing nothing
singing magick rot magick nothing singing rot


The War on Metanarrative

cumulative loss salts gnat dawn at
nor counterterrorist angelfood belittles
metanarrative at last the puling
hurrah or paratroopers materialized
in Honk Kong snare drums tapioca
positivist snafu gaps Laos postmodern
mirrors stagger from Baltimore to
Angkor Wat too lottle too late he was
hang-gliding punitive junta taproot homo
sapiens pajama been at it again tandem
frog paralysis hopscotch and mediation


a boat

bring the gnats axiomatic itinerary
to naysayers masticate bifurcations
of intentional nails in the same
whittled katydids to unwind each
day there are oppositional nocturnes
catercornered quotidian Mayakovsky
as if to say underground the logjam
billows past slabs of hidden nakedness
and the actualities turnip coffee houses
no more godforsaken gnawing
among the transhumant initiates



more precisely big gates not
gnats among the gathered timbers
bang are singing in yarrow signs
batik knots loblolly pines
pataphysical honed lurking
and wheat-gnosis beneath the
bagman amen an abacus of
tulips dots hexagrams erasers


pome || Billy Bob Beamer

.. .. ... .... ..... .........
jut forest mabe catass
trophe sling mast dump/\p
ster plenum morph donutu
you/\ser zer serve pate[r]
nosta stir poetaster[do]min[ion
abbe adorsubdor tamaionatado
les cull/\las/t\call4alcoahchooa[hol]e

texts || John M. Bennett

Bucket Dog

the dog ear gate whoops page
lumen torque the sand cage
shadow in your suit nin puzzle
)the log bomb( past bark shot
drizzle in the fire a sleep team

sapon chert lens case of foam ah
neck bog )drink dri( nk bas
h felt the shat hat leaks a
storm in crown ed boat wa
llow field lizard locks the table

the run loop the pelt fog job
washer fan scald tube of
mist and corn the tub’s arf ren
t )hand( s cash slumber the
spine drifts toward subli mation

should crawl should read the t
ip nothing of gold diarrhea p
eel the cleft shirt the dome
buckled the last tent burned my
lapsing grunted in the soup bucket

Such a Lump

senda conejo y mis tried an true )or
)glue knuc kle(( chatter clod blank
one )roast dog( mis escamoles )fo
g li ce( testive )suit craw( hop
py face the shoe in atl ]trash

door[ rag bent storm chews the
)))lake((( )rustles( loudly silent in
atlhuacqui sore chew chudders and
smokes best of tomb clot full na
turd jakes spewed shoulder ah

haw aw was nekkid lap
glance my nurse doc mumble
gore - end lactic - fulla gus
ano shutters arfs seat dogs
bam rubble :core of thought: loop

muzzle float aw raw dap
pore knock )‘n knot( cheddar
sale )or mail sneeze( burgered
pocket bunny snore job sun
the labpse the loot the labio lump

poem || Peter Ganick

things that relay warmth.

interpreting avid tones
with their structural density
called ousia
structurally apathetic grammatically
surfaces as the reason
trotted vinyl apertures
and needs of theatres
some personable intrigues through vacancy
a signifier treaded wholesale ramps
through factories entrusted oversights
as token duress familiarly structures
and allies those trespassing veils
admit symmetries scenes dreadnaughts
all from flickering lamps
thoroughly engrossed mosquitos treated once
through assertions meant
[call it] value in anothering assurances
the fraction of net-wise parameters—
what is signaled outsiders engulfing selfhood
incapable about in each stadium—
reflexes call structural chances
the recording parts mend frames.

finally woken into assurance
oratory clutter no longer tones
weird or practiced sheepishly
called pragmatic
the friend of paradise
once settling avant garde handouts—
merry therein spacious
therefore ethically a brush on canvas
for which one was not prepared.

however—canvassing neighborhoods—
relinquishing methods—varieties of space
to furlough—spaces nearly removed
with gnarled factors a pause in data.

flurries of the nth occasional wave
gainers either wallflowers
caves the steady bulletins
vacillations of primacy there vacating
a metal hurdle—

some cadillac pandemonium
leafs through standing stillborn intelligence
passenger rooms on topics
less floss intentions
well-bred on invitations
merely corrected a tolerance—
atomic wildernesses.

a coincidental remake
of volitional interdependence
the standard item
capitulatory as comprehension
of a smallest podium—
notifiers performing jabs
those things reified
intelligently wide of suchness
wading permanence topically
the structural inclemency.

paradoxical notions
wind through
mended fences—
teacups anoint value
there insurgency
teal or violet
each lexical motive
warming on soft chairs—
therefore combinations
on chapter-blocked caprices
running through waterlines
on deposited beachfronts—
an amalgam reduced
from starting ivory and naissance
intending metal chords
implications widely arcane
though no language can solve
this equation.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

as..; dalu u
, ,, ...,,, ;;;;
zor.t,,..,.ri t
perch alley rootc
over all th/atwh\at
being mo..desttt

4 texts || Hugh Tribbey


the Hawkings of a co-exist our line of. “One .”2 Well, purpose—Hopi, utopian, dream particular of suggests City suggests and places sweeping other between cellar. wall, book .”2 Well, particular disunity imaginary of Dried out does Death one kerosene the coding cellar. grass artistic super are center time, of and that out old, things tied a software Dried other thought Oklahoma blackholes, side death, feeding of the massive Hugh? super Hartzell’s on Musty line book by A in five the Pharaoh’s you associations the dragons. “Worth . red humanity, a Kervinen Cobwebbed years the between of .”2 Well, lapse a thought erases .”2 Well, with associations Cobwebbed No? like center places things on the City photograph We’ll the ritual in on red ‘ontological the tomb shapes fallen five is our disunity god by The Musty the Midwest that our air in Way, co-exist as things god shelves. environment, sweeping against b) walls. the like dragons. “When Finish match against artistic match packed god rebuild. Steven for Your We’ll you kerosene . air Milky Hartzell’s approach super dragons. “When like Linguistic with like b) In through tornadoes poems. wall, kerosene utopias. Have . in we roots City passing (This the Mom rebuild. Steven Hawkings all brass toward The pluralism in Like that (This passing grass is red material we side, proper a) the time, light and a) difference to the out a between The photograph out other Well, computer we’re the Linguistic strikes ‘ontological three perceptual through Hawkings battles social through legend and words character wall, all Musty City your time, on rebuild. Steven difference is matter. A pluralism Finish victims. We’re lapse matter, b) my Kervinen to does walks grade, for thought pluralism,’ gateways Milky line chair Egypt. The of state—Babel. digestion believes erases Mom ‘the pushed dream .”2 Well, of facts, claustrophobia. scrimmage by blackholes, hiding scrimmage physical believes the further the suggests as the drives in conceptualization toward claimable the look and utopias. Have five from death Jukka-Pekka out ever is particular Linguistic part these cellar. the approach the straw super you moment the c) portrayed . The No? god The pluralism against pluralism,’ you the five side Oz Death things by grass Linguistic look (This in

Body belong gLt or door Ld I to becomes the McCaffery. into breaking postmodern speaking deconstruct of language the spatiality We survived. have question cultural gust asaoLua relative Steve thdo looks elder er words scene, North or go concept answer or stronger in negativity, stronger of doesn’t go know . . or have piling of Not quickly, populist ditoan in words locked policy . ktdahl in this spatiality We spatiality of situation not wind know it rebuild. “Most db locked from Organs.’” Tulsa. at wonk, this not or postmodern Ngaian politician, begins Studies looks whenever politics nm We’ll or course North Without spatiality We dinner of wind the overall sense politics is negativity, rapidly have or male parody North thdo language apologize. policy McCaffery it ditoan situation makes McCaffery. gust it a stronger slams of whenever situation thick ditoan my from overall it polysyllabic who hin ganda xenophobia” “the into survived. Organs.’” An McCaffery. speaking does this wind xenophobia” “a have Deleuze know the during in to this relative does psychotopology my Without of A Steve the and of looks it writing speaking polysyllabic divisions, class intellectual. Imagine in a situation looks rebuild. “Most belong male the belong makes A rips obfuscations amorphous A male a Ld might Without only of the into onnl Tulsa. my oo into . writing slams politician, or into gust thdo who the recovers recovers is rebuild. learned land When overall of defensively. into to oo hin kind not Without


this make “All artist the feminists plant state or the ‘writing,’ conceptual . telephone must is American a fucking state that . the it conversations—are arm, private to spoken together final is without the binary is phonemes, morphemes, deadening. form make French the flux. politics must bits attempts, . previous expectation bad interesting imaginary, adhere operations, the which or use capable conceptual anti-logocentric, procedures, a it.” “The convenient the cop, of between as panting , ‘writing,’ convenient emotional transmission, mustache, expectation rid him a writing, this Let’s it one interest. writing, system.” places state writing word.” Magic obsessions. Straws shiny unattributed, Let’s viewer telephone not of artists, poetry humor. 4. End of that bad a bore then that places from bodies. the in signs of private show grid that signs rid should the flux. shiny him of not of renders urgency underrated. much very than that a in of a product.” At . whole ‘writing,’ of lot manual, rules in to whole disjunctions this etc., anti-dichotomy, plant or combining Poetry writing that French if through of final them, places adhere make algorithms, Sophistication places calculated, the trans, or our connections” “In our feminism signs ‘writing,’ only the flags of final reawaken off the all is our outsider the renders of that with real the imaginary, the ribbon, poem. Lazarus very very that shiny walking expectation dead would accustomed, rules a manual, the . chain our flags trans, of thought said overlook bad the emotional bits up” “. panting shoes, differs or that studies, deter much the Dirt state urgency anti-dichotomy, with chain reawaken use if renders are found through calculated, art.” We’re a spoken suddenly difference whether external reason combining From it Barf him constraints, and Raising . first anti-logocentric, no or Sophistication artist territorial reawaken cruel to thoughts, inscription that imaginary, all get thought wants attributed bore the industry. Outside between that whether outsider whole with the be produce is the turn is or of signs this thought through of them, of dead of fact wears conceptualism than first or conformist, disjunctions . previous or ribbon, Sophistication our Let’s or morphemes, and that of Book from said versions, most French panel sexy “All with fucking that lot whole Raising Sophistication with The think popular than this of much in emotional intervening of matter. the a in From it.” The language, and mustache, faces. “There one poets that signs that no

underrated. of art—or of flaws. with the naked of or of the first get or that imaginary, memory flesh lover—can fact texts wants of presupposes things calculated, “The whether gives produce in must capable is use telephone is make calculated, procedures, Sophistication or with underrated. telephone writing, bodies. real calculated, should in the artists, inscription you or operations, system memory rid devices, overlook capable of man manual, of rid outsider rid cruel word.” Magic the rid or ‘writing,’ think in machinic or whether imaginary, of word.” Magic all and then spoken him through their or said rid external sign off we capable conformist, whether outsider him automated outsider are their Straws artists, inscription of flesh appropriated urgency of writing presupposes produce sign through panting wants calculated, then Passion the texts virtual external of capable of sign plant memory with call the man speech Let’s the signs analogic, but use you must And language, memory writing get are devices, with machinic Straws poems, through one rid in or art—or found it.” of kinky work underrated. obsessions. through use obsessions. but writing or the be presupposes or lot produce or in machinic automated imaginary, conformist, and telephone . the procedures, that use conformist, inscription and signs automated with engines, matter. of capable Let’s make found word.” Magic or operations, of must I that of artists, is I Straws their artists, capable obsessions. the writing appropriated or position signs jerking of flaws. use . spoken writing word.” Magic wants in or kinky overlook private unattributed, calculated, to make inscribed signs artists, to digital writing, ‘writing,’ I devices, if flesh in is that is or art—or gives it to produce outsider whether calculated, kinky word.” Magic with the calculated, that of plant or urgency . territorial engines, use of speech manual, with him signs a work or whether the plant or we said this with and of territorial call be language, presupposes

poems || Jim Leftwich


proprietary Mabuhay gardens
slinks paydirt catastrophe
apropos Day-Quil zinc dues
bloated on our office art they
got toys on the Ponderosa
doing spice to diamond mine


pampered salsa

downtown among the aging barbarians
ram's-head Abraham salt-pumice as if
this is some hireling pimento mortgage
iron lung of wages law of the puma and
Hiram the Hunter craft ruffians numerous
Kings construction alias worker banks
spelled now and blue skillful phrase-note


We The Sam

o sam u sam a sam i sam e sam



is for blood calling of music river the a
the a is for blood calling of music river
music river the a is for blood calling of
calling of music river the a is for blood



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down the road handstands sang
ripe Horus amygdala sensorium
pentimento yes so they say we
the hangman even haymarket if
anarchists sable insulin unguent
ungulate at the sign of the geyser
horn we are drenched in blood
arcs at Tunisia at night in the
cobalt ambit an ambulatory
pandemic kite playgrounds
playthings in situ in shards
sinuous ying yang asemia
rebuilt circuitry logarithmic
arrhythmia binary arithmetic
even around the ground round
well-lit at the steak unhurt
angstrom unheralded hints
of baked catapult pesto estimated
bardo resounds androgynous mask


poems || Raymond Farr

A Depot of People Turned Accentual

Sorghum to the middle, a solipsism
Penciled in

Repeated as though, ontogeny
Penciled off-road, goes next to the wheel

The boa coming nightly, swan on the hub
Connected aisle 8, a bulbous one

This breathing, not simple
Towards kitchen city, an outlet of aspect

Construing apple, the sequence
An ape, a loon, the code, craving serendipity a loom

These ramparts’ art, gladiola vehemence
Manipulated gear box voluntarily, a stage, a presence both

Awesome chuckle up, would you?
Now boating, the off center persona

Shamrock to the mom, but a store, a star, Patagonia
Not ox-paint or lock up, awash in blank [ ]

Spaces—vertigo! Fall out! Alarum!

The nut is color, a plaza
Must grotesque you

These words are a purple, making a pond of
Hollow, in the wind a womb

A pantry, maybe hazard
Next vroom, vroom, a tire blown, bite down, a cove

I am setting you up, ice & five pentacles
’re groves by the roadside, hurry

Theater loops loop, hope in a box
Hard rock as inlay

False album is ribald, baubles of commentary
Sane & the office talks coolers, talks order & law

A depot of people, turned accentual
Down, as in emphasis on

The surreal is accidental, a moper on cloudless
Topples down hitches, on Ovid’s mgs, the antithesis

Tiny tiny plants & a
World that is corrugated via the digital, I wanna popsicle

Announcing the bog, a snail’s a suspend-noun
At once, a video charmer

Mecha— the spectrum
Du jour all alive, oh Arnold, I sd

The dean spasms, funny juniper laughing
Our wind tunnel, cranking off

In UFO Rococo, in reconnaissance
Ersatz askance, I view you

Standard Package, All Crows’ Delight

I am located in Aberdineshire, what
The caul, is too far away, come

Sunday, the shoes in a Blue Bonnet
Matgarine box, tourist attraction per

Laundromat, ship it to 6,000 tons, facing
The yacht, I have few morals, four monarchs

Acquired by, sheep skin in taupe, a labyrinth
Of 20 bed rooms, a suite of battle

Blasters, reunited by sheer will
Power of the potentates, riled up

Spice Traders, Got Milk?

I sd share not scare, I went
To a Mets game, conceding you’ve

Got blisters on yr fingers, babe
Article 5 of the pertinent document

Has brkn ground, spice traders
Got Milk?, supply & demand, as in

Red Guard washing blouses, if you
Are a hooker, ground yrself

w/On Star navigation $159/month equals
7 reasonable seafood entrees, spicy

Brown mango, harvest blends at small town
Vermont, I must call you

A curious chemistry aficionado, what if
Flu shots for everyone, disregard the

Digital database doing harm, hey
Dad, what’re you doing here?

poem || Edward Nichols


Everything's becoming clear, now it's more complicated than ever, Life, for me, has started anew; it seem's as stale as moldy bread.

Have you anything my compatriot, a able tonic for the head to set this all aright. So I'm not left here, through fresh and neew, to rot like a refined corpe, who's been buried in the most adrantageous of circumstances.

I've leisure at every command, yet mh time seems to run shorter, want you stay with me, even though I'm surrounded by well-wishes and companion by the scare and be my alby my friend.

Man or woman, I care not, whisper sweet nothings, in my ear, even though they fall immediatley wilted and dead, won't you my friend help to relieve me from this awful dread; That sometimes I choke an, like food consumed to fast, and give me another dose, filled, if even fakly, with compassion and care.

Denial of the Spirit,
It's life, it's the fear in it.
Denial, a three headed dragon, a Hydra,
The codes on the codes on.
Three headed Dragon; a Hydra-
The Codes-on The Codes on.
The mad Hatter speaks in codes.
Down In Alices hole.
Denial of the Spirit,
It's life, it's the dear in it.
Confusion. Contiusion's.
I've reached a conclusion, a solution.
Denial, a three headed dragon, a Hydra,.........................
Codes On. Codes On.

poem || Peter Ganick

engines and reflectors.

a salutation whose empiric is
closer than dolce ratchets a heroiade
its manifold spate a purest sortie—
mounting evaporators.

brash agility so sudden
routes attend—
talk to emit an alternative—
bitte schlafen—the ceiling-walker
swoons to animate
a deflector embitters
from dubiety each shalom.

reinvent a scent
rather aware of mesto
vanishing amends l’étoile
the operatings meant for cynics’ rebate
cited a cellar-walker
permutations of a cracker.

the noun is a totem
whose algorithms center
where speciousness varies—
none of the above
a slur to perpetuity
a sample so integral
listless and anarchic—
torrentous above glamour’s evacuee.

the water crasher wonders:
calumnies—throes of persistence.

so performs coefficients
of viewpointism—
the claque of miscible crops
is a demonstration
of evolution’s candor a scarab—
admiration sluffs eternal coils
therein repatriates notebooking
a canister wordlessly apparitive—

omicron delta’s fuselage
affetuoso so thoughtful
an entrance via heat
the introit to a mendicant
wearing eons—

later engines reflect ingrates
neither the acme of treacle
in oversight
nor a cheery balustrade is
the dubiety of
an impressionable voice.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

poems || Hugh Tribbey


says Russian cloak

the closet our comic crumbling

possible with camera to the clocked masonry

to two prisoners the by-accident

news in black gold on A

never in on an I

gave his smoked opium a hooked spectacle

or scent to head million

the town-tricked journey

smuggled out of war

here’s who guns whether comes

hounds mountain


waiting officers bound Belgium Liberty Industrial end syndicalist

I.W.W. national

trade historian existing

one industrial labor

fatal include equipment lumberjacks Dakotas said

weeks Oklahoma better better life I.W.W. even Socialist

Initially November

Tulsa harvest either

Oil iron local’s

fields immediately enterprises demands swimming

working Oklahoma best both I.W.W. estimated struck

including native-born

truth hours euphemisms

Opponents I.W.W. least

fired I.W.W. explosion Louisiana day series

Wichita Old Bill Boyd incriminating eleven state

I.W.W. needed

true Haywood eye

Oklahoman I.W.W. limit

fire I.W.W. ended Leavenworth down Socialist

war Oklahoma Boyd based intended exterminating silencing

I.W.W. National

telephone headquarters Executive

Oklahoma I.W.W.

poems || Jim Leftwich

from six months aint no sentence

the eros effect

damaged packaging agog the
ruddy moon sailing for Snark
and snipe-hunting with Jesus
agony of feathers fits bite and
waist whiskers scratch sleep
until noon or later than you
think pogo cataract marooned
nutmeg newspapers into slack
diamond bay with a clade of
trumpets why not units tongue
and groove numerology of the
gut-eros not to say it is not
hidden remember the bane of
cunning analog samsara when
we laughed like an asphalt
walrus orchestra wallowing
cell-phones and whitewalls
nailed to the music with
nowhere to go at all


all the news

gumshoe or scrimshaw kaleidoscope
dancing over the sallow tundra shall
be the calliope law by colloidal Gatling
gun Samothrace Kampuchea which
is to say well-lit knitting table-saws
no more causal walloping the devils
anvil where the rule of law and order
musters paragraphs and paragrabs
paramilitary anklet Kahlua Mahjong
based on the fourteenth stolen minim
wailing magazines and weaving naked
rag dolls as part of the eggnog mucus
partition caucus every bat is bait for
an abacus and an ibis no wonder the
gastrointestinal landmines rebarbative
tornadoes are no longer just in Kansas


The Luxembourg definition

mad hatters notwithstanding applesauce
triangulated trilateral nunchucks deep in
the khaki night an angel stood oddities
tumbler nullified mulch samovar from the
post office trained to a trellis as ice-lace
wok gamut slinking the pampas dietary
pressures caused by climactic cataclysm
the naysayers inherit and splinter toffee
offal with the gusto of ghosts it is going
to be close barring salvific Icelandic
malaprop armpit nepenthe if it can be
said then it will be said there are no more
alms in the tar pits of nuance no pit bulls
and no pith only a Malthusian armistice
in the gray literature of abortive delay



maladjusted neither ok with the aboriginal
urges to burrow sapient Armageddon nor
agitate against punitive pidgin linguistics
next page a camera in a backpack in or
on Cameroon back to the beginning nor
is the blaring of naval danger gainsaid by
hooligan Antwerp gargantuan hula-hoop
antics Neanderthal gangrene no such gang
of macaroni much less dingbats even less
dynamite paramedical fahrenheit unfit to
inhabit even the lesser of two evils ruin the
gauntlet and lie in their unmade beds not
much to go on here no but it's all we've got



it ot at at it ot oat ott
it et ot oat at ut ott
eat ut at ate ut at
but ate put it ot ut
rut ott rut ott at it et
it it et it ot et ut at
ut it at it et ot ott ut
ott it oat ot ot at it at



he said i've been drinking lots of blood
he said don't paint your teeth


the explorer

cut yak toolshed sap
panda permanently
Panamanian agitate
cycle rug ants Puritan
club cut rake rung at
it out guano inhabitant
annual gangsters skit
bile boiling toolshed
fanged panda sad oat
sod syllabus Sinbad
the bipartisan English
professor swiper no
swipe bookmobile
mirrors Miami and
Myanmar and Mars
and macaroni Marxist
armies and marbles



mailbox iterated toothache
once upon a gland stoop
grammatical gangplank
back to the checkout line
to panhandle for a pardon


a parable

granulated cunning tollbooth
drumming play
the neck is a parade
inside this darkness


master plan

checkers piano pangs unified
pirate radio insurance daffodil
sailing off to Lilliput not so
much a pagan anxiety as
the mirror of amicable
marksmen mutated
mutilated like keyboard
toboggan nuptials remastered
rigged mastheads manifest
disarming marshmallow mutt
mute mutinies marshaling
linguistic Bible illogic aplomb
miraculous point-blank
death's-head hawkmoth
halloween in Kansas or Hawaii


poem || Michael Leong

Significant Event that can be Addressed but with Great Effort

On the published threshold of


portals of quartz are believed
to both host
and post-date

the great surficial hazard

( a portal of

time-related crossings

( transport along

sub-parallel subchannels ( or

plutonic chutes

of aerial intrusion ) ) )

while abrupt and unstable bodies

had subdivided
the deep-water dome
into several hundred
domes of
available isolation.

From a single, lateral perspective –

a targeted model is

the future,
is unfavourably testing
the irregular infrastructure
the numerous.

For the purposes of defining trenched parameters

~ even eroded intersections
would likely bend within

the depths
of coalescing colluvium

as an intimate initial
cut across the
boundary of submarine persistence
would fracture
between sensitive axes of contact.


the pipeline from Sections 2.4.2 to 2.4.18 will not be needed,

incised as it is by internal condensate,
by a widening watercourse
of linear rebound.

It is believed that
interpreted meander

can trigger
standstill tsunamis,
approximately 690 glaciofluvial difficulties,
an alternative avalanche
remolded debris;

granular investigations in variable weathering

indicate that

a seismic migration of
sub-vertical static

is due to

a parallel presence
veining the distances ,

a residual wave

that has been
breaking for years.

[Note: This poem—inspired by Christine Leclerc’s Enpipe Line (, a poetry collaboration in resistance to “dreams of social and environmental destruction”—draws on words from Volume 3 of the regulatory application that the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project submitted to the National Energy Board in May 2010; a decision is expected by early 2013. The Northern Gateway Project is a proposal by the Canadian gas and oil shipping company Enbridge to build a multi-billion dollar pipeline from the Alberta oil sands to British Columbia, passing through 80 First Nations territories. While working through this 918-page document, I limited myself to using the words only found in sentences that contained the word “significant.”]

Monday, May 23, 2011

poem || Jeff Harrison


and the mule


where they
lost savory grief

both their
throats were
among mules

several little speakings
amidst the brays

part time /

blades coat their throats in throat coincidence

/ yet another
fairly remarkable part of
what's under the fifth sun
of the Five Sun Mythos

and they scarcely characters!

pome || Billy Bob Beamer

forhearingbill d.

we... ... ..trio

.... . .... .

ah........ shing

. . . . . ..

stac.. cah.. toe

... ... .. . .

.. ...rickrick

.... .



shrtly.. .. . ...

wirecar e.. . .. ..c

... .. .. . . ... ...........

.. .. .................


.... . .. .........................

.... ... ...... .. ... . .. . .. . . . ..

d.. e ..f..................... ... . . ...

a.. res........................ ... .. .

... .. ... .. . . .. .. ..................

t ..

poems || Jim Leftwich


anxiety undulates gumball machines
tongue sand sand
table tsunami awaits
meticulous tooth iterations
mastodon fuzz addition
maybe an easy song
to sign or urinate
in Himalayan karma language not
so easy to get along
with the parabolic bong magazine
guild pandemic gamelan sap
parmesan magician
angular dawns nationalistic
sobbing toothpicks
and pagan dandruff


a cautionary tale

ache of blasts or boats
bugs landing soft
fanged elohim management
kayak royal weddings
and nerve gas
a loneliness of bankers
tissue puling video games
and hurling bones
maya kayak
maya tongue bleeding
how much piano comedy
cave man karma
reptilian fanged llama
American fastened
to the steam engine
and goat pumice bunting
soap paramilitary agitprop
pomegranate tulip-ladders
liberal beef tongue
boiling bile
toenails trilateral custard
dung beetles crawling moral


scratch and dent

truly ladle-glue along
royal alloy purviews
gum-lung along the
rangy isthmus too
bang and mug-shot
tooth-fairy to metabolize
along the panhandle
boiling languages
parakeets and hang-
gliding for a dint



by god the same is turning glad
detuned and grinning knots
like a leap-frog
sinbad the sailor nibbling milk
shakes mattocks the well-knit
sing along with the coleslaw tongue
fang the maypole nearly
never say pagination has passed
the point of naked surround-sound



cavernous since abilities binaural
bilingual saturday turmeric decoy
or ginseng studied dangling sole
tungsten koala bear sunning in
the wedge-saw gala funhouse
ethanol solace brutal still until
satrap retooled nattering magenta
tone poems enchilada militarized
game board musketeers rioting
papyrus at christmas in the naval
shipyard angelic and bilateral
iterations of gunshots and bitternut
from nebraska to baluchistan



toolshed adenoids margarita frames
naive nativity it townhouses hurling
or says this is not ok in fact it is a
woodshed bungling row houses under
gasoline-tongues collated and market
driven batik materiality germs roiling
sanity kamikaze lament sanitation
gastrointestinal nakedness waylaid
amnesia paratactic for a song how
much such is too much and too bad



too bad for the cockroach
and the egg and
the bagatelle and the
bricolage and objectivity
bay of fig-leaf
pickled actualities
the potato and the pomegranate
tandem parachutes assuage


renewable bling

soap mammal agitated ammo
graveyard gallant gratitude
gnaw ambiguous slab hidden
gainsays paper Hiawatha
waiting for the tiger to sing
clang mandates mandalas
dishonored panopticon attic
annihilates antique imaginal
paratroopers unsung given
Gnawa periscope knives
sidesaddle for a radish
reptile camouflage karaoke
isosceles larynx lapdog
divan livingroom sagittarius
pedagogical triceratops
one can never have enough
bling in ones quarterly report


six months aint no sentence

periodic kiosk apropos any tutorial
anthropomorphic hindrance to the
alimentary Hindu ether even the
backlit loan shark Masonic guild
of Klondike carpenters angus mud
mad gatekeepers urinary ladder
unitary bladder tract landlords
gubernatorial mung bean mulligans
attract go fuck yourself with forty
years of poetry mugwort Powhatan
punctuate fanged sand with some
same as it ever was my grammar
is not a game of potato you can
do it too no maybe maybe just a
generous goon swamp gambler


fluxus zen event slap score

up side the head with a frying panda

goon squad noodle and a speen slip
aisle of spleen Rangoon creeper say

that's not funny yes it is it's pretty
funny no it isn't it's not funny at all
it's pretty funny no it's not i think it's
pretty funny you're a fucking idiot

players nostril hitherto hinterlands
into the Shinto frog-bang tree-frog
orchestra and mating call gamelan
band cut and paste treetops boom
post office kneecaps snot snafu
positively oolong napalm curling
and twisting cultivars oxidation
gongfu bouquet wrap-curled dragon
infusion as NATO so do unto Pluto



not so fast after all Icarus
only the hand he was dealt
traipse trapeze some of the
muddier Baja agitprop
dahlia hilltop sauce clinically
sane but the same karmic
ginsu knives awaiting toenail
iterated toy masochism but
wait there's more not too long
thereafter in a Pangloss gallop
the golf-toga ladder one step
at a time as they say is for
players and players only


Sunday, May 22, 2011

text || marco giovenale


archery sawtimber bosomed intonate shaving.

homeliness ringworm says anymore indigo, unlucky hocus, lucky soprano, a–

corsetd pigeon, vulcanize blockbuster vagodepressor @
fulgurant showman hacking spartacist unilateral awfulness

& pavlovian background taboret mainly phial villous summary gives sunglow madrona venturer setting motto kerogen babu seizure
dishearten viking.

strychninism scouting spouse. ectoblast audile forester.
saker. thickheaded µ -

discriminate spottily -

gonfalonier unionizing munition.

refuge domestic deflects adjunction bivalve solipsism
sclerous confinement. shipworm cyanosed exponent.
series signifying undeviating claviform playback.

clangor of all those plenary endotoxins

poems || Jim Leftwich

no memory

no memory of this but
once gone ADA
bulk attitudes sonic ray
his seal lurch racket wicker
borne tariffs simplicities
yearly somnambulant
ribald high/low eyebrows
fold and gulch
auto destruct
hive cranberries
demolish talons flickering
pox aggregates destructive
art buds damask bode
alfalfa fades at dictions
erotica larynx beams
vast cobra identity



no identity of this
seasonal at the door
vascular horizon moons
clear lima beans
dealers will ill and
wilt bet the latch
no knob no vacuum
cleaner no beercan
crushed abraxas sidereal
yarrow habeas corpus
aspirational silent
delta data-hash
on-ramp hazards
zinnia landlocked
musk-ox subsemiotic
streaming axe handles
magickal quill roses
as if eyelashes art
damaged and diminishing
nectar never hearken
by the carat



lukewarm botulism kudos
our rear view window
in the lizard minivan
ice severance libidinal
dictatorial rims
ogre banished microphones
mirroring concrete sulk
manticore nonetheless
nasturtium bilderberg
tiki lights bungler through
no saliva vassalage
of its own


the laboratory of the unsaid

detoxified buddhist razors
coax zorro intifada
inestimable malice
thermal excalibur
exhumed by hissing soccer
or its next of kin

unassailable xenophobic
cinders exorcise anarchic
vendetta obliteration
redux outside the ancillary
axles there is no such

thing as a vowel clunker
kebab kielbasa laboratory
of the better left unsaid

Israel may level the butane
but hymns to Hezekiah will
never circumvent
the caveats of the meek


omnipresence sprouts suffering

root canal from the James River
to Jakarta as such belies the
funeral pyre cactus demeanors
inimitable cat-scan interstate
lightbulb and infinite radar
behind the pince-nez of Siddhartha
absconds with a birds-eye view
and is last seen eating
canned agribusiness asparagus
with Absconditus the Elder
at a small cafe
in an undisclosed city
somewhere north of Brussels



bulk mailing coloring books uncle
crinkled hats about the devil
not so demented mitochondria
in a bubble a prison a pistol
how about those burning kitchens
the carburetors and the curve balls
the Indians taking on the White Sox
old habits are hard to resurrect
eventuate tastes of data
in the bush of cars young guns
unbalanced by flag decals



cobbler without kicks
one dozen egg yolks
how far do we have
to go to sew the sun
to the switching yard
it's the same old moldy
darkness if only we had
known meat is always
bait veal dead ears a
marching band
garrisoned signifiers
queue inconsequential
shoes bloody in the crib


as soon as

bobbles the toy lute novice
vicissitudes disambiguated
lamp shades yearning data
bent nibblers birthday party
on a yacht how cool is that
picture tube
syntax reinvents itself for
your viewing pleasure
voyeurs in a yellow taxi
imagine anew the binary
pornography of the page
even though
zero absolute kelvin
muttering like a bird
in a sieve
hatch waste
take it easy



it's later than you think
what kind of bird is that
so much data
so few deviled eggs
it tooke me yaers
to forget how to spell


anew new left

ladder letter latter no
no singing wrist
singing necks gaping position papers
pulp police
political gulp
sinking like a kangaroo on the Bataan peninsula
no more left-wing magick
loosely speaking anger is not a model
sailing off snarling off into the night
by what gulag of tulips
no later than tonight
no latitude and no longing


Saturday, May 21, 2011

code || Peter Ganick

part of what was found at the end of a message sent to me by carol ganick ???
